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Grey Snow

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Blog Entries posted by Grey Snow

  1. Grey Snow
    Ok, that epic I've been mentioning (still don't have a set name), well tommorow I'll probably have started the first chapter or two and will post them here as previews when I have them done. I can't do more yet until the Matoran Universe map comes out though, but something to look forward to.
  2. Grey Snow
    More updates for Legacies of the Final Battle, the 08 epic.
    Karda Nui

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Ahkmou will have two forms in combat, my MOC and Kaji's MOC I requested. Mine is his original form and after he fights Taka he changes somehow, no idea how yet, not there yet. Order

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Only two chapters devoted to this really, it ended faster than expected, but the end of it ties it up but will dump some old favorites of mine into the next section. 

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The defense of Metru-Nui begins, Dark Hunters with the Toa Mahri, Hagah, Krakua, Order Leader, and another mysterious Toa (I won't reveal who until the chapter is posted) all at war against the Brotherhood to save Metru-Nui. Others in the fight on the sides are: 
    Order: Kardas, special trained Rahi called Blaster Turtles and I think that's it.
    Brotherhood: Rahkshi, Visorak, Zyglak and I think that's it.
    That should be it.
  3. Grey Snow
    My next RPGS after Power Rangers: Ninja Spirit either dies or finishes. I originally planned to do it like this:
    Power Rangers: Mythic Force
    Power Rangers: Special Defense Taskforce
    Now it'll be like this:
    Power Rangers: SDT
    Code: SCORPIO
    I got rid of Mythic Force just because I didn't want to do it anymore, good idea, but I have an epic of it, so no need to RP it. SDT is a military faction of Power Rangers, Flashpoint inspired me into doing this one first.
    Code: SCORPIO is, well, here:'

    Again, inspired by Flashpoint on CBS.
  4. Grey Snow
    Ok, on Perfect Dark for the N64 I made some Doctor Who files, one called C. Whart (Canary Wharf):
    4 Turtles on hard
    4 Venge on hard with me
    Calisto (sp)
    and I think Gold Magnum
    That is chaos, they are strong, you need instant kill weapons to make it easy, otherwise while you shoot they get them and kill you, its horrible, but fun.
    And I made one called "Dalek"
    1 Turtle on Hard
    7 Venge/Speed (I change it) on Hard with me
    Warehouse or Base or Felicity
    Super Dragon
    Gold Magnum
    This one is easy with Felicity using Speed, but its unfare to the Turtle, in Warehouse its more fair with the larger area, still chaotic, still incredibly fun.
    I should make more, oh, and I modeled the weapons after the episodes, so energy in Canary Wharf, hence Cybermen and Daleks and Preachers, for Dalek, laser is the only energy weapon due to the Dalek gunstick, the others are machine guns, hence the security.
  5. Grey Snow
    1. Finals are over, this was my last day of school.
    2. Over the next week (maybe two) I'll be on less often, having to use the Library while our laptop is fixed.
    3. Expect a new CoT epic soon that I'm writing with another member on another site, we're writing a Power Rangers epic, staying truer to the original, more violent, more story, etc.
    I think that's it.
  6. Grey Snow
    Anyone know where to find any? I'd like one on my PC and I can't find any, I'd love to have one, maybe like an actual Deathnote instead of a cursor, or really anything that can be found. If anyone can help I'd appreciate it.
  7. Grey Snow
    A new movie by Dave Meinstein, finaly he did something after Portal that got approved and is going to happen! And with the return of Portal on June 7th this will be great. I'm going to see this just to see Dave's work again.
  8. Grey Snow
    Again I'm sure I can post these links:
    Don't worry, you won't be Rick'rolled.
  9. Grey Snow
    From the video site I've been inspired to write like three new Doctor Who epics, though I should finish the one I started to post (if the board didn't mess with me more would be posted), they are:
    Memories: The Master after death ends up in Alternate Earth and begins to go after Rose after knowing of her importance to the Doctor.
    --: Possibly a second part to Memories with another Cyberman/Dalek War, like maybe when the Master regenerated into Saxon and was in the TARDIS for a moment in real universe time he was in Alternate Earth and Rose mistakes him as the Doctor regenerated again.
    ---: though they wouldn't be continued, they would possibly be one epic though.
    Return: Martha and the Doctor fall through a hole in the time vortex with the TARDIS and end up in Alternate Earth.
  10. Grey Snow
    Who likes it? And if you do, check back and I'll post what's happened as of yet in an Inuyasha RPG on another forum site, I think you'll like it.
    Edit: I mean I'll post every post, the ICs, not OOCs.
  11. Grey Snow
    I haven't worked much recently, but quick update on a few things I'll add.
    1. Mutated Gavla (moreso than set form)
    2. A bit of change from the book, instead of all five Makuta heading down at once the three canister ones will and then Mutran will betray Icarax and they'll fight.
    3. One of the 8 Makuta will die.
    4. Ignika will use some powers not used in story, like the fact that its body is seaweed and other powers natural to the mask.
    And that's it for now I guess.
  12. Grey Snow
    I can't say the site name since I think it has forums, but it's fun and I get cool images, like this one in the Code Lyoko RPG:

    And this from another forum for an RPG:

    Fun site...and I'll try to find if it does have forums so I can say it...possibly...
  13. Grey Snow
    Just a quick update. List of chapters:
    "What have I missed?"
    Matter of Life
    Dead Walking
    Fractures Pt.1&2
    The Rift Pt.1&2
    When I started today I had just gotten about four sentences of Investigation done, and during the two and a half to three hour car ride today I got to about two paragraphs into Dead Walking. And Sunday is another ride back, so I should get to Fractures, possibly the beggining of Part 2.
  14. Grey Snow
    Rose has returned in Partners in Crime on Doctor Who. Look at my new banner. I may hate the 10th Doctor, but still, he's the current one and Rose is returning with him. Still though, Rose is great and I've been watching a lot of Rose/Doctor videos on the video site and stuff. It's just great.
  15. Grey Snow
    Most of my stuff is going on Hiatus for the time. I have this reason for each piece of work I'm doing:
    MOC's of Lightstone: Still working, not affected
    Siege of the Tower of Toa: I may not end up making this
    Rebirth of Chaos: I'm done with it, not working anymore for the main reason below and I've lost interest in it
    Shadows of Destiny: I lost like seven chapters of stuff and about 30 pages, so give me time...
    Naruto: Still working, I have many chapters to post, but I'm on other work right now
    Deltora: Dead...
    Don't worry Lightstone fans, it's still going along nicely, I only lost a bit of work since I put that bit of chapter 11 up last night.
    Now anyway, my two flashdrives were stolen at school today, so for the time, I've lost so much Oban, a bit of Lightstone, but I have a lot of it saved. So for the time, until this is resolved, if it is, only Lightstone will be updated epic wise.
  16. Grey Snow
    Well I don't know if anyone noticed this last update the other day, but I now have the other chapters decided upon. The new list:
    Part 2: The Rift
    1: "What have I missed?"
    2: Sleeper
    3: Krause
    4: Investigation
    5: Matter of Life
    6: Death Walking
    7: Fractures Pt.1
    8: Fractures Pt.2
    9: The Rift Pt.1
    10: The Rift Pt.2
    I'll let you ask two questions that I will answer based on Part 2.
  17. Grey Snow
    Part 2: The Rift
    1: "What have I missed?"
    4: Investigation
    5: Matter of Life
    6: Death Walking
    7: Fractures Pt.1
    8: Fractures Pt.2
    9: The Rift Pt.1
    10: The Rift Pt.2
    I have just figured out chapters 7 and 8 of Part 2, Fractures, Pt.1 and 2. I'm sure it will need two chapters to cover, but it may only require one, but the chapter(s), Fractures, will reveal how Introk, Orwik, Torshia and Rhylm were drafted into the Order, placed onto the same squad under Introk, and then when Matoro arrived and he was placed in charge, and possibly more on Matoro's revival.
    That's it.
  18. Grey Snow
    Go to BBC and I have many new MOCs up which include: Tahu, Onua, Gali Phantoka, Twilight Taka, two Order agents for an upcoming epic, one of which appears in Lightstone chapter 7, and a creature I made from all six Barraki about a year ago.
    I did make a Kopaka Phantoka stealth bomber like ship, didn't turn out well though, so I don't have pictures yet, but I will eventually, and I made a Tuyet out of Gadunka, Takadox and a few Hahli Mahri parts, but I didn't post Tuyet since it isn't that great, but go take a look.
  19. Grey Snow
    The RPG Contest is finally up and I entered.
    First attempt, I've been waiting for this, hope I do well.
    Bionicle Knights
    On the somewhat medieval island of Darshu-Nui there are no Toa, though there are threats. As a way to stop these threats experiments were undergone on some Matoran, these experiments were made to try to force them into Toa form.
    They failed horribly, most of the Matoran died in the process, those who survived died shortly after, but something different happened. Those that had survived had come in contact with others, and those others were affected. They gained new powers, like the ability to use Kanohi, limited other powers like elemental, personal and more.
    These Matoran were trained to become warriors by the Turaga of the island, but without the power to be Toa, and above the average Matoran, they became a new force, they would be called Knights.
    The Knights, a faction of the island Darshu-Nui specifically, trained, they learned how to use Noble and to an extent, Great masks in rare cases, learned to control limited amounts of their elemental powers (like what Av and Shadow can do), and learned to master their weapons. Together, as this new faction, they fight the Rahi that threaten the island, occasional Dark Hunters looking to take over the island, rogue Knights and more.
    The story takes place approximately during the time of the Final Battle, so the Nuva are in Karda-Nui’s sky and swamp, the Makuta are there, some are elsewhere, D.H. are fighting them, Order is preparing for war, etc.
    The Island:
    The center is a large mountaintop shrine, the city spreads out around the island, just one large city of white buildings, sort of medieval buildings, nicely crafted, etc. Though all villagers live together, there still are associations between each other, like the Le Matoran, though don't live together, most of them in the Knights work on training Gukko, Nui-Rama and other flying Rahi to train for combat, etc. I'll post a map sometime soon.
    No god-modding
    No killing another player
    No killing an enemy unless permission is received to do so
    Your rank starts as level 3 (see below)
    No killing an NPC like the Turaga
    No trying to change the story
    No doing something like, “I walked to the shore of the island, looked out to sea, and saw thousands of enemy ships coming to slaughter us all.”
    No making attacks on the island like above, but I refer to it as a lesser extent
    Players won’t have a huge impact on story, I do have an idea on where to take it, so for the players its more so just living, fighting, interacting, etc. until the main story begins
    No being an enemy, like no betraying us on your first chance, PM me if you want to do so
    You must start with a Noble Kanohi at highest, you can get Great as you become higher leveled
    For custom masks PM me
    You and another will begin fighting each other, just spend some posts battling and the winner will be decided amongst yourselves, either by you two deciding, or if you can’t I will based on how well you’ve followed the rules of the RPG, etc.
    The same applies when fighting NPC’s, but it’s up to me when/if you can finish the fight (kill the enemy), etc.
    If you choose to be a Ko-Matoran you get ice elemental, Ta gets fire, etc.
    For your “Personal Powers”, as you level up (see below) they increase. Like you could choose something like Scan as your ability, let’s say it just scans the area, maybe ten feet around you to begin with. As you level up the range increases, more detail is found, etc.
    For your Knight Powers you start with:
    Enhanced strength, speed, and mind.
    As you become higher these attributes increase, like when you become level 4 (you start at Knight 3 (see below)) maybe you want more speed, so your speed increases, etc.
    You start as Level 3 of Knights. That is a basic level in the Knight Faction, 1 being someone who has just found their powers and joined the Knights. It can go up to 12 which is Grand Knight, 11 through 8 are whatever you want to call yourself, 8 being the level where you can start training new recruits, 12 being a leader to all Knights.
    Character Form:
    Weapon (s):
    Level (3 at highest):
    Personal Power:
    Kanohi (specify if Noble or powerless):
    Anything else you want to add:
    An example, mine:
    Name: Koji
    Element/Village: Ko/Ice
    Appearance: Normal Matoran body, wears a white cloak around him to signify his level and his sword at his left side.
    Weapon (s): sword, like a saber (like a marine saber)
    Level (3 at highest): 9 (yes, mine would be a higher rank than yours for the purpose of training)
    Personal Power: Rose Petals: his ice is used to make the illusion of petals floating around in the air to distract the opponent and impale them at a high level.
    Kanohi: Noble Mask of Intangibility
    Personality: cold, intelligent, honorable, loyal, ready to die for his students
    Bio: He came in contact with one of the first survivors and quickly discovered his powers and joined the Knights. He’s been part of it for years and as such has risen up to Level 9.
    Anything else you want to add: Teaches most level 3’s.
    Wish me luck for getting it in the contest and in the contest itself.
  20. Grey Snow
    Well, should I make one? After Zoids, my new one I'm waiting for approval on I'm thinking of making it after its success on another forum.
    Anyway, a list of RPG's I'm in on all three sites, well active RPG's that is.
    Star Fox
    Code Lyoko
    I think that's it.
    Black Sun: Infected World
    FullMetal Alchemist
    Return of Aura
    Oban: Downfall
    Naruto: A New Age
    and Tokyo Mew Mew (to help out a friend in the FMA RPG since she needs two male players, I'm the first, and I like RPing)
    Black Sun: Infected World
    Also, if anyone wants to know of any of these I'll post the purposes: story, set up sheet, rules (for those that have rulse ), etc.
  21. Grey Snow
    Phoenix of Ice bought one and sent it to me, I paid about $43 for it, but worth it. My winter 08 collection is finished, now just to get the Mistika, Taka, Vultraz and Mazeka, no T sets for me as I said in my last entery, but Icarax is great, better than the MoMN by far.
    Also, I am taking a bit of a break on Rebirth for some time so I can do some other stuff like school work and working on some other stories and that sort of thing, I'll try to get another chapter up by the end of the week, but I might not.
  22. Grey Snow
    For the first time in a long time I'm Mocing again. I have one built, Toa Tuyet with only Takadox, Gadunka and Hahli feet, head and mask parts. I had a Twilight Taka but got pictures and took it apart. I now know that I had the element limbs backwards, so that's a problem, but I'll explain that when I post it. I'm also working on some Phantoka MOC's. Vehicles for the Toa and possibly Matoran. Like Kopaka's which I'm working on now, is a stealth bomber. Lewa's will be like a hoverbike sort of vehicle and Pohatu's will probably be a helicopter.
    I've only started the base of Kopaka's out of Sea Sled, Exo-Toa and MoMN parts and I'll probably need more, but I'll update as I get farther.
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