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Toa Optimar-Toa of Gravity!

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Status Updates posted by Toa Optimar-Toa of Gravity!

  1. *uses powerful gravity powers to send both the H-bomb and A-bomb into space*

    Watch as they explode into a billion fireballs in the silence of space :D Glad to be of assistance,


  2. 4 stars courtesy o'me. Don't know why...why not?

  3. 8 years is a good amount of time to live somewhere...


  4. 9 days later, and I finally reply :P

    Sorry about that, just stewing a funk I've had ever since dropping out of EC#7. Anyways, yeah I have seen Iron Man, and it was pretty enjoyable...


  5. After greatly enjoying your epic I had to review it :) Read my thoughts...

  6. Ah I see it, reader discretion bit sure is eye catching :D Yeah getting back into the swing of things with a new chapter in SitM tomorrow evening. Ooh, you're offering me a review? I'd be honored if you could review The Calling, it definitely needs more feedback. The Jedi kind :)

  7. Ah, hey there Ripley. Sorry I haven't been able to respond in...well forever, but I had a small mountain of work to complete before being able to talk again. Anyways, I finally finished my essays, so I'm free and feeling good. How are you?


  8. Ah, I'm doing good, finally got around to posting The Calling chapter 1 (-_- finally!) I'm a big procrastinator if ya haven't noticed already XD And Im almost done with ch.5 of SitM. All in all a good month for me...and how about yourself?

  9. Ah, I've missed you as well (I value your opinion on my epics and your overall input in my BZP existance :) The going is tough recently, as I've taken on the responsibility of 3 epics. SitM will be updated tomorrow, and 2 new ones next week will emerge, pretty exciting stuff! Hope you'll be able to check'em all out. Oh you saw my banner eh? It's for my MOC of the central ch

  10. Ah, thank you. Leap year birthdays are strange ^_^

  11. Ah, yes oceans can be an excellent source of poetic inspiration. You just gave me an excellent idea for an english assignment that I've yet to start ^_^;;


  12. aracters to one of my new epics for next week. Did you see the MOC topic? :o

  13. Back to 3 stars you go :D


  14. Chapter 2 of Shadows in the Mist is up and running my friend, read, enjoy and review! ^_^


  15. Dude, I've returned! I'm feeling 100% again, and as such I celebrated by updating Shadows in the Mist. Enjoy, my friend ^_^


  16. Heh, yup not the most exciting I know, but I digress....yeah 9 was great! :D I've seen it twice now, so that pretty much says it all. So what've you been up to?

  17. Hello, I noticed you enjoy reading and reviewing epics. May I recommend any of my two epics, Shadows in the Mist, or The Calling? They're both quite entertaining reads if you'd care to see for yourself ^_^

  18. Hello? Visiting random profiles then, hm? ^^;;

  19. Hey :) Not too much really, just sorta adventuring around the internet these days. Did you see 9?

  20. Hey Exo, whats up? :D I've been buried by school wotk for months, and now I'm kinda trying to relax some during this recent vacation time, not much time to spend at BZP as a result. Glad you liked my short story, it was refreshing to finally write something again heh. Im going to keep it up this week though, finally rested up :) Good to hear from you...

  21. Hey JG, just wanted to send a heads up

    : The Calling chapter 2 has been uploaded :)

  22. Hey man, I made a new epic (yeah I know I'm not exactly great at keeping up with them ^^;) but this one promises to be interesting. Read the review topic to see what I mean. I hope you have someone in mind for the story :)

  23. Hey man, I'm back from the netherworld of putting everything off! XP *huff* I never seem to have time to write anymore...well, anyways I have finally posted The Calling Chapter 1! After that get ready for a brand new chapter of SitM tomorrow night! Hope your holiday was enjoyable

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