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Everything posted by TLhikan

  1. The following comes from an authorized Contest Judge: At least one inaccuracy or error has been found in your entry. After reading this judge post, you are authorized to edit your entry to fix these errors. After editing to fix these things, please post in the entry topic saying what you changed.Good story, I certainly liked it. One tiny little grammar problem and a canon one: .I believe that there should be a comma after "Hey", but there may be a exception to the usual rule.Also, on the ending: I'm not sure if Mazeka ever had a chance to go back to his home village. At the end of Reign of Shadows, alt-Terry and Mazeka finish their battle just as Terridax gets his head crunched. Even if he had made the trip back, the villagers themselves would have evacuated. You could change it to say that he found the denizens of his village on Spherus Magna, but it's your story.-TLhikan
  2. Hmm, how does this help compared to, say, Levitation, Flight, or Shapeshifting? Perception: A tad vague, but works.Featherweight: Doesn't the Mask of Gravity allow for this?Contact: Hmm, maybe...Retrieving: If it works like the Accio, maybe,,,Decision: Somewhat vague.Need: What if I "need" a Nui Stone? Or a Olmak Totem?Emphasis: Hmm, maybe. Could point out details in the environment that are important to the wearer's destiny or something.Recognition: Cool power, but might be better as "Identification".
  3. I think it would be a toss-up between bonesiii and Black Six.-TLhikan
  4. I personally dislike the term "Mag-Matoran"; All the other elemental prefixes aren't just the first few letters of the English word (no Fi-Matoran or Wa-Matoran), so I don't think Magnetism should be that way. I think that Tes- would be better, or possibly Far--TLhikan
  5. Nice! The head and torso are especially good; I would say that the legs and right arm look a bit thin by comparison. The left arm, on the other hand, is awesome; I like the way it's armoured.-TLhikan
  6. I don't believe there is a specific waiting period before being able to post in a topic. Double posting isn't allowed all across BZPower (including here in Comedies), but if you're the author of the comedy then you become the exception in certain situations.Nobody has replied since your last chapter- feel free to post the next one.Nobody has replied since your last post, but you have a chapter ready.Other than that, however, stay away from double posting. If you reply in a comedy and nobody else ever does... well, there's not really any reason to post in that comedy again anyway. -ibrow Actually, I guess I mis-phrased my question. I should have asked how long after a chapter in someone else's comedy is posted are you allowed to review? Basically what are the revival rules?-TLhikan
  7. Perhaps, if we wanted to create two different masks, we could have Ductility be purely bending the wearer's body, while Elasticity gives the wearer the ability to stretch their limbs without actually bending them; In the case of the second, you could make your arm five feet long, but still only be able to bend it along the elbow, wrist, etc.Of course, with the Inakko, you could have both...-TLhikan
  8. Thinking of a story...

  9. What is the number of days that can past after the last post in a comedy in which it's topic can be posted in? -TLhikan
  10. Alrighty, Masks: The Mask of Friction: Allows the user to increase the friction between two surfaces. This Kanohi cannot decrease the friction below the natural levels present.(Not sure what else there is to say about it.)The Mask of Air Resistance: Allows the user to decrease or increase the level that air restricts their movement. The Great version allows the user to do this without restricting their own breathing, meaning that the wearer can move as if in total vacuum or hold himself in solid air while breathing normally.Wadya think? Shortest bonesiii post ever. -TLhikan
  11. This was a truly well-written and thought out epic, and sorry to see it's over already. I'm not one for long review, but suffice to say that I liked this story .-TLhikan
  12. Hello Bones, couple of questions:First, Water Hills and Ghost Bubbles aren't listed under the mysteries that shouldn't be solved in the 100-page guide; Does this mean that the Cipher Chronicles won't cover them?Second, did you have any thoughts on the Mask(s) of Friction/Antifriction question I brought up?Thirdly, have you put any more thought into Matoran sub-powers for the various EM elements, and do those powers exist for Matoran of Combo elements?Also, a Mask!The Mask of Transcription: Not very useful for combat, but invaluable of secretaries, spies, and the like; The user can turn "on" the mask, which will telekinetically carve whatever the user thinks "loudly" onto a tablet in the user's hands. The Great version allows the user to transcribe anything that he hears without having to think about it.-TLhikan
  13. I can't really think of a canon mask that is useless per say. (Plenty of my own fan masks on the other hand ...)Really, each mask has it's use, and while there are situations where water breathing or night vision wouldn't be helpful, I'd certainly prefer either of those if I was stuck in a cave to, say, strength.-TLhikan
  14. In that case, I'd like to volunteer if that's all right.-TLhikan
  15. While it seems you have quite a few, I was wondering Bones if there where any more qualifications you where looking for in judges (like experience on the forums or somesuch).-TLhikan
  16. This is really good, and I feel somewhat guilty for not keeping up with this so far. The last few chapters have been especially exciting. -TLhikan
  17. I love the pony one...And, er, all the others too. Good job guys. -TLhikan
  18. Slingshield? Not sure, but it certainly has that "bonesiii" ring to it. -TLhikan
  19. To through my two gemsands (is that the correct plural?) in, on the elements, I'm for radation being light + acid, but I really don't see the other two working as elements at all. They make interesting powers (and we already have the masks of Technopathy and Biomechanics). For rebuff, it seems to me that the effect would be better named just "Buff" (or "buffing").Also, Bones, about masks: In the BP, you have the Mask of Antifriction, which makes stuff more slippery. In an old epic I made, I just had one mask that controls friction of all types (and worked with air resistance) too, so I was wondering if in the EM we would have three masks: The BP Mask of Antifriction, the Mask of Friction, and the Mask of Air Resistance?-TLhikan
  20. :smeag:That's what I thought when I read that description. Anyway, on to serious questions: Is the list of EM-canon mask powers still somewhere, because I believe the original died with my old computer, and the freewebs wiki is no more.Also, there is a sight of sorts that lists literary conventions known as "Tropes" on which our fair Multiverse has an entry, and anyone with some spare time and knowledge of said literary conventions who wants to come over and help me with it would be most appreciated.-TLhikan
  21. These are great Bones, the guitars especially.-TLhikan
  22. Reposting my original Vi-Clysmax entry:Plant Shard, Vi-ClysmaxMember Name: TLhikan Description: The Plant shard is the only shard with plant life on all five sides. The "top" (the former surface) if covered with a particularly thick edge of the Air fragment that up until the Shattering was considered a part of Air, although separated by ethnicity (more beings with Plant Life association than Air). When the shard broke off, the inhabitants were quick to declare themselves independent (Air didn't care at the time). The many Toa of Plant Life quickly spread The Green to the barren rock. Because the thin soil they had to hire beings of Earth to make for them was insufficient to grow more jungle on, all four other sides have a prairie/grassland/savanna terrain. In addition, said soil was too malnourished to be used for large-scale farming, leaving Vi-Clysmax with no real source of economic income. To solve this problem, dozens of prairie, grassland, and savanna Rahi where imported, and many more of these creatures now naturally appear on the shard. These Rahi thrived, so much in fact that they began attracting big-game hunters. Today, Vi-Clysmax is a popular destination for safarists, big-game hunters, and ranchers. The capital city (called, imaginatively, Vi-Metru), is built into the treetops in a portion of the "top" jungle. Because the inhabitants don't want to harm the trees, most of the city is built out of shaping the living trees, as well as metal/plastic structures -TLhikan
  23. Good job so far TNC01. Is the whole thing already written?-TLhikan
  24. If there was a Lego Inquisition, they'd be all like "BURN THE MEGABLOK! KILL THE CONSTRUCTOR! PURGE THE K'NEX!"

  25. There's at good chance that there will be more Toa of Light; it happened in the Kingdom. Really? I thought I read that Takanuva was experimenting with it (but it may be that he was doomed to fail).
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