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Karzhani the Utahraptor

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Blog Entries posted by Karzhani the Utahraptor

  1. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    You notice that little 'star' thing at the top of your profile? In case you didn't know, that's the average of how many stars people give you.
    Here is my ranking system:
    0 Star
    Either you're a new member, or you've been inactive for years and years since you joined, or you're simply a horrible person. Anyway, keep working for more stars!
    1 Star
    NOOOO!!! U r a noob!!!!
    Seriously, I've never seen anyone with one star before, most likely because most members feel bad by giving others only 1 star.
    2 Stars!
    You're the regular noob, who spams and breaks the rules. Keep following the rules and eventually you'll get 3 stars.
    3 Stars
    A BZPower member which posts a lot and has broken the rules more than once. Usually. Or a very hated MOCer/writer
    4 Stars
    Regular BZPower member's rating. You are average! COOL!
    5 Stars
    Famous BZPower members or staff usually have 5 stars. Most of these people have worked hard for years to achieve this rating.
  2. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    I'm addressing this to all of BZP, or whoever actually cares to read this blog.
    I've been following the Bionicle saga for 5 years already. Its been fun, and I enjoyed reading the books and its interesting story. However, I feel that the Glatorians aren't as good as the earlier sets, from 01-08. They should have stuck with the original story. They really should have. But its Lego's decsion, not mine to make. I haven't bought any of the 09 sets other than Vorox, and I was disappointed with its playability. When I heard that GregF would only write 2 full books each year, my spirits dropped. I await the book coming out next month, but I can say that my overall interest in Bionicle is 0. Zero. Zilch. Its time for me to, sadly, move on.'
    Its been fun for the last 2 years when I was on BZP. Ask Makuta, Zaktan's Diary, the Ancient Artifact....but they might be no more. I'm done with BZP. Finished. I'm busy in real life as well, so I can't spend too much time online.
    I might return to post occasionally, but I shall now go into 'dormant' mode. A high chance is that I will return and post regularly by the end of this year, but that is not guaranteed.
    Before I leave, I would like to thank TMH, Shadowlion, most of the people in my friends list, and all of those who have ever read and liked my comedies, epics or SSes.
  3. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    I just found a (closed) topic by this guy called Karzahnii the Mental expressing his hate for the people with the word 'raptor' behind their names. (That includes me...)
    What's your opinion on this fad thing?
  4. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    I was in our school's (huge) library searching for old books. In our school library, each book has a 'due date'piece of paper stuck onto it, so you can see when the last due date for the book was and how many times it was borrowed, and when (one Gernonimo Stilton book had like 3 pages and a 100 due dates! It had been borrowed 100 times! And......the first time it had been borrowed was 2007 only! That means it's borrowed like once every week or something.
    Anyway, we were looking for OLD books. Our school campus was established in 2003, so we were looking for books from the 03-4 period. I picked up a dusty looking children's picture book (it had some very long name that I could not remember). It had only been borrowed 2 times. Once in 2008, and the other in.....
    Meaning it had been lying in our library for almost 20 years! Since our campus was built in 2003, I assume that the book was transferred from some older campus.
    I also found a book called Linger, which was only borrowed once in 1994. My friend claims that he saw some librarians moving away some old/torn books. He found one which was last borrowed in 1982!

    Its not mine, but I can't help it. The pic is too perfect
  5. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    If you don't understand a bit of the following, then you will be one of those 'don't' peoples, who have to post after you. Never do that, or the chain will continue....unless you're a do person, which makes me better than you or the person posting after me in Dee Island.....of randomness. Don't people like the un-use of randomness, like us do peoples. We do. Be a do person, because wherever you go, wherever you try to hide, the Sun will always be there....
    Therefore, being a 'do' person beats being a 'don't' person, because animal shaped chocolate cookies taste like muffins. So, in order to become a better person than me, you have to become one of those 'do' peoples, because the person who posts after you will use Santa Claus, and Santa Claus drops presents to 'do' peoples living in the mysterious world of Zorg which will always be the person who is staring at you....
    Be a 'do' person, as the stars like Tomato Sauce.
    What was your reaction to reading the above?
  6. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    I watched the movie 'Bolt'a couple of days ago! It was funny! A great comedý!
    'Bolt' is an innovative tale of a show dog, who plays as a superhero, but thinks all of his powers are real! But when he gets lost, he finds out that none of his powers are real. I'm sure you've seen the advertisements.
    I like the hamster .
    By the way, I've just finished a (stupid) custom Campaign map for Halo: Combat Evolved. Can be found here:
    You need a working copy of Halo: Combat Evolved for PC and download the free Halo Custom Edition update from the site.
    I included checkpoints, but for complicated reasons I can't explain they don't work.
    You want me to explain? Oh, here it goes:
    Campaign maps in Halo have 'scripts'. These are kind of like commands the game must obey. So, for example, if I want to create a few elites after a player passes through a certain point, I'll place a trigger at that point, and refer to it in a command script. So, if I wanted the Elite computer controlled 'AI' to be created, I would have to create this script
    (script startup h4xmb
    (sleep_until (volume_test_objects trig_1 (players))15)
    (ai_place elites)
    ...assuming that that I called the elites "elites" and the trigger 'trig_1'. So, in order to create a checkpoint when the player walks through a certain point, I'll place a trigger called "trig_2" or something like that at that area, and refer to it in a script.
    (script startup
    (sleep_until (volume_test_objects trig_2 (players))15)
    The game_save command well...creates a checkpoint. However, the problem is that the game will check for enemies within a certain radius. If there are enemies, the checkpoint will not load. The game only checks for about 8 seconds or so before stopping.
    I didn't know about this at the time I created the map.
    Bungie used this command:
    So it would constantly keep checking until all enemies have been eliminated and then save the game.
    You never knew Halo was that complicated, did you?
  7. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    A short-story sort of thing I cooked up:
    Adventures of a Cockroach
    Hi there! In case you haven’t already known by the title, I’m a Cockroach. To be precise, I am a Cockroach living in a Hawker Centre. Seriously, it isn’t that bad. You have all the food you can eat, all the spilled drinks to drink and a spacious home. Life is good. Though there are some minor disadvantages. Humans are one of them.
    Look, humans provide me with all the food I need, all the water I need, and other luxuries. Though I am not welcome, I usually steal a minute amount of their food when those humans are not looking, or when they place it in the garbage bin.
    I have been discussing with other Roaches in the community, and we have agreed that humans are pests and must be annihilated. Even without anyone running this Hawker Centre, we could easily find other sources of food. Humans have been destroying our species and homes for decades, mercilessly crushing us, and all we have done is steal a small bit of food from them.
    My now question is: How do we stop them?
    Humans have height, strength and reach over us, and possess countless Cockroach-killing weapons, like what I think is called Insecticide or something. They have also been seen crushing our kind with something on their legs known as: Shoes? And are these the limit of their arsenal of weapons? I doubt that very much.
    I have heard many horror stories of humans killing our kind, murdering them without mercy. I never thought I would experience such a thing myself. Let me tell you a convincing tale of why these humans should be crushed:
    It was a cold rainy, night. The wind howled and it poured and poured. However, there were still humans dining at the Hawker Centre, where it was sheltered.
    I myself was happily eating at the bin-outlet at the back of a noodle stall. I had ordered some food, and the waiter was rummaging through the leftovers and scraps in the bin looking for what I ordered.
    After the meal, I cautiously exited the bin. The stall owner had gone off somewhere, so the path was clear. I hastily scrambled out of the food, or rather garbage outlet and out of the noodle stall. My home was at the other end of the Hawker Centre, and I had to avoid being seen.
    I expertly ducked and dodged the footsteps of the humans, and manoeuvred between the legs of tables.
    All was going well until I reached a certain point where a little girl spotted me as I was crawling about near her foot.
    “Cockroach!” she yelled, “it’s got on my foot!”
    Remember that I was a cockroach and a girl was screaming at the top of her voice. It was so loud that I almost lost my footing (though it is always good to have six legs). Ah! It was like a sonic attack of some kind.
    Several of the larger humans were closing in, and all trying to stamp me with their feet. I quickly scaled the length of a table and began to fly (yes, I am a winged cockroach).
    I somehow managed to fly back to a little hole in the wall-my home-and have a good rest.
    Here my story ends. You can see how the humans try to kill us all, wipe us out entirely from the face of the Earth. They are cruel!
    The day after the incident, early in the morning when the vendors were just arriving at the Hawker Centre, I flew out of my home, flying out of the Hawker Centre, towards the ‘great outside’.
    ‘The Great outside’ is a term given by me and fellow insect inhabitants of the Hawker Center. It refers to the great an seemingly endless space outside the centre, where it is rumoured the dreaded humans live.
    I headed towards the Green field near the Hawker Centre. I was searching for someone, someone that I would need the help of.
    Aha! I spotted him! Perched on the leaf of a low growing plant, almost invisible due to camouflage, was a single, light-green praying mantis. His true name had been lost to history, so all the inhabitants of the Hawker Centre call him ‘Mantis’. He has never moved from his post, just stays there, his greyish compound eyes scanning the area for prey, which usually consists of a few unlucky flies and mosquitoes.
    He never expected a large winged cockroach like me to land on his leaf and knock him off balance.
    “What do you want?” he said in a cold, unforgiving voice of a born hunter, as he watched a large mosquito-his lunch-slowly fly past him and fly away.
    “What do you suggest we do about the humans? They’re getting far too irritating! Last night, some of them tried to kill me after I stole some unwanted trash! That’s so unreasonable!”
    “If I were you,” said Mantis, “I would suggest an all-out assault on the humans. That however, is none of my business, so I do not want to take part in the attack. I have nothing to do with the Humans, they have nothing to do with me. Now scram!”
    I flew away, shaking my head. What could we insects do against humans?
    After some thought, I realized that Mantis’ suggestion wasn’t so insane after all. We insects had the numbers and speed; we could easily nimbly evade the blows of humans, while swarming at them with superior numbers.
    So that afternoon, I held a meeting of all the insect leaders in the Hawker Centre. To us, any insect, no matter how small or stupid, has the chance to talk in front of our leaders and express original opinions.
    So, assembled in front of me were the two leaders of the Cockroaches in my neighbourhood. Do you know that there are more than 4000 kinds of cockroaches worldwide? Our species is just one of the many more that there are.
    Beside the Cockroach leaders sat three small beetles, the only three left in the Hawker Centre. They were known to be vicious killers and scavengers, and the three of them had survived more human assaults than any other insect individual. That had earned them a high place in the insect society.
    Nearby were a couple of ‘guests’. There was a wasp, who refused to tell us where he came from or who he was, the queen of a nearby bee hive, the respective leaders of the mosquito and fly population, and the highly respected queen ant, known for her often successful tactical assaults on human food and territory. There was also a large female spider, who had volunteered to help us.
    Strangest of all of them, however, in my opinion, was the leader of the termite population, which seemed less interested in the meeting and more interested in consuming the chair he was sitting on.
    I quickly explained my strategy and how we should attack the humans. My plan was what Mantis had suggested: we swarm out and attack all the humans, irritating them and forcing them out of the Hawker Centre, even downing one or two with tremendous firepower. The two cockroach leaders agreed on my strategy, clicking their mandibles in anticipation. The mosquitoes and flies said that they did not think that was the best plan yet, but they would be happy to help. The queen ant said she preferred a more subtle strategy, but would be happy to lend us a large number of troops if needed. The termite leader said he wanted to have nothing to do with it, while the spider thought it was foolish.
    Eventually, we had a vote. It passed 6 to 3.
    After a long and hard discussion, we agreed that we must fight back against the humans and destroy them. We would then adapt to eating other sources of food. The plan was to organize a strike force and wipe out the humans in one blow.
    The next day, the attack began.
    First in the attack were the mosquito females. Did you know that only female mosquitoes bite? And when they bite the blood is needed to nourish their young?
    The mosquitoes swarmed into human territory, attacking them, biting them and then laying their eggs in pools of stagnant water. Watching all the confusion, irritation and annoyance in the humans was actually fun!
    Next in the attack came the flies and cockroaches, swarming in numbers that no one had seen before. They attacked in enormous numbers, storming into human territory in the hawker centre. Like the mosquito attack, they were unprepared. We had the element of surprise. The humans were confused and disorganised, fleeing or futilely swatting at us. The attack was soon followed by the ants that approached from the rear, surrounding the humans.
    However, soon the tables had turned against us insects, as the humans sprayed insecticide everywhere and our side suffered heavy casualties. By the end of the day, most troops were either dead or in no shape to battle. Survivors were either evacuated or squashed.
    If you are a human reading this record of mine, be afraid. For us insects will strike again someday-even if we have to wait for years.
    do you like it? Post Comment away!
  8. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    Oh yes, and for Halo fans out there, I'm currently sculpting my own Halo map with Gmax, a 3D modelling program. The map is a U-shaped canyon with bases on each side, teleporters, and vehicles. I'm planning to add in a few game-controlled Elites and Flood.
    Screenshot (takes about hal-an-hour of work to reach this stage):
  9. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    1) Look carefully at the quote. Notice somthing wrong? The date, the content? The 'cool' emoticon?

    2) Whenever you get a new comment on your profile, yo0u'll recieve the following message:

    Look at the statement in bold.
    How can you be reading tje message if you're not logged on?
    3) Apparently Hapori dume has 1000017 posts. Where did they all go?
  10. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    At the Singapore Zoo, nearby where I live, a cleaner was mauled to death by White Tigers on Thursday, as I read in the newspapers.
    Now, before you begin to make vows never to go to the Singapore zoo again, read this.
    The man actually jumped into the tiger enclosure, which had a fence of 4Metre+ high, from a viewing platform. There is an additional fence, a moat, and a small overhang to stop visitors from falling into the tiger exhibit. He actually climebed over the fences, swam across the moat, and began agitating the tigers. The ttwo female White tigers ran forward towards him, while the male tiger stayed behind, as the worker covered his head with a bucket. One of the tigers fatally injured him. The police know what happened because some Australian guy captured the whole thing on tape.
    At first the visitors thought it was some kind of show, until the man began screaming when the tigers injured him. Visitors tried scaring away the tigers and throwing items at them, but to no effect. Zookeepers, as well as two liscenced shooters arrived and lured the tigers into a smaller enclosure, but it was too late to save the worker.
    The zoo staff said that they had seen the worker throwing things about and trying to agitate the crocidiles before going into the tiger exhibit.
    Also, the zoo has declared the White tiger exhibit 'safe', and that adequate security has been installed.
    Meanwhile, the two female tigers seemed stressed after the incident. according to the papers, they are now alert and seem to be afraid of something. They were scared because of the huge commotion raised by the visitors and zookeepers yesterday, with all the loud noises and stuff being thrown in their direction. The male tiger appears fine. The zoo has closed the exhibit temporarily as they investigate.
    Personally, I think its neither the zoo's fault or the tiger's. The zoo has installed proper security measures to prevent the animals from escaping and visitors from falling into the enclosures.
    I like the white tigers a lot. Tigers are an endangered species, with only a few thousand individuals left in the wild. White tigers occur when a tiger is born with a white coat instead of an orange one, and the chances of that happening are very low.
    I hope that the zoo does not do anything to the tigers, as they were following their instincts, to defend themselves when attacked and when their territory is intruded.
    What do you think?

  11. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    I got the Final Battle yesterday!
    Of course, I can't reveal any spoilers at this time, but I can tell you that there is an unexpected twist at the end.
    I don't get it though, why Lego always releases books before the Release date. Then, what's the point of having a release date iff the books always come out a month or so earlier?
  12. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    All right, first off, I'll give you a hint to my contest: This set is a villian set.
    Next, now, the quiz thing begins!
    Test yourslef on Bionicle facts by highlighting the white space below each question.
    1. What is Bionicle legends 11 called?
    A: The Final Battle
    2. Who sacrificed his life for Mata Nui?
    A: Matoro
    3. Who is Voporak?
    A: A being that is assigned by The Shadowed One to hunt down the Mask of Time
    4. Who killed Carapar?
    A: Tren Krom
    5. Who's the best member on BZP?
    Now....guess which Dinosaur movie these pics came from!
    I didn't do Bionicle movies because its too easy for you guys. The first one is a giveaway. Just look at the jeep.

    A: Jurassic Park

    A: Land before time VIII: The Big freeze

    A: Allosaurus!, by BBC
  13. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    Whew! That last entry was ages ago!
    I've now bought Jetrax (and built it, of course).
    Hmmm....perhaps next time I'll do a set review. It was such a fun build!
    My cousin's also got mzeka. He hasn't told me anything about it yet. At the same time, I've bought Gorast.
    Now, to my real life....
    Today, after reaching home from school, I picked out the newspaper and the headlines were:
    It was about how milk productsc from, and even outside contained some poisonous chemical called Melanine that was artificially added to milk. My country has banned all imports of milk from China, thankfully.
    My mum called soon and told me and my sister not to drink any milk or milk product (Chhocolate, Cheese etc)
    This is scary.
  14. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    In case you haven't noticed, today's my Birthday! TMHjkl has been kind enough to make me a Birthday topic in COT.
    I had a weird dream last night:
    Bionicle.com has been updated with a swamp explorer, a virtual reality thing that ets you explore Karda Nui's swamp.
  15. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    I've just returned from school camp. It was for 3 days-Tuesday to Thursday.
    There, we went for a hike, did stuff like Rock Climbing, Aeroseiling and problem solving.
    One particularly scary part was the high elements. Picture this: There are 2 high poles (vey very high. Like two or three stories). There are rings around the poles, to serve as handholds and footholds. Then, at the very top of the pole, there's a wooden platform, with a climbing net hanging in midair. You're supposd to jjump from the platform to the net, or else there's the 3 storey drop down below...
    Making their way across the net, there's another platform on the otherside. Jump from the net to the platform and climb down using similar sets of rings.
    Of course, it isn't so dangerous. There's a safety harness around your waist, which is attached to a pulley that is pulled by four people down below-one teacher and 3 students. I had one arm on the first platform, with the other hanging in the air, while my feet were on the footholds. Suddenly I realized that I could not pull myself on the ledge, so I began to climb downwards. My other arm was still wasn't hanging on to anything. I made it down about three steps when both feet slipped and I found myself supporting my body weight with one hand. I hung on until my hand burned, then shouted to them "Falling!"
    They pulled on the pulley and lowered me to the ground. I discover that I have a minor fear of heights.
    Second hint to the contest lies in the latest chapter of Ask Makuta that's written by me.
  16. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    Ok, picture this:
    One of my classmates, a guy who always bullies me, is migrating to China next week. I replied to everyone's email saying that I won't miss him and now the whole class is out to kill me. WHAT SHOULD I DO?
    The teacher kind of resolved most of the situation though.
    Has anyone actually found the first clue to my puzzle yet?
    p.s: Here is a top secret 09 pic! Click on the link below...
  17. Karzhani the Utahraptor
    Not sure if this is allowed.
    All right, here's how to play the contest. They'll be certain clues that point to a Bioncle set. The clues are hidden all over. The first person to correctly guess the set will be awarded a secret prize.
    The hint to the location of the first clue is in my signature.
    This will be updated often.
    To participate, simply comment on this entry or drop me a PM.
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