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Everything posted by KopakaNuva_gurl

  1. lol yeah so much for most people at school saying its a boys subject and not for girls

  2. what do you mean to many girls

  3. why cant they CONTINUE the series and bring out a new one at the same time instead of going for "younger fans" and getting rid of the older ones they have now i dont see how thats very fair
  4. hmm do you have a chatango and your username is jetstorm?

    oohh wait thats why that name sounds familiar transformers i thought so

    i met someone on one of those chat things and there username was like jetstorm or jetstorm something

  5. ive got to start keeping track of what i say

  6. i forgot what i said i can never remember but thank you and yeah im going to a friends house for halloween and her birthday what about you

  7. i just barely passed my 5 classes this month

  8. lol so random i forgot what i saidXD

  9. wait where did i wright girl lol i want to see this

  10. lol im calm now i swear >w>

  11. Tat is a guy and he is cute lol YAY DUH DA DUHHHH BUNNY GIRRRLLL TO THE REESCUUEE!!!!! i need to lay off on sugar

  12. lol i keep finding you i cant shake you XDDD

  13. Hey hows it going its Kopakasfangirl from gaia and Leeme4eva from deviantart you choose lol

  14. okay i cant really afford that so thank you

  15. what do you want for your masks

  16. YAY I SENT HIM A MESSAGE *ish happy*

  17. How many posts until your not an inhabitant anybody

  18. lol myy life has been here and there i started school today that was exciting...but i fell asleep in class....also exciting i dreamed of pimp slapping tahu after he said i couldnt reach him XDDD YAY I WON THE BATTLE

  19. LOL Thats awesome...and really depressing if you didnt find the mask...i had a dream about tahu mocking me about not being able to reach his mask to pimp slap him and then i finally found a way to do it

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