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Blog Entries posted by Ultimate_Kardas

  1. Ultimate_Kardas
    Now that I'm not tired, I can go into detail.
    I had to go with my little sister's friend's youth group. The kids there were more annoying if anything.
    So anyway, we were originally gonna go waaay in the seats in the back, but we ended up being right at the front bars because one of the leaders was friends with one of the guys on tour who gave us all free wristbands which allowed us to go to the front.
    We met Tim, the lead guitar and trumpet player of Toby Mac's band. He commented on me and my sister's cold hands. He was awesome and reminded me of Nathan Fillion.
    After the show, I bought a house of heroes shirt and got it signed by the whole band. They also argued whether my Venom shirt was Venom's or Spider-man's suit. They were awesome.
  2. Ultimate_Kardas
    For the first time in my life, I shaved, thus completing my long journey into manhood.
    To commemorate the event, I will kill a moose with my bare hands and use it's antlers to chop down a tree every year, as many Canadian men do.
    I can practically feel the testosterone and maple syrup oozing out of my pores.
  3. Ultimate_Kardas
    The year is 2001. My mom is pushing me out of walmart in a shopping cart. I have already finished building my first Bionicle ever, Pohatu.
    I drop the rock that came with him.
    I frantically look around I the ground. I can't find it. My mom stops and casually looks around for it. We can't find it.
    My mom comforts me, and we go home, no rock in hand.
    Fast forward to the present.
    I'm at the house of one of my mom's friends. There's a big bucket of Lego nearby and I figure there might be a few bionicle pieces in the mix. There was, and her son also had a whole bunch more stuff that I didn't have, and will probably be going back to buy from him.
    Anyway, that's when I see it. Not 1, but 3 rocks. Just like the one I lost that day. I find the woman's son and ask him if I can have one. He says sure.
    Reunited at long last.
  4. Ultimate_Kardas
    Skopio and the thornatus are now mine.
    It should've been over $200 in Canada with shipping and handling.
    But I got it for $104 with free shipping.
    The only sets I don't have for 2009 now are Tuma, Mata Nui titan, Click (but I can build him), kaxium, metus, Berix, and Atakus.
  5. Ultimate_Kardas
    Arkham City: 5 times the size of the first game? Wow. I cannot wait.
    Skyrim: New Elder Scroll Game? Dragons? Yes please.
    Thor: Definitely looks better than the other games Marvel has spit out (Other than Spider-man 2 of course), but I'm not too excited for this.
    Mass Effect 3: Knew this was their next game. But still. ASDF REAPER EARTH INVASION
    Resistance 3: No PS3. Do not care. I have to admit that the viral campaign that fooled the news was cool though.
    Prototype 2: Never played the first game, so can't say I care about the second. Trailer wasn't all that great.
    Insane: I like Del Toro's movies, so this should be interesting. Hardly anything was revealed about the game though. And 2013? Really?
    Portal 2: Wait, this isn't new. It's just a bit more of a a quarter of the multiplayer trailer. Better than nothing I guess.
    Forza motorsport 4: Do not care, racing games are lame.
    SSX: Deadly Descents: Really? It looked like some awesome game, but then it was just some lame snowboarding game.
    Uncharted 3: Don't have a PS3
    Best Studio: Glad to see Bioware won. One of the best studios.
    Best action adventure game: Haven't played brotherhood yet, but I played AC2 and that was awesome. Heard nothing but good things about brotherhood, so I'm glad it won.
    Best shooter: I wanted Halo Reach to win, but knew Black Ops would win. No surprise there.
    Best performance by a human male: Meh. Would've rather seen the guy who played John Marston win than Niel Patrick Harris.
    Best independent game: Never played any of the games, but I heard Limbo was pretty good. Good for them.
    Best Racing game: Do not care. Racing games are lame.
    Best RPG: Heck yes Mass Effect 2.
    Best soundtrack: Never played DJ hero and I don't plan to.
    Best Music game: Rockband's fun, but not nearly as fun as other games.
    Most anticipated game for 2011: I wish Portal 2 hadn't won this award. It could've been out this month.
    Character of the year: Haven't played Black Ops yet, so no comment.
    Game of the Year: Haven't played Red Dead, but again, heard nothing but good things.
    Best DLC: Look above.
    The cast of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia? Awesome.
  6. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, I've been playing video games a lot recently. I finally beat Black Ops on veteran (also my first play through) and was so relieved when it was done. Seriously, I don't think I've ever raged as much before.
    Also, got the assassin's creed brotherhood DLC. Lots of fun and I very much recommend it.
  7. Ultimate_Kardas
    The lights are bright here. I've been down on my xbox for so long. Too many games.
    I've started to get bored of Skyrim cuz I'm so powerful, so I'll get the rest of the achievements I need and then start a new character.
    In assassin's creed, I beat it and am already level 50 in multiplayer.
    I'm on "Assault on the control room" level of Halo anniversary on legendary. Legendary makes me cry.
    But is it just me, or are hunters like the easiest enemies ever? All I have to do is easily dodge their straight line they run at you in and then you shoot them once in the back with your pistol. Also, I've found all the terminals so far except for the current level. I'm missing two or so skulls as well.
  8. Ultimate_Kardas
    I was kind of freaking out when I saw these next to my name. I suddenly wondered what I had done wrong and was frantically looking through my post and topic history to see what I had done wrong on the day I was given the points.
    Fortunately, thanks to BZP's search bar (which I encourage people to use since it is very handy), I went to the BZP Q&A forum, searched "warning points", and found my answer.
    I still think it's kind of silly to have positive warning points.
  9. Ultimate_Kardas
    *While playing an online dragon age game*
    Me: lol, your character looks like Mr. T.
    Watashi: I have no idea what you're talking about.
    Me: look, he's black, he got a mohawk, and he has a bit of I beard.
    Watashi: I honestly have no ide-Oh my god he looks like Mr. T.
  10. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, seeing as I'm one of the only ones who actually finds (most of) my Friday funnies actually funny, and since I make a habit of missing them, I decided I would post something that should make you smile.
    Actor Ron Perlman put on the full Heckboy (DARN YOU BZP WORD FILTER) costume make-up for a terminally-ill child for the make-a-wish foundation. It really shows what a great guy Ron is, especially since that is a lot of makeup to put on, just to see a child for half a day. A lot of actors wouldn't have done it, and I really respect Ron for that.
    Here's a link to a picture that I hope will warm your heart.
  11. Ultimate_Kardas
    1. Open Aho's blog in about 5-10 tabs
    2. Scroll down in each tab until you reach the sunglasses on the left.
    3. In rapid succession, click the sunglasses, then the next tab, then the sunglasses in that tab, then the next tab, etc...
    4. Once you reach the last tab, cycle back to the first one and keep doing it.
    5. Continue to do so until brain explodes.
  12. Ultimate_Kardas
    Ya, it's my birthday soon, and I usually get to choose which set to get.
    I kinda have 2 thoughts right now.
    Try to find the boxed Toa Mata Nui titan, or...
    Buy the 4 little sets on the top of the canisters, bordahk (completing my vahki collection), and the exo toa. This is all only $35.

    Yes, they are all used, but he says they're in perfect condition.
    I really want the exo toa.
  13. Ultimate_Kardas
    Just took advantage of the sale of the week and got 12 months of gold for $20 off. Now I can play the newest Left 4 Dead 2 DLC online and I'm all set for the Halo Reach beta.
    This is a good thing.
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