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Status Updates posted by Stryker055

  1. Yep. Hey, great MOCs, BTW.

  2. Yes,I do. I've been reading your comments.

  3. Yes,Vezon is not at fault.

  4. Yes,victory is sweet.

  5. Yes,welcome!

    If you need help,post it in my comments!

  6. YES! I've read the new chapter and NO! I'm not allowed to PM for a long time,my mom said.

  7. Yes? You can PM it to me, and I'll tell you what I think in your comments. After you have read them, you can delete them if you want.

  8. Yo're welcome You might want to rack up on some posts, though!

  9. You can check it out if you like. I'd very much appreciate a review. :)

  10. You can do a song even if it's taken. (Thanks, Takhan!)

  11. You can PBZP me if you like.

  12. You can PM me!

    But I won't PM back!

  13. You don't have to,but I would,so people know what the comedy is about.


    You can just put Ch.8 up with a link to the old one.

  14. You got it real bad up/down/around/over there...

    I just have to deal with the occasional brain-sucking Martian, but that's no big deal for me, of course.

  15. You haven't been on all day!

    I've posted a new comedy:

    Bionicle Idol!

    Copy the form if you want to GS or PGS!

  16. You know what I just realized? Your birthday was ten days ago.


    Happy belated Birthday!

  17. You know what's odd?

    Greg gets thousands of PMs,hundreds of friend requests,and several pages of comments,but he has no friends and doesn't communicate with other members personally except for answers.


  18. You know,we both have the same post number and rank...

  19. You like the name Taka Zero don't you?

  20. You mean the movie novelization.

  21. You mean-a MOC of

    me:Iranu-Shadow Toa


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