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Everything posted by Kek

  1. But delicious trans-bones, Brohatu. Be optimistic.
  2. I don't think the trans-bones are breakable. The CCBS system almost never breaks, including on transparent parts such as the 2013 HF Brain Attack heads (not to be confused with the easily-cracked 2009 Glatorian heads they decided to reuse in 2012), so don't worry about it breaking. It is a lot of money, but it's also a lot more parts. *CPP = cost per piece Tahu Mata - 33 parts for $7. CPP: $0.21 Tahu Nuva - 36 parts for $8. CPP: $0.22 Vakama Metru - 48 parts for $8. CPP: $0.17 Vakama Hordika - 48 parts for $9. CPP: $0.19 Jaller Inika - 46 parts for $10. CPP: $0.22 Jaller Mahri - 68 parts for $10. CPP: $0.15 Tahu Mistika - 73 parts for $13. CPP: $0.17 Tahu Stars - 19 parts for $8. CPP: $0.42 Tahu 2015 - 89 parts for $20. CPP: $0.22 So the cost per piece is the same as it was back in 2001-2002, and the new Toa have more parts than any prior standard Toa set. Of course, CPP isn't always the best source of how well the set is priced, as a set with a high CPP may have its high price because some of its pieces are very large or a set may have a low CPP because its parts are all small. But from this perspective at least, the new Toa are just as good a value as most of the old ones. Not to mention you technically get two figures, multiple play features, and an extra mask all in one. This is something the previous figures lacked.
  3. These figures look like a lot of attention went into them and it really shows that they're the next big step in CCBS. On another note, those red and purple Skull Spiders in the comic are making me hope we'll see them in more colors, or even in blind bags in the summer wave
  4. I was okay with Vezon. What I WASN'T as okay with was the rampant dimension-hopping in Bionicle's later years, and giving the ability to do so to the most volatile character in the entire series was a HUGE mistake. The idea of alternate dimensions quickly made it so that the universe was that much more complex—not only did you have the complexity of the main universe, but you had other universes intruding and bringing more complexity with them. I want the new theme to be able to progress and develop independently, and bringing in characters from the original Bionicle universe would be the quickest way to ruin that. If a character like Vezon can just pop in whenever the plot demands then all of a sudden the potential for random plot twists in the story skyrockets, with characters able to interfere with the logical flow of the story at any conceivable moment. This. So much of this.
  5. About to upload my entries soon. Looking forward to seeing everyone's villains.
  6. This is great. All these elastic expressions make me think that the Toa won't just be showing one emotion 99% of the time, and there will be some genuine interactions between them.
  7. These are really impressive. Keep it up!
  8. I honestly hope it's a reboot. The reason the first few years were so grand was because they came from nothing, and shaped the world as the story progressed. A fresh start to tell a new tale full of mystery and wonder is what I wish to see in the new story.
  9. Oh, you had no part in it. I know that much. Stuff just happens. It was around yesterday's spike of new activity in the topic. Some member took the comments and posted them to tumblr. I just wish we could all get along in terms of this head canon, yay or nay. Like I said though, it's a beautiful MOC, and thanks to you, I'm going to grab a City/Turbo Throwbots disk, a Kongu, and a Lime Rau, and make a Tamaru myself. Might make a backpack out of the same piece you used for the satchel.
  10. Okay, I love this concept. It's inspired me to make my own Tamaru; and Makaru, I give you props. The only thing I could say that would help the moc blend better would be replacing the Metru disk for a City Throwbot disk to help with the flow. Everything else is great though. Now, there is one problem however, and it's that I'm noticing some of the users who aren't really feeling the trans-Tamaru headcanon for their own personal reasons are being labelled as transphobes on Tumblr. Could we maybe not do this? Just because they think a headcanon for a children's toyline isn't super-duper awesome; whether it be they just think it doesn't fit the lore, or they think it's just too fanfiction-tier to be really original, they should be able to say why without being ostracized and targeted for it. Honestly, just because they don't like it doesn't mean they need to be put up for display in a blog and the painted as evil or inhuman. I mean, read Seltz's comments as to why she disagrees. She has her own personal reason. So do other members. Thank you again Makaru for the inspiration, and thank you to the original creator of the concept. I thought it was outside the box, and love the idea. And if someone else doesn't like it, then fine. I for one won't judge and act like a child about it like some have been doing. Have a good one, everybody.
  11. All these fandom names that don't even roll of the tongue nicely, and nobody has mentioned Kohlii Heads.
  12. However it was done, I don't care. I'm just glad there's finally something solid to show the lines return. I for one though, actually want an entire reboot with no strings attached. The original line's story just became too bloated by the end of it all, and even if it was a sort of timeskip or some copout like that, I just feel like it wouldn't do the previous story's ending any real justice. Even if it was rushed. So yeah, a fresh start that can take a whole new direction in storytelling sounds good to me. Also, I hope they reuse the Brain Attack heads with the front axles holes. That way we'd have actual masks again instead of helmets.
  13. Does that basically CONFIRM Bionicles return? Since it's on that particular site. I assumed it was an official toy site. But apparently not, since it's not Lego.
  14. From the BZPower Rules & Guidelines: I suggest next time when a staff member makes a decision that you respect it and don't ignore them. -B6
  15. I need to make my own Tamaru Mctoran at some point. He was my favorite Le-Matoran, and I've always wanted one. His mask hard to aquire? Love the MOC, btw. Nice backstory as well.
  16. I found my discovery from a thread on /toy/, where we've been discussing a possible return for a good chunk of the day. That's where an anonymous user found out and shared this exact image. I thought it'd be a good idea to let this site know as well. Why does it matter where I was given this information anyways? Or is it because I'm the one to post it first? Honestly, I just wanted to share info. I've been doing it in the Leaked Policy topic for a few days.
  17. Type Bionicle in the search bar on the Lego site guys. See what you get. You know this is real.
  18. With the various images floating around currently (the one this topic was initially referring to and the newer one I mentioned) this leans more toward a, let's say, "new project" in the works. But fine, let users take it as they will.
  19. It's probably not considered leaked considering it doesn't actually give any unquestionable verification. For all we know, all he means is they started work on the first issue of the Lego Magazine for 2015. Hopefully they'll let me keep this up. And regardless of what he may have meant, my personal speculations are only solidifying because of this.
  20. https://community.lego.com/t5/LEGO-General/Chat-with-Greg-Farshtey/td-p/6605180/page/374 Not sure if this is considered leaked if it's from the Gman himself. Posted the actual url to prove it's not shopped.
  21. I did not restore any of the violating content. Discussion of leaked information and leaked images are not allowed within the forum. BlackSix even stated nothing is stopping anyone from looking for themselves. All I'm stating is there MAY be new leaked content. I am giving out no details. I am merely stating for users to, once again, look for themselves. This post is in no need of a ban or edit if no leaked content is being described or provided. You do not get to decide what counts as leaked content or what should be removed. Your post linked to a website with leaked content (as well as inappropriate content). Linking to leaked content is the same as posting it, so your post was removed. My original two posts, yes. The third merely said "look here or search for the images". That was not against policy. No details or information was shown, or posted. If it was within what's "safe" in terms of the policy, then no, I don't believe it should have been. But fine. My apologies for the link and the initial detailed post. I hadn't read the guidlines prior to posting. This post and the one you responded to however, lack reason for edits or deletion.
  22. I did not restore any of the violating content. Discussion of leaked information and leaked images are not allowed within the forum. BlackSix even stated nothing is stopping anyone from looking for themselves. All I'm stating is there MAY be new leaked content. I am giving out no details. I am merely stating for users to, once again, look for themselves. This post is in no need of a ban or edit if no leaked content is being described or provided.
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