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Status Updates posted by Catora

  1. M-E-R-S-V-O-L-U-K-O =P Don't know why the translators have done that to his name... O-o

  2. Li'l Tom Marvolo Riddle ( That's the way it's spelled, right )? =P 'Cause in the Bulgarian versions of the books, he's Tom Mersvoluko Riddle O-o Lol...

  3. Muahahaah >:D I'm so getting it =P

  4. Mmm, I likes yours avatars :P

    Lord "FlightOfDeath" ( sorry, had to say it xP )... Cool... By the way, where did you get the picture?

  5. Nice personal photo =P

  6. Lol, and I thought "Where did Nikira go?!" Lol, I was reading your posts in the Nanananana etc topic and didn't recognize you :D Sorzy =P What's up? =P

  7. Freezo! Freeze me, I don't wanna go to school :P

  8. LOL! Your personal photo ROXORZ my SOXORZ =P

  9. Wewt, thanks =D One thing: That dragon is the same person as the "elf". Krasus=Korialstrasz. The coolest Red Dragon Mage in existence =D

  10. I was going to suggest a succubus from WoW, but that'd be very pervy :P How about adding a Wrathguard/Doomguard thing, or maybe a Felhound? That'd rock :D

  11. Wow... How much time has it been since we haven't typed? A few weeks, maybe? :D

    Anyways, Dad reinstalled the comp... That's up :D It was really... nasty... All my games... Why did WoW have to disappear? WHY?! ;D Anyways, like you said, Comment vas-tu? :P (Don't mind me, I'm just bragging ;D)

  12. Imma studyin' da energy storms? Lol, it really is, yeah. I didn't think of it, though. Still, thanks for the comment ^_^

  13. No, really, it's really awesome. Who made it? =P You, I'm guessing =P

  14. =P Ok, not creepy... It looks freaking awesome =D

  15. That proto bar looks creepy O_O

  16. Disgaea, eh? Sounds fun ^^ Will Google it =)

  17. Darn, I'm getting... IDK what... =P Tell me, is this Etna a fictional character you thought of, or is she a character in some anime I don't know about? That's been buggin' me for a while xP

  18. I...don't think that came out right =P Guess you understood me anyways xP

  19. Yeah, that's what I'm wondering too... =P

  20. Zed Zedd and Zeddy? WT... =P

    Anyways, the new name, as ~Saber~ said, is pure WIN xP

  21. Woah, friend... I read what hapened to you... Scary stuff... Hope you're OK =)

  22. Thanxies =P

    I made 'em myself.

    By the way, your av is really cute xP

  23. Dude, what's up with that xP Nevermind, how's this one =P

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