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Grey Snow

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Blog Entries posted by Grey Snow

  1. Grey Snow
    Lightstone is returning. Part 3 begins tommorow with "An Old Friend". I will post the link as soon as I post the chapter. Part 3 only has about five chapters so far, I've been busy with other work. It's likely Part 3 will only have about fifteen chapters as opposed to the original twenty or so.
  2. Grey Snow
    We recorded my friends ranting on tape during lunch today. I'll let you know if it ever goes on the internet, but, just one quote I love. I'm listening to it now, the rant was on women. It was something like this:

  3. Grey Snow
    Ok, the Power Rangers R.P.M. demo theme songs were leaked onto the internet, I've been listening on that video site, go type in RPM demo song, the first is the best by far, but anyway, another update.
    For Gekifury, my Jungle Fury/Gekiranger crossover type epic, I've come up with special chapters to transpire in between actual chapters/episodes, some also for the "second season" after the series would end. Here they are so far:
    Season 1 Extra Chapters:
    Beast on Beast:
    Maku (Grizzaka) gets the idea to use another set of animal based Rangers to destroy the Rangers, so manages to find and control the Wild Rangers, using them against Rio (the "Jarrod" character) if they kill the Rangers. They defeat the hold, join the "Gekirangers", and destroy Maku’s creature.
    Likely to be a two parter, continued in Twin Wolves with Merrick’s return, as they promised to assist if they ever had to.
    Expanded (Season 2) Chapters:
    Twin Wolves:
    R.J. ends up teaming up with Merrick Baliton, the Lunar Wolf Wild Ranger to save his comrades from an Org who learned the power of the Snake Fist for more poison.
    Last Stand for Humanity:
    Final chapter
    And that's it so far. If anyone has any other ideas, just general, or detailed, give me them and I'll write them.
  4. Grey Snow
    I just wrote it here, so there could be spelling errors, etc., but I just wrote this off the top of my head and I need input. Should I write this as an epic?
    Toa Matau got off the ground. It had been so long since he felt this sort of raw energy coursing through his body. A smile spread across his face, continued by confusion. He was a Turaga last, not a Toa, and he had died. He knew he had been dead for how long? One hundred, two hundred thousand years?
    Then how was this possible?
    He looked around, sure enough, his Aero Slicers were at hand, as was his Great Mahiki. He saw the fallen bodies of his old team, the Toa Metru. All of them were still unconscious, and all should have been Turaga, or dead. He looked around, seeing more bodies, ones he recognized, ones he didn't. He saw something that shocked him greatly, the bodies of Toa Lhikan, Toa Tuyet, Toa Nidhiki, Toa Naho, the Toa Nuva, Takanuva, the Toa Mahri, including Matoro, and many bodies he didn't recognize, including a Toa of Sonics wearing a Suletu, and a Toa of Water with mace.
    "Ok, will someone quick-tell me what's going on?" He yelled.
    The chamber became flooded with light, revealing them all in an arena, a small enclosed area within the larger arena itself. All around them were spectators yelling and watching, but he didn't recognize any of their species.
    "Welcome Toa...Matau!" A voice yelled. The being it belonged to stood at the main box at the edge of the arena, closest to the assembled Toa.
    "Who are you? Where are we? Why are we alive?" Matau demanded all at once, his words spilling over each other.
    The other Toa were starting to stir by now, but the being paid little attention. The being was a humanoid with razor armor and some bestial attributes, all shod in deep tan armor.
    "Where are we?" Tuyet demanded as she lifted her Barbed Broadsword in protest, ready to strike.
    Helryx rose, "I am Helryx, leader of the Order of Mata-Nui! Answer the question!"
    "Order of Mata-Nui?" The being laughed, "A fine jest indeed!"
    "What are you talking about?" Helryx demanded, lifting her mace and generating moisture from the air into water daggers.
    "They all died, just like you! Not in battle, no," he laughed, "it was pathetic. Once you came up against a true enemy, the enemy that still exists to this day, you all died!"
    "What are you talking about?" Tahu demanded, he and his team no longer had their Adaptive Armor. He lifted his Magma Swords and aimed the tips at the being.
    "Oh, there'll be plenty of time for information later. For now, I'll tell you all why you're here." He paused, no one interrupted, "I brought you all back from the dead, some of the best Toa to live, to...play a game. Toa, Turaga, Matoran, no longer exist to this day. I brought you all back, now, you can survive the challanges and preserve the memory and honor of Toa, by defeating your past adversaries, and new ones from this day and age, or you can fail, and your honor will be lost."
    "Fight our old enemies, and new ones?" Kopaka asked, "That's it? What are the...rules...of this?"
    "Just fight, use your skills, your tools, powers, masks, and you will face them, all of their powers, and you will fight and live, only to die when this is all over, or you will fail, and die early, losing your honor." The being said, "Now, will you fight?"
    Helryx stepped forward, "As the first Toa, leader of the Order, former Order," she corrected, "I will answer. We will do it."
    The being smiled, "Excellent."
  5. Grey Snow
    Tomica Hero Rescue Force episodes 24 and 25 with subs are up on the video site! I just watched 24 and now saw 25 is up! Tommorow I get to see the end of the "Daean Arc", or what appears to be that arc, finally, the new R1, Hikaru, the second R1, will fight Deaen in his original R1 armor, can't wait.
  6. Grey Snow
    A new short story is coming soon. I'm about a fourth of the way done right now, I haven't done much work yet, but it's titled Soul of Darkness, Vultraz's story, in first person, from taking the lava gem up until Karda-Nui, showing his rebirth from Gorast, claiming his weapons to attack the De-Matoran village, etc. It'll be up by next Saturday I'd assume.
  7. Grey Snow
    It came! Two controllers, all hookups, one memory card, one web browser disk. I just ordered Sonic Adventure and Soul Caliber off Ebay (I got the Dreamcast from there), at good prices, so in about a week, I should have two games. Now to find Ikaruga, Grandia 2 and some other games.
  8. Grey Snow
    Ah, this time of year again.
    Four docks to remove, three boatlifts, one of which is a pontoon lift, and also, besides the three, is a jetski lift.
    It was quite easy this year, not hard work at all. The only problem was the third dock, our uncle's friends dock. We had to disconnect a lot of it or something, I wasn't paying much attention at that point.
    So, we removed my uncles, his brothers (he has the pontoon and jetski), their neighbor/friends, and ours. Easy work this year, though the other four (my father, uncle, his brother, and their friend/neighbor) had a harder time I think with their age and strength. I think they were all hoping that my cousin (uncle's son) would grow up faster (I think he'll be five in January, or maybe six, five I'm sure though), so yeah. My weekend was spent moving piers and boatlifts. Fun? Somewhat. Freezing like a few years ago? No.
    Now to wait until we put it all back in in 09...
  9. Grey Snow
    Yes, you can. Now, that would be great to put on a resume (sp)... I wonder, should I do it?
    Sorry if this counts as religious discussion, in which case, please delete this or notify me so I can delete it admins/mods/anyone with power.
  10. Grey Snow
    To continue Toonami's spirit.
    You along with Tom 5 (more like 2 or 3, not 4, 4 was a mistake, a horrible mistake), on the Absolution go through space, sending the broadcast as usual. When something attacks the ship and invades it. You must stop it (like the Invasion event thing) before it kills you all. Along the way you'll learn from Tom and more. The story continues upon the defeat of the invasion, or they succeed and the game ends, continuing in new locations and more.
    Sound good so far?
  11. Grey Snow
    Ok, for the epic I'm writing, Power Rangers: Gekifury, I need some help. For those of you not familiar, there are martial arts, the Fists, the evil side is Confrontation Beast Fist (from the Japanese Gekiranger), not sure what the Jungle Fury version is called, if anything.
    The good side is Fierce Beast Fist (Pai Schwa? something like that in English).
    In it I decided instead of just animal based fighting styles, I'd also use virtue based styles. If anyone could help me decide what the different virtues should do in combat, please post. Here's a virtue list:
    Acceptance: To consider circumstances, especially those that can not be changed, as satisfactory.
    Bravery: A quality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without showing fear.
    Caution: Avoidance of rashness, attention to safety.
    Curiosity: A desire to find out and know things.
    Defiance: Bold resistance.
    Determination: Firmness of purpose.
    Devotion: A great love or loyalty, enthusiastic zeal.
    Discretion: Being discrete in ones speech, keeping secrets.
    Flexibility: Adaptable, able to be changed to suit circumstances.
    Focus: Concentrated awareness and effort.
    Forgiveness: To cease to feel angry or bitter towards a person or about an offense.
    Generosity: Giving or ready to give freely, free from meanness or prejudice.
    Gentleness: Moderate; mild, quite; not rough or severe.
    Gratitude: Being thankful.
    Honesty: Truthful; sincere; not lieing or cheating.
    Humbleness: Modest; not arrogant or boastful.
    Humor: The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd.
    Impartiality: Fair.
    Industry: Diligent, hardworking.
    Innocence: Guileless, not guilty.
    Justice: Fair, impartial, giving a deserved response.
    Kindness: Friendly, helpful, well meaning.
    Love: A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.
    Loyalty: Steadfast in allegiance to one's homeland, government, or sovereign. Faithful to a person, ideal, custom, cause, or duty.
    Majesty: Great and impressive dignity.
    Moderation: The avoidance of extremes in one’s actions or opinions.
    Obedience: Willingness to obey, to be controlled when necessary, to carry out orders.
    Openness: Ready and willing to talk candidly.Unsecretive.
    Patience: The ability to endure delay, trouble, pain or hardship.
    Peace: Freedom from mental agitation; serenity.
    Prudence: Wise or careful in conduct. Shrewd or thrifty in planning ahead.
    Reliability: Can be trusted to do something.
    Responsibility: Having control over and accountability for appropriate events.
    Sensitivity: Heightened awareness of oneself and others within the context of social and personal relationships.
    Simplicity: Straightforward; not complex or complicated. Unpretentious.
    Sincerity: Free from pretense or deceit in manner or actions.
    Sobriety: Serious, solemn and calm. Free from intoxication.
    Spontaneity: Natural, not planned.
    Steadfastness: Firm, resolute; determinedly unwavering.
    Strength: Capable of exerting great force.
    Toughness: Strong and durable; not easily damaged.
    Tranquility: Serenely quite and peaceful; undisturbed.
    Trust: Having confidence in others; lacking suspicion.
    Trustworthiness: Able to be trusted or depended on; reliable.
    I've decided on the following:
    Patience: the user strikes but the blow does nothing. The user then releases their animal spirit into the enemy at point blank.
    Acceptance: the user, when he/she feels accepted by his/her comrades, can call on their animal spirits as well in one unified strike.
    Defiance: don't know
    Devotion: don't know
    Focus: don't know
    Love (likely): don't know if I'll even use this one
    Humor: probably something non offensive...
    But if anyone can come up with good ones, please post them.
  12. Grey Snow
    Since Disney really screwed up Power Rangers since they got it (though I don't recall any horrible Wild Force episodes, and Jungle Fury is actually good, tied with the best along with Wild Force), I'm going to write an epic of Jungle Fury, starting from the start of the series, and taking Gekiranger elements and mixing them in along with my own unique elements and making it an epic. Changes will include terminology, non sunglass morphers, reffering to Dominick as either Dominick or Nick (Dom? Why did they think that was a good idea?), along with making no Dai Shi, or maybe he's dead by now, not imprissoned...and instead of the Jarrod/Camelle (sp) characters, using the Rio/Mele from Gekiranger as the enemies, but still keeping the Rinshi footsoldiers and the Overlords/Phantoms (Mythical Beasts). I'll work on this soon, can't wait to start writing this. Also, some original ideas, just one for now, instead of just having the animal "Fists", there will be other types, like the "Fists of Principle", like, one that Rio will learn probably immediatly, "Patience Fist", strike the enemy, but conceal your power, and then unleash it around the limb you struck with in one shot. So if he leaps up and kicks his enemy, nothing happens, they don't even take a physical blow, but then, around the foot his lion spirit is spread out and throws the enemy back with even more force than usual.
  13. Grey Snow
    I declare a challange. Build the OoMN members who aren't sets. This includes Mutant Brutaka. Here's a list and suggestions:
    Jerbraz, pre invisibility.

    Ok, I've done my MOC of him, and based on the bolded section, I'd assume, make him look good. White is probably the best color (and that's what I made mine) to fit that personality, just putting that out.
    Don't worry about making her frail, scarred, pitted, etc. Just build her. I didn't do anything like that.
    I have no ideas...
    I personally think of him as orange and beastish, but that's me...
    An unnamed giant member with four arms and horns. He carries a multibladed axe.
    Greg thinks of his colors as dark red and purple, if you don't have purple, like me, black looks good. Don't ask about the axe, I have no idea other than what I did on mine which was very hard to pull off...
    A member who met a dying Tahtorak who revealed that the Tahtorak on Zakaz plan to wipe out the Skakdi.
    I personally made this one sort of beastish and feral, if he/she was on Zakaz with the Skakdi, you'd think the being would have to be powerful or feral or something to get in and out easily.
    An unnamed spy on Destral.
    Don't worry about this one. I'm not doing this one since we have so little to go on. I'd assume one of the Barraki's species however, but don't build this one, or Botar's replacement.

    Don't worry about the helmet, add gills, the fin and spikes and you're fine.
    I will post mine when the contest comes to a close. I also will pose them with Maxilos, Hydraxon, Axonn, Spinax, Trinuma, Mazeka, and every other Order related being I make or have (including making a likely horrible looking Kratana).
    Have fun.
  14. Grey Snow
    The final version, no prototype for Taka.
    After being restored to his original form by a Klakk and departing Karda-Nui, the Toa of Light has been granted a black and white sense of justice, prosecuting those whom he deems as evil, black, while helping those who he views as good, white. There is no grey for him, his time as grey has shown him that it is unnatural, that even though everyone has light and darkness, they are one of the sides, not grey.
    His old allies, the Toa Nuva he views as black and wishes to slay them all, though he hasn't tried anything of the sort yet, his feelings are sometimes stronger than his morals, and he can't bring himself to slay his friends. So, as such, he acts as a wanderer, viewing anyone who opposes Metru-Nui, the final salvation for those who don't side with the Empires, as black, and anyone against the Empires as white, except those who are the rebellion.
    Despite opposing the Empires, Takanuva views the Resistance, even though he knows some members such as Krakua and Helryx, as black. He also views them as the lesser of two evils. So, with his Avohkii, new Staff of Light, light elemental powers, and his new will and mindset, he wanders, going through parts of the individual Kingdoms, never venturing to the base islands of his former comrades, and persecuting as he goes...
  15. Grey Snow
    Gali 1
    Gali 2
    Gali 3
    Gali 4
    Onua 1
    Onua 2
    Onua 3
    Onua 4
    Onua 5
    I'd like criticism, comments, etc. so I can make the final versions better.
    I'll explain a few things as well.
    Her armor is suited to a water environment, her water kingdom, all I could think of (and this image just came to mind, as did Lewa (not the prototype, the final matches what I imagined) and a possible Tahu Phoenix form which I'll look into) was basically just a new body type, like the newer sets, similar grey armor to her Nuva form, so I used grey as a secondary color other than Nuva armor, I will fix the shoulder armor in the final as I did with Onua, Takanuva (up tommorow) and the final Lewa. For an aquatic form I figured, give her a tail, it can help with steering in the water, her flipper axe things were an obvious choice, and her fins were as well. Her Kanohi fits, other than color, but I don't care about that, and I couldn't think of a good weapon, so a shield and staff, no launcher unlike Lewa and the others will have. I'll probably give her a launcher, but her tail could be considered one and likely in story will be.
    I wanted something new for the arm design, instead of using like Inika arms or anything, so I looked at my Mazeka set and copied the vehicle's leg design for Onua's right arm. Storywise he lost his arm in combat (since the Nuva are generals of their armies) and has a robotic arm, and hence no Nuva armor on it. More will be added to it, likely a blaster and laser scope or something.
    That's all. Tommorow I'll update with Takanuva (likely a final version, I don't think this would be a prototype), hopefully a completed Onua and another completed Nuva if not just a WIP again. The final Lewa and Gali (assuming I get feedback on her) will be up when the epic comes out later this year. I also built a special MOC today for later in the epic, an idea that I got from this site and a fake image, but that picture won't be up until the epic is out and I reach a certain chapter. I'm hoping to do something really special for that character and part of the epic. I'll let you know how that goes.
    It makes me laugh, how many parts I'm using, redicoulus (sp), I made a handfull of Toa for the same epic, (Mazeka, Vultraz, Balta, Defilak, Velika, Garan, Kazi, Dezalk) and now they're all in pieces along with my Piraka, some of Karzahni, Exo-Toa and a lot more (which also made me crack some of the lime green parts on my Lesovikk...), but hopefully this will work for the best. If anyone would like to assist me in creating these MOCs, the Nuva, Toa for the Nuva's armies, etc. just PM me. I'll gladly take the help.
  16. Grey Snow
    After reading the OoMN page on BS01 and wanting to finish Destiny War and Dwellers in the Darkness (or whatever the Hagah serial is called) and learn more of the war, (don't really care at this point about Brothers in Arms, just want to know of the war), I've decided to use the information, like the Tahtorak plan to wipe out the Skakdi on Zakaz, I'm going to make an epic based on the war soon to incorporate all this knowledge we have and make it good.
  17. Grey Snow
    Ok, non BIONICLE first.
    Glorious, Portal was on today, I love the Drifter, classic with him today.
    Horrible, raining out and I have to get shots soon, so if I have to go through the rain a second time today I'll be ####ed, and I have to spend like an hour there just to wait until my appointment, it's at 2 PM, we're leaving at like 1:15 PM and have to check in by 1:45, so why go so early? I can't get a straight answer for that.
    BIONICLE related.
    Glorious, I get to start Invasion today, I got Takanuva two days ago, and today I got Mazeka, now all I would need are the T sets, but I'm not getting them.
    Horrible, Mazeka is the last set I'll get, I'm done with sets, perhaps I'll get a Norik if I can find one since I didn't get him when he was released as a Hagah, but Mazeka, who I have yet to build, I'll likely do it at my cabin tonight (gone till Sunday, limited acess Saturday and Sunday, maybe even Friday or tonight), but I'm done, I can save my money for other stuff now, like this.
  18. Grey Snow
    I'll post them later, with Kingdoms of Nightmare, but expect these MOCS, only the first two are done, but expect the others sometime.
    1. Toa Mazeka
    2. Toa Vultraz
    3. Toa Balta
    4. Toa Kazi
    and some more.
  19. Grey Snow
    Mainly an epic update.
    Legacies of the Final Battle: Ah, the 08 epic, coming along nicely, haven't worked on it recently though, mainly because of a few other epics I'm doing and I have to wait to know how 08 ends before I can finish this one since I want to end it right. But it is great so far.
    Power Rangers: Mythic Force: Ah, nicely as well, and let me say, this kind of fighting is hard to write. I don't go into the more personal stuff like the show does, not my writing style, but I don't think fans of PR will be dissapointed, 13 chapters done so far, the first arc consists of 15, the final arc is around that many if not more.
    Kingdoms of Nightmare: First chapter preview, but anyway, 3 chapters done so far. First is the leadership change and a mysterious mission. Chapter 2 is the results of the mission along with new recruits in the form of Toa Voya and then six members of the team venture to Mata-Nui and end up dueling the sand worms which leads up to some more new allies in the form of some Rahi. Chapter 4, I'll start likely tonight, will mark the teams strategem against Lewa and possibly, new allies in the form of former Hagah enemies (not that there are many, so you should get this one) and then the departure to former Xia, the site of Lewa's kingdom which all leads up to invasion.
  20. Grey Snow
    Chapter 1:
    Krakua stood on Metru-Nui, gazing out into the sea.
    “Helryx should have returned by now.” He muttered to himself and turned back to the staircase next to him, leading down into a series of secret tunnels and rooms, the base of the resistance.
    Brutaka approached him, since his exile in the Pit he had mutated, but over the thousand years since then, he had managed to partially rebuild himself along with evolve to a point where he had a few sets of small lungs, working together as his normal lungs once had, as well as losing his spiked armor and dorsal fin along with the gills, “Any word yet?” He asked.
    Krakua shook his head as he walked past, “No, and she went to see Gali two days ago. Do you think she’s dead?”
    Brutaka was a bit surprised by how Krakua had ended the question, “No, she’s skilled enough; I don’t think she’s dead, though if she did die, it was most likely against Gali.”
    Krakua turned to him, “You think she got past the Gate of Macku?”
    “Yeah, I’m sure she did.” Brutaka sat down, “If only the Nuva hadn’t struck at Teridax in the end this wouldn’t have happened…” He muttered.
    “They didn’t know! None of us did!” Krakua snapped.
    “If we had known we’d have them all.” Brutaka cursed. “If Artahka would have stayed out of it!”
    “Artahka didn’t know either!” Krakua yelled at Brutaka, “He thought he was doing the right thing, teleporting the Nuva to Teridax’s location after the Makuta invasion was wiped out, sending Takanuva away to be helped by a Klakk; he thought he was doing everything right.”
    “Yeah, and then Teridax tore their minds apart like the monster he is, and out of spite restored their minds with darkness, just out of spite! Why couldn’t he just die like his precious Brotherhood?” Brutaka yelled.
    A bat winged Rahi flew into the chamber and dropped off a small tablet to Krakua before flying off again.
    He took it and Brutaka tore it from his hand and looked over it, “No.” He muttered.
    Krakua took it and read it, “It’s from Helryx, I recognize how it was written, water beat the symbols in.” He said, but clearly Brutaka knew already as Krakua read, ““They are too strong in their realms, our powers are below theirs if we fight them in their kingdoms”. What does that mean?”
    “It means you Toa are underpowered because of the Nuva’s armor!” Another voice snapped.
    Krakua turned as the Dark Hunter leader emerged from the shadows, “It means that since the Nuva forged their kingdoms in their elements their armor makes them stronger, through adaptation.”
    Brutaka swiftly drew one of his daggers and pointed it at The Shadowed One, “This is private.”
    “I know, our so called leader is dead. How long could you keep that from the rest of us?” He asked.
    Brutaka sheathed his dagger and brought up his double bladed sword, “Look, I don’t know why Helryx let you join us after blindsiding us once the Makuta were slaughtered, but she’s dead now which puts me in charge, so be obedient and quiet or die.” Brutaka growled.
    “Fine. I don’t see why you should lead though, I led the Dark Hunters, I should lead.”
    “Because Helryx and I were the only remaining members of the Order of Mata Nui, and with her dead, the leader of the Order and us, I take command.” Brutaka replied, tightening his grip on his blade.
    Krakua walked between the two, “But Brutaka, you’re forgetting the servants of the Order, like myself and Umbra who survived.”
    “All you are is as you said, servants, not members.” Brutaka replied.
    Krakua took up the tablet again and looked it over carefully before, for some reason, triggering his Kanohi on the stone.
    “Brutaka, this stone is sentient.”
    Brutaka turned, “What?”
    “It has a mind, not much of one, but one none the less. Do you think Helryx had something to do with it?”
    A being with sleek black armor walked out, “Here’s her Kanohi, she left it behind.”
    Brutaka took it, “Lariska, where did you find this?”
    “Hidden behind some stones, she took another Kanohi though, I’m sure that brought the stone a mind with it.” Lariska replied before going back farther inside.
    “Why would she do that?” Brutaka muttered to himself.
    “Maybe as a message to me.” Krakua replied.
    “What sort of message would she give you by just giving that a mind do you think?” Brutaka asked.
    “Well, I think it means I should have more importance here, maybe she wants me to lead us now.” Krakua replied, tightening his grip on his sword in case Brutaka was furious at that statement.
    “You lead?” Brutaka asked, “You’re a Toa, a servant of the Order. It should be myself, or even The Shadowed One who should lead.”
    “At least give me a chance.” Krakua pleaded, “What if that’s what she wanted by giving this message?”
    “Fine, try it for a few days.” Brutaka shrugged, “I’ll be here to take control again when you can’t handle it.”
    “Helryx was a Toa, so am I, so you don’t think I can lead?” Krakua demanded.
    “No, I don’t, but try.” Brutaka finished and walked inside.
    Krakua sat where he was and thought about what to do first, “What would Helryx do?” He asked himself. He knew the Nuva were each in their own kingdoms and they wouldn’t dare attack Metru-Nui, even to destroy the resistance since it might kill Mata-Nui who was still asleep.
    “Helryx apparently fought Gali and died, so they might get suspicious if someone else attacks Gali, so let’s attack another…Lewa.” He stood up, “That’s it!” He ran inside the rest of the base, knowing their first move.
    Soon Krakua, Brutaka, Lariska and Lurker, all wearing cloaks of weed and fiber walked through the streets. They were full of Skakdi of many elements, all escaped Zakaz when the Nuva wiped them out shortly after taking their empires. Visorak, Matoran, Toa and Turaga of other elemental types such as gravity and sonics who tried to escape the Nuva’s attacks and ended up in the relative safety of Metru-Nui.
    “Where are we going?” Brutaka demanded.
    Krakua didn’t answer.
    “Answer.” Lurker hissed, his stinger laden tails moving around, wanting to strike.
    Lariska also remained silent and he wrapped one around her body, “You know where we’re going, now tell me!”
    She relaxed and slipped out before hitting Lurker’s feet with a sweeping kick which put him to the ground, “Krakua trusted me with this information for a reason and I’m not telling either of you.”
    “Why would he trust you?” Lurker hissed, standing and poising his tails to strike.
    It had piqued Brutaka’s interest and he turned to listen to them better.
    “Because,” Lariska said with a shrug, “I’m the only one here he can trust.”
    Krakua stopped on the other side of Metru-Nui. They had waded through Visorak, many other species of Rahi, Skakdi, Vortixx, members of Sidorak’s and Krekka’s species, Toa, Turaga and Matoran of Gravity, Sonics, Lightning, Plasma, Iron and very few of the main six elements.
    Krakua led his group into a small alleyway and crouched down.
    The others joined him and Brutaka looked around, “Nothing, so why are we here?”
    “Well, Gali should be suspicious if someone made it to her, so most likely she alerted her brothers so they’re all on alert. So, striking now would be expected, moronic and a complete suicide mission, exactly what they wouldn’t expect. So we’re recruiting.” Krakua explained.
    He felt a blade to his back, “Krakua, I’m taking leadership. Your plan will have us all killed.” Brutaka told him.
    Krakua stayed down, he knew he had allies, and as such Lariska leapt up, landed on Brutaka’s shoulders, and placed her daggers at his neck.
    Brutaka knew he couldn’t strike Lariska down without Lurker and Krakua attacking him, and attacking Krakua would mean Lariska would kill him.
    “Fine.” Brutaka dropped his blade and Lariska flipped off of him, “But what are we doing here? Who is there to recruit?”
    “Helryx once spoke of a group made by an aquatic agent in case of emergency, to handle the everyday dangers the Matoran face. We’re recruiting them, I’m sure their leader will be happy to help, and here, hidden, their minds shouldn’t have been warped by the Nuva, they had no one to try to convert here, or so they thought,” Krakua gestured to the hatch he uncovered, “and as such, they didn’t convert this team to their side, or kill them either.” He opened the hatch, “Let’s go.” He dropped down into the darkness.
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