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Everything posted by DexStar

  1. Come on, Lhik, you could've at least used an original joke
  2. X, you haven't been reading about vampires again have you?

  3. When is the end date for the conest? And if I post a topic entering it in BBC 49, can I enter in this too?
  4. Mine too =D! He's awesome =)

  5. *Ice cream explodes*

    O RLY?

  6. *Throws strawberry ice cream at Blade's head*

  7. ...But I AM actually a girl...

  8. ...You like BumbleBee too? KEWL!

  9. =O I need to get to tescos...

  10. Fridgey's a woman?

  11. OMG! Your gender is gone!

  12. I'm so wishing I managed to come across such great deals...

  13. Did you really nab Lesovikk for 3 quid?

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