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Status Updates posted by TLhikan


    A dozen Behemoths with Rocket troops in them can beat anything!

    Making GDI better than Scrin. :D

  2. That didn't come out right..Pr


  4. The new Universe of... I can't even spell that, needs a review topic.

  5. The top of my skull. That is what's on my mind.

    1. Klak


      I see what you did there.

    2. Unauthorized Autobiography

      Unauthorized Autobiography

      No, that's what's on your brain. And technically, it's OVER your brain.

  6. There's a status on these forums? Cooool....

  7. Thinking of a story...

  8. Touche' (I bet I misspelled that).

  9. Uh, for Universe in Ruins, you need a link to the review in the epic.

    - TLhikan has Spoken

  10. Um... What happened to five or six?

  11. Veggietales is a band/singer? (Yeah, I read that far. Or skipped all of it but the end. Probably skipped.)

  12. We are the fans of Bionicle, and we send this message out to the Lego Group: You passed up the chance to make a Toa Ahkmou set? Really?

  13. Welcome to BZP!

  14. Welcome to BZpower, my friend. You need any help, just ask.

  15. Welcome to BZPower!

  16. Welcome to BZpower.

  17. WELL I... will stop spamming up MT's profile.

  18. When I was younger, I thought that my thousandth post would be more fulfilling.

  19. Whoa. Awsome new avatar, man.

  20. Yeah, but I don't even know what band it is.

  21. Yes. If you want to be on BZpower, you have to stop creating spam topics. I personally prefer that new members learn this, instead of being banned.

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