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Toa of Dancing

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Blog Entries posted by Toa of Dancing

  1. Toa of Dancing
    Sunday, November 14: I woke up. Went to church. Helped out. Blew my nose. Didn't really think much of it. Went home. Ate. Played. Went to sleep. Woke up at 1:41 A.M. (even though that was technically Monday I put it here) with a puddle of snot and an incessantly running nose. Blew my nose about thirty times. Was slightly worried. Went back to sleep.
    Monday, November 15: I blew my nose another dozen dozen (yes double on purpose) times and called my mom who was cleaning someone's house. I asked her if she could get some Puffs with lotion on the way home because my nose was redder than Rudolph's. She said yes and I said bye. I finished school, still blowing my nose every minute or so. A friend came over, we had fun playing and such.
    Tuesday, November 16: Went with my mom to help watch a family (both I and they being homeschooled, of course). Blew my nose a ton. Went and did PE. Felt worse. Got home. Felt worse. Couldn't swallow. Felt worse. Ran a fever. Felt worse. Was denied leaving the house. Felt worst. So I read and then went to bed. I tossed and turned for an hour and then woke up drowning in my sweat. Took off blanket and shirt, in less than fifty degree weather mind you, felt okay. Woke up again at 1:41 A.M. (strange number, no?) and blew my nose off, put shirt on, slept.
    Wednsday, November 17: I still felt bad so we went to the doctor. He confirmed it was a sinus infection. We went home, stopping to get a slushy and a cheddarworst at a gas station. Got better quickly, felt happy.
    Thursday, November 18: Lazy bum, did school, played a game and read. And practiced a magic routine.
    Friday, November 19: Second verse, same as the first.
    Saturday, November 20: Practiced magic, played that same game (Galactic Civilizations II: The Dread Lords if anyone's interested). Then went to a magic show, set up, performed (with the others in the club), took down, got sweaty. Tired ToD was tired. Slept.
    ...That was my last week.
  2. Toa of Dancing
    Seriously, you guys should come down to CoT and do some stuff, like the Immediate Association Game and How Well Known Are You? and maybe do other stuff and also this is advertising for The Experiment which is fun even though it takes a few pages just to move so yeah come and does this entry seem like it was written by a robot because it just keeps going on and on in a monotonous voice in a really long run-on sentence and it is really boring because it just keeps going on and on in a monotonous voice in a really long run-on sentence and it is really boring because it just keeps going on and on in a monotonous voice in a really long run-on sentence and it is really boring...
  3. Toa of Dancing
    hes beeg and pwful and dosnt afrad of anyting!11!one! B) B) :lol:

    and he swamz wit muztazh!111111!!onetwothree22111!!! haz meeeeeeeelllllllleeeeeeeennnnnnnzzzzzzzz uv drons on hiz zid!!111one!!! :o :blink:
    (vvv ololo invisitxt ololo vvv)
    So yeah, figured I may as well make my own of these guys (darn you Brickeens why do you have to make fads XD). And to make this entry not spam I said this. Oh, and yes I gave it a background so I can get away with no transparency. XD
  4. Toa of Dancing
    For the weekend. 'Cuz it's a camporee. if you don't know what that is, here's a quick explanation:
    A bunch of Boy Scout troops get together for a weekend and compete in different events like cooking and skits and such and we have fun.
    So yeah I won't be on.
  5. Toa of Dancing
    I'm not going as anything. 'Cuz I'm sane. At the most I'll probably be on BZP, read a book, and play Torchlight, Wind Waker, and possibly Plants vs. Zombies. If I get it in the half-off sale Steam is having. BTW, have I ever mentioned that Steam is like, the best store ever? Y'know, because it sells a bunch of games, has a bunch of sales, and is online. Etc. Etc.
    And stuff.
  6. Toa of Dancing
    I seem to make entries about whatever I'm playing at the moment...
    Anyways, Torchlight is fun. Made by Runic Games. Some of the same makers of the Diablo games. A fun little RPG, with a nice replay value. Mods make it more fun, but that my opinion. XD
  7. Toa of Dancing
    I haven't posted in here for more than a week... Do I have a fever?
    *checks temperature*
    Nope. But herp derp slurp kalurp. Or something like that. Anyways, I've been playing The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.
    WHY SO ADDICTING??!1!!1!one!!
    But srsly it's fun.
  8. Toa of Dancing
    Imma bein' randomz. Wanna joinz?
    Also, I'm sweating swimming pools right now. Four entries are within two votes of third in the RPGC Final and Beat and Rhythm is one of them, along with Crossroads and Day Run, both two of my favs. And Fall of Four and One which seems interesting.
  9. Toa of Dancing
    And it was about the Republic trying to defend Ryloth, home of the Twi'Lek race. (I did spell that right, right?) Anyways, there was an awesome Jedi named General Dai. The Separatists were blockading the planet so that supplies couldn't get through.
    Then comes Bail Organa and Jar-Jar and they go to Toydaria, a planet relatively near Ryloth. There's a bunch of arguments along the lines of "but ololo tat wud brak ur nutralty" and "But it would be for the Twi'Lek's, not the Repuplic." Eventually it comes down to the Republic having to sneak the supplies through under the other guys' noses, which brings about Jar-Jar showing his awesome cup and saucer balancing skills.
    Anyways, back to Ryloth, General Dai is all like "ohes noes tey didn get suplys her in tim." So he and the Clones are all like "protct temz!!!!" and go out and battle with the droids. A lot of them get killed, including General Dai and a captain. Of course, the supplies get there like the split second this happens and it's a somewhat-happy ending.
    All this to say: Well, looks like General Dai...
  10. Toa of Dancing
    So, Friar Tuck pointed out why you guys don't come.
    It's because we tear you to shreds.
    That makes me feel bad.
    But I try not to.
    So come and check the RPGs out please?
    Also finishing my RPG Beat and Rhythm.
  11. Toa of Dancing
    RPGC#19 finals, to be exact. So, if you guys want, you should vote for 4. A link if you do want to...
    Also, some other nifty ones are Magnum Opus and Day Run. Just sayin'.
  12. Toa of Dancing
    When I lie and I know they know I'm lying. And I hate it when I lie and nobody knows it. I hate when I lie.
    It makes me feel really bad.
    And I get restrictions.
  13. Toa of Dancing
    Avast, I've started playing MechQuest! Seriously, if you aren't playing it do so, lad. Yar, and if you do decide to do so please do so using this link, land-lubber.
    So do so now please, matey!
    (Also mate, I found out that it was indeed this gloriously day through that game.)
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