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Status Updates posted by Catora

  1. I was going to suggest a succubus from WoW, but that'd be very pervy :P How about adding a Wrathguard/Doomguard thing, or maybe a Felhound? That'd rock :D

  2. That's a wonderfully cute picture ^-^

    How are you going?

  3. Lol, and I thought "Where did Nikira go?!" Lol, I was reading your posts in the Nanananana etc topic and didn't recognize you :D Sorzy =P What's up? =P

  4. Heh, That's A Joke I Use In School. It From A Budweiser Commercial.

  5. Dude, what's up with that xP Nevermind, how's this one =P

  6. Wewt, thanks =D One thing: That dragon is the same person as the "elf". Krasus=Korialstrasz. The coolest Red Dragon Mage in existence =D

  7. ROTFLOL at the Avatar xD

  8. LOL! Your personal photo ROXORZ my SOXORZ =P

  9. Onice! I'm looking forward to that ^_^

  10. Hey, Takuta ^^ What's up?

  11. Dude, sorry for the blank PM...I wanted to say "Hi", but I accidentally pressed Enter... Sorry...

  12. Kek?! That sounds... Big o_O

  13. Face the wrath of my...sheesh, I forgot the poodles! Darn!

  14. Hey all,please comment on my toa's bios,k?

  15. I love your avatar xD It looks like something from Gaia Online (or whatever that game is called)

  16. Although your banner is kind of big, I adore it. I guess you like Nightwish, too... :P Which of their major periods do you prefer? Tarja period or Anette period?

  17. Unfortunately, no, although I am interested in the story. When I have the time, I like to read the manga.

  18. Wow, you actually named your change? Sweet.

  19. First of all, let me say happy (late) New Year! *hug* May the Force (and various other things like luck, etc :D) be with you. ^_^ (dang, I almost made a typo with 'things' there... I almost replaced I with an O xD)

    So... nothing quite extraordinary has happened over the course of the last few days, apart from the new year xD The champagne (real champagne in fact, from France and w

  20. whatnot) made me feel kind of dizzy... (just as a side note, I'm not an alcoholic or anything! It's a tradition here to drink sparkling wine on New Year's Eve. I don't know whether that's a tradition in the U.S.A. or not, so that's why I wanted to clear that out :D)

    And what about you? How's it going? ^_^

  21. Woah, the avvie looks good.

  22. Hey there ^_^ How's it going, Chane?

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