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Status Updates posted by NecroticUnicorn

  1. Congrats on everything Macku! Have a wonderful birthday, and congratulations on your beautiful new child! =D

  2. *Thanks you for congratulating me for liking Weird Al and especially Relient K, and congratulates you for doing likewise.* =p

  3. Elves for the win!

    And yup, Pillar really does rock. :)

  4. Congrats on the promotion! I know you'll do great. :)

  5. Congrats on the promotion, Gata! I know you'll do great! :)

  6. Congrats on the promotion Macku! I know you'll do an awesome job! =D

  7. Congrats Turakii! You truly are one of the best people for the promotion, and I know you'll do an awesome job! =D

  8. Indeed, pleased, Kit Fisto is. :D

  9. You've tasted your comment box? O_0

    *Rushes Turakii to the hospital*

  10. Wow, cool!


    I hope you landed safely?

  11. Whew, thankee. =D

    The Mocs just turned out so bad (and I didn't have any ideas about how to improve them much) that they would have taken a lot away from the humor. :)

  12. Hey Turakii...

    This is embarrasing.

    Anyhow, concerning the dare, would you be heart-broken if we sacrificed the giraffe and platypus on the altar of quality in exchange for something with a better build, but just as humorous?

  13. Woot! *Tries to dance too, but slips and falls.*

  14. You have my thanks, lucky controller of the overly massive interests list. =D

  15. Much gratitude to you, Lucky Lavasurfer of Elite Status! =D

  16. I knew you'd like it! =P

    Your cuteness is rubbing off on me. :D

  17. Welcome to Bzp!

    Nice personal photo. :)

  18. Trust me, you sing like an angel compared to me. :D

  19. Ah good, I'm not alone either. :D

  20. Happy Birthday!

    Have a good one. :)

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