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Madara: Mangekyou Master

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Posts posted by Madara: Mangekyou Master

  1. That would make sense, design-wise. One thing to note is that proton torpedoes appear to have the ability to maneuver. I'm not sure to what extent, but I believe that once they're locked on, they can make turns as sharp as 90 degrees to hit their target.

  2. IC (Anshar Rune):


    Rune grimaced ruefully at the Zane's words. "Right. Competition seems to the second-nature to most sentients. And then there're the psychotic ones..." He gestured with his chin to the door, a cultural quirk of his mother's people. "Like that mutant Kaminoan seems to be."


    "Gans, somehow, I have the feeling that challenging a Sith Lord to instruct you, then rejecting the lesson would be a perfect way to not impress her." The Apprentice looked at the Mandalorian apprentice with golden eyes that had just a hint of cheekiness in them. "If patience is a virtue you need to develop, I suggest giving a little more consideration to Lord Gurrox's challenge. Shying away from an opportunity to improve oneself... I don't know, my friend." The Kage hybrid shook his head hesitantly, false uncertainty written on his face.


    Anshar raised himself and gave a semi-casual salute to Zane. "Apprentice Rune, at your service by the way. You are Lord Dravvad, correct? You gave us a lecture on the Naga Sadow once. I'd imagine a historian and archeologist like yourself must be looking forward to exploring some of the Rakatan ruins on Lehon."


    OOC: Zane wouldn't happen to be considering taking on an intern would he?

  3. Torpedo launchers are generally somewhat fixed in place. While the quad-laser turrets can rotate, they'll generally have a fixed arc. That being said, it's gotta a pretty wide arc. :3

  4. OOC: Yup! The Knife's Edge is the Gozanti Cruiser.

    IC (Anshar Rune): Anshar grinned as Gurrox jabbed at Gans, and pointed at Vel. "You know, Jaceren, Aloe Vera makes a very good point. And your outlook puts you in a small minority. Old-fashioned doesn't mean better." The Kage hybrid rolled over, shifting himself so his face was closer to the other Sith. "Really, we're much healthier than previous Sith orders. Or at the very least, have a better mindset. Unity in purpose is much better than having to sleep with one eye open for fear that your comrade will stab you in the back." "Personally, I think more would have been accomplished if past orders hadn't spent so much energy infighting and backstabbing. I think that learning to work in unity with other Sith and harnessing one's emotions are potentially more important than skill with the lightsaber in bettering oneself and improving one's strength."

  5. @Strack- Yeah, a Gozanti cruiser is less than a third of the length of a CR90 corvette like the Tantive IV. 41.8 meters to 150 meters

  6. IC (Carawyn): Jade was desperately trying to keep pace with the sudden movements of the Edge, a near-Herculean task thanks to the gibbering fur ball wedged in the one-seater speeder bike with him. "I'm pretty sure I saw it fire off a pro-." The Padawan's response to Elara was cut off as his stowaway threw his grubby paws up and let out a gleeful squeal. "Krifhmwrwerm." Jade's curse was cut short as he received a mouthful of filthy fur, the creature continuing to gibber excitedly. "Poor critter must be half-mad with fear." He spat, and brought his Flitknot up, hugging the belly of the Gozanti cruiser and finishing his previously interrupted sentence. "Proton torpedo."

  7. IC (Darth Recusatia): "Lady Recusatia. I trust that your journey is going well?"Darth Recusatia opened one eye as the familiar voice with a distinct Coruscanti accent echoed in her mind. The Mirialan Sith smiled. "Darth Scitus. How good of you to drop in. I presume there is some pertinent news that you wished to deliver?" The Dark Lord of the Sith's mental message sounded slightly mirthful. "Some more information has come from our satellite. It has been tracking our quarry. There are eight Jedi on-planet, and a little over a squad of their slave soldiers. I trust that the apprentices haven't been too rowdy.""For the most part, they seem eager. Perhaps over eager. But such is the way of youth." The Mirialan Sith bit her lip in contemplation. "There is the issue of the Kaminoan experiment. The instability of its subconscious is increasingly obvious. We shall continue to monitor it." OOC: Hyperspace post 2/3

  8. Or you could have character building conversation while eating hot dogs at the ship's cafeteria (followed by throwing the cook out of the airlock). Really, two paragraphs per hyperspace post isn't at all strenuous.

  9. OOC: Looking at the description you have, it was the other way around. You changed it from Makashi to Soresu. :3


    IC (Carawyn Jade):


    The gunship released another volley of two missiles, and tried to bank to the right and avoid the Edge's volley of fire. The proton torpedo whizzed past the gunship, blowing a large chunk out of a tower. The building shivered, before it collapsed onto a transport that was slowly rising from a rickety old port.Unfortunately, the gunship was nowhere near fast enough to avoid the double burst from the quad-laser turrets, particularly due to the sudden shift in range. Carawyn winced as he felt Marrow and the other clones get snuffed out by the blasts. The gunship was practically vapourized by the attack. Jade cursed, holding the furbear with one hand as he brought the Flitknot down, keeping pace with the Edge as it dropped towards the undercity. Sticking close to the ship kept him in the gunners' blind spot. Putting distance between the two would quickly turn him into a target for the Edge's lighter quad-laser array. "Nentir, please hold off on firing anything too explosive. I've foolishly put myself into a position where I'm dancing rather close to their ship."


    The Padawan swung his arm about, throwing Chubs into the space in front of him. "I'll kriffing deal with you later, furball. Hold on tight."


    Jade swung his arm outwards, his lightsaber flying from his arm warmer to his outstretched palm. The yellow blade blazed to life as he swooped along the belly of the ship, stabbing at a belly-mounted dish-like system that looked vaguely important to the pirate cruiser. The comms of all the Jedi crackled to life. "Captain Tremaine of the Lance*. We are in orbit over your position. Unfortunately, we cannot provide a fighter screen. Our interceptors are have been engaging in war games at the other side of the planet and are currently refueling on the surface. We'll keep an eye out for any ship though. What is the class of the bogies' ship?"



    OOC:*An Arquitens-class light cruiser.

  10. OOC: I thought his profile said he studied Soresu? Granted, I suppose he could be lying. IC (Anshar Rune): Anshar nodded. "Oooh, a swordsman and a healer. How awesome. You wouldn't happen to know which planet we're heading to, would you, Lord Gurrox? I may have missed it when Darth Recusatia dropped the name. First big mission and whatnot..." The apprentice was beaming sheepishly.

  11. @Basilisk & Flare - I recommend an onboard simulator. Rather than a flashback. It could play out almost identically. The main problem is that if any of Flare's clone characters fought at the first battle of Geonosis, they would be roughly 30 years old... Physically at the age of 60 and just about ready for "retirement."

  12. IC (Anshar Rune):

    Anshar leaned out and looked at the Sith Lord. He raised his index finger in thought. "Right, Lord... Gurrox, right? We should get to know each other's strengths, historical, psychological, and physical." The Apprentice crossed his arms and rested his chin at the intersecting point of his arms. "I've been studying Niman pretty intensively almost since the moment I got on the Renaissance." He stuck his tongue out in thought. "It's been close to ten years, I guess." The apprentice smiled. "What do you practice, Lord Gurrox?"

  13. That would be wise. Most parties wouldn't post the bounties until they know everything they're angry at the people in question for. Wouldn't do to post a bounty for blowing up a gunship or two, robbing a casino, killing the owner of a speeder, stealing another speeder, causing minor damage to the undercity and resisting arrest, only to have to go back fifteen minutes later and post another for completely wrecking up a portion of the undercity while looking for even better ways to resist arrest, resulting in several incidental fatalities and a hot dog stand.

    Not the hot dog stand!! D:As a Swede, I vehemently protest the destruction of a stand selling such delectable delights! Bounties up by 200k credits! >: ( Dang, I just raised their street creds didn't I?

  14. Believe it or not, I found semi-sympathetic Cumberbatch to be almost awesome as Khan (since the original Khan, ruler of 1/4 of the earth, was described as "the best of tyrants", authoritarian, but not massacre-prone or purgey).


    :/ Somehow, I feel that seeing Harrison Ford shoot first won't make up for Star Wars VII being a (no doubt) cynical attempt to make more money. On another note... I really love the idea of traffic chaos. :D I may have to hold off putting up bounties until after they've made an escape.

  15. IC (Anshar Rune): Anshar grinned and walked alongside the other apprentices to the spartan and rather narrow quarters. The half-Kage leapt nimbly to the narrow upper berth, to make room for the other Sith apprentices to file in.

    "Well, I'm originally from Jabiim, the Boneyard of the Republic. That should tell you more than enough about my views of the Republic's backers." He propped up his chin on his hands and elbows. "It's a political order that has gotten fat off of the blood of innocents, controlled by Jedi fanatics and the military-industrial complex."He turned to Vel. "How about you, Aloe Vera?"IC (Carawyn Jade):


    Jade was gearing towards the freighter when an assault of sounds hit him. Two of the missiles were hit by pirate ship's fire, exploding into balls of flame and smoke. The Padawan swerved to the side, spinning the ship to avoid the chaos in traffic produced by the rising Edge. Out of nowhere, a group of airspeeders came... (no doubt inebriated) young people who had picked an incredibly poor time to drag race over the docks. Two of the speeders swerved to avoid the thickly armoured transport, narrowly missing the rising monolith. An small airspeeder, loaded with what looked like a group of very inebriated Bith, smacked into the side of the rising vessel, the smaller vehicle practically disintegrating against one of the ship's smaller quad-laser turrets.


    At this opening, the LAAT fired off a beam from one of its bubble turrets, the green beam scorching the Edge's armour. There was little effect on the larger ship. One thing was increasingly obvious, as the gunship struggled to avoid the blistering hail of fire from the gunners. The clones were outgunned, and had almost nowhere to run.Jade swore silently to himself. The Jedi had to contain this, before property damage got even worse. Thankfully, the Jedi Order had been shielded from civil legal action by the Senate, shortly after the Grandmaster's purge of potential dark-siders in the political body. As Carawyn brought the Flitknot around in a wide arc, aiming to . If only he could get edged closer to the pirate vessel. Jade was nearing the underbelly of the craft when his focus was broken by a high-pitched screaming bursting from behind him. He glanced over his shoulder. Somehow, a familiar fuzzy furball had latched onto the back of his bike."Quod the kriff!"

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