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Everything posted by DeepFriedZombies

  1. And then what happens when you run outa' Saliva, huh? Also, I could keep asking you alllll night if I wanted to. >:3

  2. ! *turns on body-covering shield* Suprised!? Ahaha! *Detonates bomb*

  3. Agh, good thing my suit has a built-in healing function... and inside my shield... *Destonates bomb* Looks like your dead, Takua.

  4. Oh noes. Guess I'll just turn this off.. (Bleoop.) Step away... and turn it back on. (Blooep!)

  5. It's your turn to post on Bionicle kingdoms, Vezok.

  6. When I mean "Varient", I mean stronger then the codrex. It kills those who arent allowed in it. And you arent allowed!

  7. *Puts mine with the power to destroy a city on you, and protects myself with a varient of a halo 3 "Bubble shield"*

  8. Well, yeah I like Code Lyoko, but The comments are kinda... spam...Oh wait, I see that your Interests say that you like it. Odd.

  9. That rank image is awsome. Simply like that.

  10. I join your team on the Comment pie-throwing war.

  11. Baby ducks fail. (It's opposite day by the way XD)

  12. Even though we may be Makuta, that dosent stop me from killing you in Member hurt and heal.

  13. Sorry, But I'm Anti-dermis in a Nano-suit given to me by Adventurer. So how about we put a smile on that...head. *Strikes*

  14. Adventurer also added Time-freezeing... Muwahahah! *Freezes time, and cuts your head off*

  15. Well then what happens when you run out of Scotch tape, then?

  16. Ah ah ah, let's not scratch this... *Brings out super-rockets* Muwahahaha!

  17. I dont know what made you add me to your friends list, but whatever, I Aprooved.

  18. Ohhhh Taaakkuuuaaaa? Look at my new Nanosuit! Muwahahaha!

  19. Yay! It's the best armor a (for now) Makuta could have! Yay!

  20. What happens when you run outa duck-tape?

  21. Hey, Caboose! Hows the saving the day going?

  22. I'm in your house, raiding your fridge.

  23. And a rip-off that makes bad jokes too.

  24. My friends, we just found a cheesy rip-off of Zeddy. :P

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