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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Brickeens

  1. Brickeens
    I'm just back from my last art class. My teacher is retiring once school concludes for the summer, so I'm not sure if I'll ever be going in for classes like that again. If so, I'll miss them.
  2. Brickeens
    I've been doing so much character-orientated work recently I thought it was time I drew some environments. I don't know why I decided drawing a cliff would be a good idea, but hey, I did. The inking took about three hours.
  3. Brickeens
    I love how some people tell me that my health problems are some sort of a gift or a good thing that will make me a better person. It's just sadistic.
  4. Brickeens
    But I just couldn't go to bed before I'd finished reading Catching Fire, AKA the second book in The Hunger Games.
    I just finished reading it now, and my goodness, that was amazing. Like, wow. I'm getting my hands on the next/last book as soon as possible.
  5. Brickeens
    I actually hadn't heard of The Hunger Games until all the hype about the film came up. I was thinking of going to see it, but I held off because I didn't want to watch it having not read the book.
    But while BZP was down, a friend gave me a loan of the book, which I read last Friday/Saturday, and I managed to see the film on Monday, -just- before it went out of my local cinema, so mission accomplished.
    They were both fantastic. Spoilers ahoy while I explain how much I love them both.
  6. Brickeens
    Continuing on from last week, something really unexpected happened today. The girl I knew very well from primary school actually came and sat beside me on the bus today, and we talked all the way home.
    I can't really describe how happy I am now that this has happened, so I think I'll just finish with this gif.
  7. Brickeens
    So art classes at school are going pretty well. I go in on a Wednesday and a Friday, and on a Friday the art class is the last class of the day, so I take the bus back home.
    The two individuals from this entry are on the bus. And yeah, what do you know, they're still ignoring me. The first one is generally ignorant anyway, so I suppose I can't expect anything else of him, but as for the other I'm 99% sure she avoids me because she has stupid Catholic parents won't let her near non-Catholic people or things. I can't go into detail there because some people might get offended and we can't discuss religion.
    It's pretty depressing going home on a bus with a bunch of people and feeling really isolated.
  8. Brickeens
    I took a Nuva-style approach to this one. And well, uh, she probably doesn't even look female because I'm still that bad. Maybe the sand blue will distract you. And the scarf.
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