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Everything posted by DeepFriedZombies

  1. "You a girl!!??"


    I never notaced to look at the gender untill now...

  2. ...


    Alright, This is my last suit of armor. And you broke it.




  3. Easy: Good armor. Unlike that cheap generic armor...

  4. *Hits wall from fan while on fire*

  5. Yes, it is my new plan to infect people withmy persinal picture! Muwahahaha!

  6. Adventurer, can you make me some more armor? Takua broke all my other suits...

  7. I sense a BZPower member who is SO happy, they made there display name a ^_^ face!

  8. People spam in your blog too much. *Points at latest CLOSED entry*

  9. I dont no you either, But farwell.

    It is really sad when a member leaves.

  10. iM iN uR... Hey, nice lego base. :P

  11. GAH! Hot hot hot hot! FIIIRRREEEE! I NEED WATER! WATAR!

  12. That is a awsome rank image. o_o

  13. I hate waiting to change my display name. Angry face is angry. >:c

  14. Ok, It's time to kill that fool... *puts on Black armor, volitak, and cape, and gets shadow scyth* GRAGH! *Jumps out* I'ts time to finally die, Takua!

  15. Oh no! *Grabs DS with flame skin, and runs into bathroom* Ah, what if he comes in..Aha! *Puts "Reserved" Sign outside of door* Note: I wont be on for say...2, 3 hours tops. HA!

  16. Thanks for saving me, Adventurer!

  17. You forget that I'm in another suit of armor. And that vacuum Cleaner isnt even pluged in...

  18. You should make a full "fresh makuta of bel-air" Song. :P

  19. *Is in base so base gets incinerated (spelt that right?)*

    ...Is there a draft in here? Oh...wait...

  20. Um...Takua's getting into the cordex-like barrior...what should I do?

  21. Ahaha! He wont get in- Oh... Well, better see what Adventurer will do.

  22. *Put's up codrex-like barrior* HA! You cant get in! Ahahahahaaa! -Crazyface-

  23. When I first saw your avatar, I looked away for a bit, Saw the eyes turn red in the corner of my aye, And was like "Wait...thats not right..." XD

  24. Adventurer! Help me! Takua gave me the armor eating virus! *Arm falls off* Whyyyyyy?!

  25. Gah! Armor..dissolving...Must..run..to..Adventurers profile!

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