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Optimus Prime

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Everything posted by Optimus Prime

  1. That one was tempting, but I think I prefer the classics xD

  2. How did you come up with so epic a screenname? O.o

  3. They brought him back at the end of the movie xD. So all's good

  4. Eh, that's probably the third best alt mode. You have to admit, Jolt's alt mode is pretty striking in the movie.

  5. Dude, that's pretty epic... almost better than Optimus Prime xD. But nothing can beat his alt mode.

  6. Oh, oops. I missed the "MY transformer"xD. But yeah, most people know where I got my name from. What is your character's alt mode?

  7. Hmm, I didn't think that was an actual Transformer name... interesting xD. Sounds very Bionicle-esque to me xD. But yeah, I figured you were an Autobot xD

  8. LOL, that's probably true. It may help if your name is that of

    Optimus Prime, though xD

  9. Yep, I'm a Trans-fan and have been so for quite some time now xD. Nice to know there are more of us out there on BZP xD

  10. It felt pretty good actually. I had the satisfaction of knowing that the Earth would be spared from utter destruction, and also knew that our greatest enemy was forever defeated xD

  11. Yeah, bet you didn't know that the leader of the Autobots was a fan of Bionicle xD

  12. So, what's with the random comments? ;)

  13. Um, okay, i guess...

  14. Um, hello. Can I help you?

  15. Yeah, I thought it was too big, but I was kinda ripped away from the comp before I could check the sig guidelines. Thanks, though.

  16. Hey! You have the same location listed as I do!

  17. Wait, so why do we have two banners for the same epic in our sigs?

  18. Actually, I fixed it as soon as you commented back. Here's the code if you want it:


  19. I'm doing okay. It's just bugging me how it took forever to get that stupid banner and now it won't work. Grr....

  20. Wow, MIx, wow. It doesn't matter, since I already got the banner made. Although I'm having trouble making it work....

  21. Oh, BTW, what mask does Nuvok wear? I was going to have IgnikaMaster put that and Silvon's mask on the banner.

  22. LOL, ok, I'll post on it.

  23. Yes, but wouldn't it make more sense to add Silvon and Kotus to the banner, seeing as that's the title of the epic??? And also, excellent addition to the chapter. Very suspenseful.

  24. Yes, I needed to get a sig for Mixtar's epic, but I was pretty busy at the time and couldn't get to it. Can you make one?

  25. Nah, I'll leave that for the actual epic. What's the fun of reading it if you already know all of the plot twists?

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