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Madara: Mangekyou Master

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Posts posted by Madara: Mangekyou Master

  1. Corey approved. :) +2


    @Ymper, I'll get a Lance post up in an hour. Rancors, Corellian sand panthers, acklays and any number of nasty predators that can survive in a jungle. :3

  2. Seeing as Bouncers now have faces, Ilya, can you provide a description of your mossball Jedi's face? ;) Kidding. I look forward to his lightsaber shenanigans.

  3. Ilya - Den call it Niman/Jar'Kai! Rawr.


    Otherwise, I might think it's Ataru/Jar'Kai, and the last thing I need is to imagine a mossball rebounding off the walls, ceiling, and floor spinning four lightsabers in his tentacles... I think I scared myself.

  4. Ilyusha - I'm loving the mossball. I have only a couple technical questions relating to his lightsaber forms. Jar'Kai is more of a method than a distinct standalone Form. Does he adhere to any particular Form?

  5. who the heck let basilisk have friggin' rancors? ._. anyway Name: Vyhl DresakSpecies: GalacianGender: MaleAge: 29 Standard Years of AgeFaction: NoneSympathies: Sympathic towards the Republic, even if he's not exactly doing things that line up with their laws...Rank: NoneOccupation: Doctor, Smuggler, and everything in between.Skills: Vyhl has a very extensive base in medical knowledge concerning most sentient, and some nonsentient, species. Quite good at stitching things back together, what he doesn't know he generally can guess. Combat-wise, he's not the best, but the fact that he has an intimate understanding of how bodies area supposed to work gives him a bit of an advantage when it comes to knowing where to hit to stop someone. Most resistant to colder temperatures than most sentient species, Vyhl finds such colder areas to be more comfortable.Force Abilities: None.Equipment or Weapons: In a bag slung around his shoulder he generally carries basic first-aid supplies, as well as having a few bacta sprays strapped to his belt. Owns a few plates of blast-resistant armor, which are really only a pair of gauntlets and a segmented chest plate. The left gauntlet has a scanner and medical readout built into it, while the right is equipped with a comlink and holoprojector. His unique Umbaran blaster rifle is his weapon of choice, having purchased the advanced blaster some time ago.Appearance: Like all Galacians, Vyhl is physically similar to baseline humans, save his silvery-blue, moonlight, skin tone. As a result of hailing from the mountainous region of his planet, his eyes are darker than average, looking completely black in anything but direct light. Well built, but not overly muscular, Vyhl is slightly above average height for a humanoid. His silvery hair is normally worn short, though not styled in any regard. Facially, he's somewhat strong featured, with a general elfin appearance. His eyes are angled, with prominent cheek bones and a slightly pointed chin. A trimmed beard covers the lower half of his face, obscuring his features somewhat.Personality: Nonchalant, cool, not really one to have a temper, Vyhl is for the most part calm and collected. Can be a tad bit impulsive at times, but generally thinks things through before acting. Approaches problems with an unrelenting analytical mind, and has a bit of a problem giving up. Stubborn in the best of circumstances, he nonetheless does what he can to help those he's loyal to.Home Planet: GalaHistory: Vyhl grew up on Gala in releative comfort. His family mostly had positions in government, as such they lived in the more developed regions of the planet. Despite this, Vyhl himself spent most of his time in the mountains, visiting the nomadic groups known collectively as the Hill People. Never one to stay in one place for any length of time, the Galacian left his home at the first chance he got, and went on to wander to various planets, hitching rides on passenger liners from one place to another. Along one of such travels, the Galacian met with a certain Abraham Vos, and taking a liking to the human, joined his crew as ship's doctor not to long after.

    Approved +1
  6. Well, she is a Jedi, so I think she would likely have a skewed view of the Sith order.Beskar is a pretty dense metal. Is it a hollow cane?

  7. Really, it's not that difficult. Does ____ have almond-shaped eyes? Is ____'s nose worthy of Cleopatra? Can you slice bread with _____'s cheekbones? Does ____'s roughly heart-shaped face match her heart of gold?That being said, it's not the end of the world if a face's description isn't as detailed. It's a plus, but not as important as... say... having a good description of a character's clothing. Wardrobes are important.

  8. I have a couple of questions and one or two comments.What kind of blaster pistol does she have? While she's an excellent ship, I'm not sure I would count the Combat Wombat as a faction. I think it would be more appropriate to say none, and elaborate on her loyalties to the ship and its crew in Sympathies.Finally, and most importantly... What is her nose like? ;)

  9. That would be Basilisk.


    Carawyn Jade is also streaking towards the bottom of one of the speeders, firing his Flitknot's light repeating blaster at the bottom of one of 'em.

  10. IC (Captain Tremaine):


    Tremaine watched in surprise as the Gozanti Cruiser dove, passing under the Lance and angling out of range of the Arquitens' turbolasers. The human activated the bridge's commlink system. "Warn the quad-laser crews! I want them blasted! No one messes with the Republic Navy."


    As the orders were relayed, a rookie clone trooper spoke up. "Captain Tremaine, sir. We have not yet hailed the enemy vessel and demanded its surrender. They're obviously outgunned by us. I imagine they would prefer capture to being blown to bits."

    Tremaine gritted his teeth. "Shut it, Bongo. I wouldn't take their surrender." The quad-laser crews had begun to pelt the Gozanti with fire, firing large sprays of lasers to make up for the lack of targeting systems. That's when an idea hit the Republic captain.


    "Men! I want this ship turned on its side! They may have snuck under us to avoid our turbolasers. They can't escape them that easily." He grinned as the Arquitens began to turn, thrusters spinning the ship along its access. "Clones! Fire at will!"


    IC (Anshar Rune):


    Anshar crossed his arms, watching the Kaminoan clone crawl up into the trees. "Suit yourself, Prime One." His tone was equal parts sarcastic and incredulous."Vel. Nice of you to drop in on us. We need to get to the coast and skirt along its edge until we can establish a visual of the Jedi island. How can you see in this darkness with your shade on?"

  11. Or they could be people without a whole lot of options who need a ship to get themselves offworld and out from under the thumb of an admittedly authoritarian government, and thus decided to steal one.


    Or it could actually be the gang that's involved with all this other mess, as we were led to believe from the beginning.


    I really like the second option. The Swoop Gang has what, between 40-90 members. They need to get off-planet somehow.

  12. Basilisk - Have you seen the Bantha Fodder? The ransom would be pitiful... probably. On the other hand, if they used the stolen ship as an inconspicuous mobile hold for their wealthier kidnap victims...

  13. Basilisk - This.




    OOC: I have no idea whats supposed to happen looking for this ship, so if you want to do something, Lev, or if the staff could intervene...?


    If you want. Th delivery of the spice should be going fine since its got to the planet without being swiped, its just tracking down the Swoop Gang that could be a bit trickier. Since, though Lev's character says their ship was taken by the aforementioned gang, I haven't seen that confirmed by staff, so I'm not sure whether I could use that to track...anyone, really




    I suppose they could not be the Swoop Gang, but it was Basilisk who suggested the idea to have it be the Swoop Gang in the first place. I was just under the assumption the staff would come up with somewhere for us to go if we asked them really nicely. Perhaps somewhere with less chase scenes. :P


    So yeah.


    -Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:



    @Lavama - Really, a battle simulation might be overkill. Six paragraphs and three posts do not a battle simulation make. Target shooting in the ship's range, reading maps, introspection, thinking about past battles/lost comrades. You have an arsenal of potential things to do to fill out the requirements.

  14. Basilisk - Zehvor could use some clarification on something. Ymper - The Edge will probably benefit from unloading its proton torpedo magazine as quickly as possible. I'll get up a post from Tremaine and the Lance shortly. A laser cannon is generally 3-5 times weaker than a turbolaser, and Tuorri is shooting like Rambo... so I imagine the shields are starting to falter. I'll get to it.

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