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Status Updates posted by Ultimate_Kardas

  1. Ya! You like 9 too! I can't wait for September!

  2. Oh yes, there will be.


  4. He's actually Deadpool, a slightly insane anti hero from Marvel comics.

  5. Not now. I have waaaay too many messages cuz I'm not premier.

  6. Ya, I kinda figured that.

  7. ;_;

    You stole my text.


  8. I hath heardeth that thou liketh kips of the mud.

  9. My borther has already subscribed to the comics. So we get all of them!

    I loled when all the skrulls chopped their hands off.

  10. I know! Reptar is the best!

  11. Reptar the name u dumme

  12. I know! it's a little sleeping guy with a twitch in his left eye.


  13. It's a screenshot of me in halo, and I just edited it in gimp so that the outside of the flame was transparent. Other then the cutting, there was no editing done to the pic. It's all in game.

  14. owait.

    You have an av that changes randomly.

    I was thinkin liek: WHY DO YOU CHANGE YOUR AV SO MUCH

  15. First off, I have a blog!

    Also, just wanted to tell you that you might like my latest entry.

  16. Lovin the personal pic and the avatar. I love the oatmeal, and on that awesome Justice League cartoon, Martian manhunter was my fav character.

  17. I guess you're right. But hey, what is life without creepiness anyway?

  18. Whoa, I just noticed your website is my profile page! =O

    I feel so special!


  20. Love the avatar.

    Deadpool was so awesome and hilarious in that movie.

  21. Dude I can't I'm still at work D=

  22. I found my camera, and gave my alternate Teridax a better picture and a better hammer. Go on and check it out!

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