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Knight Lautrec

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Everything posted by Knight Lautrec

  1. An indecribable thing.Seriously, I have no idea how to describe that.
  2. Malcolm McDowell, AKA the guy that killed Kirk.Tiwlight Sparkle. Will the ponies never cease?
  3. ^Yay, people recognise him! I'm guessing it's from MLP. It looks a bit like Spyro, actually.
  4. Twilight Sparkle in front of a badge. I think it's from Mass Effect.And if you ever get the chance, you should really see the movie. It's not as violent as everyone says it is, pretty tame compared to the kind of stuff we get nowadays.
  5. Yay, finally someone who recognises him. You apparently like Star Trek, BoA, MLP, and Mass Effect. Interesting combo.
  6. That cat (at least I think it's a cat) looks a lot like Cereal Guy from rage comics.
  7. Karkat, Terezi and Sollux (I think. I can't really remember, haven't read Homestuck in yonks :/ ) staring at something in the sky.
  8. I never thought I'd see something that I could honestly not describe. Apart from colours.Seriously, try to describe colour to a blind person. On a similar note, try inventing a new colour.
  9. Nepeta staring at what looks like a small brown leather bag.
  10. BRB, resizing the banner.I see you also do artwork and short stories. You're pretty good if I do say so myself.
  11. A caveman RED Pyro with a chef hat. Your argument is invalid.
  12. I just cropped the image, I can't really do much about it. :/ An ad for Bionicle Fighter. I remember playing an early version of it before the Fall, and it was pretty mediocre. No offence.
  13. Randomness isn't always good, you know. If you were to, let's say, terrify a toaster into the next life, obviously a passing pink elephant would explode in a shower of noses.
  14. It looks like his helmet's meant to hold a ninja star in it or something.
  15. Depends on whether you mean the MLP character or the actual state of enmity.So, which shall it be?
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