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MasterTahuX (Old School:/)

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Status Updates posted by MasterTahuX (Old School:/)

  1. {sends in dead clones}

    U HAs NOW MAiD MEh MOaRE POwoRFiL!!!!!!....and shoeless ='(

  2. brakalaskasdjnhdnhgf

    or however you say it

  3. =ooo relly? =oooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  4. {sends in dead clones}

    U HAs NOW MAiD MEh MOaRE POwoRFiL!!!!!!....and shoeless ='(

  5. =o Well now the PGS list is full...

  6. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I really have no idea why i did that.


  7. *gets a katana*

    *throws at you on airboard*

  8. ima has a whole knew pofiel makeova!!!! liek...=oooooo

  9. uummmmm......why did you lose pe

  10. how you get so much views!

    When will your comics open again I miss them :(.

  11. -burns ur house down-

    hao bowt nao

  12. Ummmmmm.......Why exactly did u luse PE?

  13. zomg relly? i zo want to zee taht

  14. now u didnt u were burning

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