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Toa of Dancing

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Status Updates posted by Toa of Dancing

  1. all i can say is lol

  2. I was joking. It's actually a good name. I skimmed it.

  3. Whereas your name is fai- wait... what is that? Are you holding a gun? Anyways, your name is fail.

    *leaves what happens next open to interpretation*

    BTW, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis FTW!

  4. lololololololololololol


  5. I gives you no reason!

  6. I feel like commenting on your profile. XD

  7. Yep, and thanks. My screen name actually originated from me dancing up front at the altar on Sundays. But anyways, can't really discuss this so yeah. Unfortunately. But rules are rules, so whatever.

  8. Hey you. You need to clear your PM box. Please.

  9. Christian. I'm discussing the fact of playable demons right now with Nihi, in fact.

  10. Ahem, to quote Munki.


  11. No I'm not. But I have the ability to report members to the staff. So, go ahead, comment away. I will not continue this discussion, seeing as it would turn into a flame war.

  12. Guys. Stop. Now. Immediately. Or you will be reported to staff. Listen to Omi. Listen to me. Listen to Metal Syndrome. Do -not- comment.

  13. It seems to happen when I join his games. XD



  15. Because I'm awesome? XD

    Thanks. Though that number ain't skimpy...

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