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Toa Novu

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Status Updates posted by Toa Novu

  1. Hey guys. I've gone insane! Want to know why? Go read "The Letter." I always promised myself I wouldn't pair Gali with anybody...

  2. Hey Maku. Just wanted to stop by and thank you for voting for my entry in S&T contest #3. :)

  3. Hey, I've read one book by Randy Alcorn. Uh... Safely Home, I think it was called.

  4. Hey, Macku... You might won't to go look at the S&T contest again... ;).

  5. Hey, Turakii. Have you heard Wierd Al's peridy of "Miss American Pie?" I usually don't like his stuff, but I just had to laugh at that one.

  6. Hi Dexstar! I added you to my freinds to.:)


  8. Hi person. *Hug*

  9. Hi ToD! I have only one thing to say to you and only you will get it... cabbage.

  10. Hi Varnka! I came by to personaly (well, as close as you can get on a computer) thank you for all your advice on my epic. Thanks!

  11. Hi, Karzahni! What happened to the links in your sig?

  12. Hm.. Hola! What's up with the just saying hi? And, thanks again for the sketch Varnka.

  13. Hm... *Goes to see what Varny's review was.*

  14. Hm... Don't think I've read any by her...

  15. Hm... I didn't realize I was on your freinds list. Cool. :-P

  16. Hm... I think I'm gonna need more fish... *Grabs fishing rod.* And yeah for Skillet!

  17. Hm... I'm definitely late, but... Happy Easter to you all!

  18. Hobbitsess... I'm a Hobitsess...

  19. Huh...?

    Oh, that. You's welcome.

  20. I also really like Imperfection.

  21. I am so excited about the team up GregF mentioned in his blog for next years on line serials. GO BRUTAKA! I love that guy. :P

  22. I am the Novu. I do not surrender. (Plus the button to lower the sheilds is broken...)

  23. I am? What's the top 20.. oh! Kewl. 8>P

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