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Optimus Prime

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Status Updates posted by Optimus Prime

  1. That's what's going to happen, isn't it? Either that or you hadn't thought of anything yet, so you took my idea.

  2. How would it be possible? Are you instigating that someone from outside the Bionicle universe would arrive and tip the balance of power? ZOMG!!!!

  3. Usually, when two god-type beings are equal, it results in endless war, which is great for writing epics, but bad for the people in that universe ;)

  4. Not Bazrigan? Interesting... if I had a beard, I would be stroking it right now ;)

  5. Hmm... I'm going to assume that Bazrigan was the being who awoke at the end of Chapter Five. Very interesting.

  6. My personal photo is the cover art of DragonForce's new album, Ultra Beatdown.

  7. You're a fan of C&C? Nice!

  8. LOL, i love your current sig. "'Sniper mode has two zoom functions, up close and personal, and hello your dead.' -Sev" That's a classic

  9. In response to your comment, I found it in a google image search

  10. I had to give myself at least one comment. Yay! I feel loved now.

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