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Toa of Dancing

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Blog Entries posted by Toa of Dancing

  1. Toa of Dancing
    Been gone the past few days.
    Reading Lord of the Rings like mad before summer ended, and then watching all three movies.
    blind = mown
    Though the movies weren't as good as the books, both were still great.
  2. Toa of Dancing
    I speak of money. I can't seem to be able to keep a penny of it for Lego or games or anything useful. You'd think ten dollars roughly every week wouldn't be that easy to lose. But I'm serious, there's almost always something that I need to buy. Whether it be batteries, a graphics card that the computer badly needed, or anything else.
    Why, oh little green bills, oh shiny coins, oh bank accounts, why?
  3. Toa of Dancing
    Become a mixture between a bumblebee, a mad artist, a jedi, an old man, and Jason Bourne?
    But I have been told that I'm a squid, a monkey, an old young man, and a weighted companion cube.
  4. Toa of Dancing
    So two kirbies were playing ping-pong.
    But then the ball disappeared. And they just stood there.
    Because they were emoticons.
    Moving on to actual things of possible importance, Other M looks like it will be just as awesome as the Prime games. The second-person gameplay with the added first person bits looks awesome. And Samus talks. So yeah. Ramble.
  5. Toa of Dancing
    1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
    2. Put it on shuffle
    3. Press play
    4. For every question, type the song that's playing
    5. When you go to a new question, press the "next" button and continue
    1. What is my life's philosophy?
    Falling out, Relient K (Is that like dropping out of school?)
    2. What will my last words be?
    Under My Skin, Skillet (So will I die due to a disease?)
    3. How am I feeling today?
    Nothing and Everything, RED (Exactly)
    4. What is my theme song?
    Shadows, RED (Hmm... I guess...)
    5. What song will be played at my wedding?
    Storm the Gates of ######, Demonhunter (Wow... Nice. Not shure many people would appreciate that, seeing as many of my friends don't like screamo/growl. Though it is a Christian band, so eh...)
    6. What song will be played at my funeral?
    Desperate, Decyfer Down (lol)
    7. How will I be remembered?
    Imperfection, Skillet ( )
    8. What is some good advice for me?
    The Symphony of Blase, Anberlin ('K then, I'll keep that in mind...)
    9. What is my life's dream?
    Red Sam, Flyleaf (Whut?)
    10. What's my kind of lady/man?
    Favorite Disease, Thousand Foot Crutch (Ah, so my wife will be that disease...)
    11. How do people see me?
    Say Goodbye, Skillet ( Dang, no one likes me... )
    12. How would I describe this page?
    Oh, Happiness, David Crowder Band (But some of this isn't happy...)
    13. How would I describe my best friend?
    So I Thought, Flyleaf (No! He couldn't betray me!)
    14. What's in store for this week?
    Fully Alive, Flyleaf (Ah, so I won't die...)
    15. How would I describe my parents?
    SMS (Shine), David Crowder Band (My mom and dad are shiny?)
    16. If I had one wish, what would I wish for?
    What Do We Know?, Thousand Foot Crutch (Everyone to know something is my guess.)
    17. What do my friends think of me?
    Crash, Decyfer Down (So I fall asleep a lot. LIES!)
    18. What is said about me behind my back?
    Can I Lie Here, David Crowder Band (Oh come on...)
    19. What do I think of this questionnaire?
    My Obsession, Skillet (Must... Do... More... Questionnaires...)
  6. Toa of Dancing
    I saw him lurking a month or two ago and shrugged, thinking he might've glanced back. But I looked at his blog just now cuz he posted in the RPG Forum.
    (also i bet this is late but still party hard)
  7. Toa of Dancing
    I've always wanted to go there, even before I became friends with Brickeens. And I also want to learn to play the bagpipes, though that's Scotland, isn't it?
    I guess I just want to go to Great Britain in general. Or wait, is Ireland part of Great Britain or not? And Brick, do you live in Ireland or North Ireland?
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