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Padishah Mehmet II

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Posts posted by Padishah Mehmet II

  1. IC: (Perkahn, Lavapool Inn)

    Taking a good long gulp of his drink, Perkahn carefully scanned the interior of the Lavapool Inn. This was not a place he visited a lot - twenty years back, it wasn't quite here yet, and after he returned, as mentioned before, he didn't spend that much time drinking.


    With Dorian having removed himself to Liacada and then to Nikarra, Perkahn found himself lacking a good conversation partner. Pity, really.


    ooc: yeah open for interaction

  2. GM IC: (Chirox's Quarters)


    The searches were to no avail. Besides covering themselves in dust, the two refugees achieved nothing.


    It appeared as if nothing else of major value remained in the room.

  3. GM IC: (Chirox's Quarters)


    A few moments later, Zartor could solidly say he had understood the text before him. It was hard to identify some bits, as the paper had long lost its quality; but most of the text was legible.




    I know we haven't always seen eye-to-eye. What am I saying? We have never seen eye-to-eye. If only for the reason that I am relatively sure that if we looked each other in the eye, the horrors that I would find in yours would murder me.


    But under this predicament that we find ourselves in, with our enemies sieging our walls, has changed everything. I have no contact with the other Makuta as the soldiers of Radamir approach on my quarters. I have designed a way out of this mess, but you must produce it, Chirox. And while you're at it, you better find some way to chase these illegible Toa off my doorstep."


    Meanwhile, in the (Deeper Dungeons), the Wild Huntsmen wandering their halls soon found themselves in a small chamber that looked completely unpeculiar except for one particular detail. There was a desk, and on that desk lied a single, solitary orb that seemed as if it was made entirely from emerald with a glowing blue button atop.


    Whatever energy kept it running all this time, but it was sure powerful if the button could so much as still glow.

  4. IC: (Elianne, Onu-Koro)

    "Not sure, and that's kind of a big problem with me."


    She finished off her noodle soup.


    "Survive, I guess? That's what I've been doing these past three months."

  5. IC: (Elianne, Onu-Koro Noodle Bar)

    Elianne slurped down a good long gulp of noodle soup.


    "Well, I've been looking for my team. Five Toa, besides me. Merror, Skyra, Weta, Skeldan, Pirok. Haven't seen them for three months and then some now, and I've no solid way to contact them. So I've just been sort of wandering the island, hoping to run into one of them, I guess?"

  6. IC: (Elianne, Onu-Koro Noodle Bar)

    "Yeah, of course," the Toa of Lightning nodded, in another universe, where everyone in the BZPRPG is human, fiddling with her hair. Placing the order at the bar, she received a steaming bowl of mushroom-tasted noodle soup in two minutes. People were certainly quick workers here, considering Onu-Koro managed equipping the entire island with high-tech in just three months.


    "You live here, I assume?" she asked, gulping down a spoonful of the noodles.

  7. IC: (Arianna and Perkahn, Lavapool Inn)

    "Well, love," Arianna said, standing up, "I think I'm going to head home. A mother's instincts tell me Jolek's going to be coming back some time soon. Plus, I think I need to do some shopping for this next week."


    The Toa of Iron nodded, receiving a tender kiss on the cheek from his wife as she removed herself from the premises. He then leaned in and said, "You know, Dorian, I do know what you mean."


    Dorian, it turned out eventually, wasn't that bad of a guy. He was, for all intents and purposes, Perkahn's antithesis - but that didn't mean he was bad, it just meant he was entirely different from Perkahn, and it's that being entirely different which essentially made him not that bad of a guy. Perkahn liked people who were his exact opposites (unless they were evil) because meeting them, unlike meeting similar people, wasn't just meeting someone who was, on some basic pathological level in some basic pathological way, you.


    Shooting a glance to the newcomers, he smiled amiably and stretched his hand out first to Lux, then to Raxa, neutrally nodding to Tarotrix along the way - the only one among them that he knew, and while he didn't exactly like the guy, he never showed it. "Don't think we've exactly met," he said to the other two. "The name's Perkahn Highwind. Just call me Perkahn."

  8. It's mostly people that play the RPG that change their profile pic(I typed the wrong thing above) or so it seems.


    EVERYONE changes their profile pics from time to time.


    You can't expect us to stay with the same one all the time.


  9. IC: (Perkahn and Arianna, Lavapool Inn)

    "Go for self-employment," Perkahn suggested. "Self-employment's great. I get time to myself, for my son, for my wife, and I actually earn a decent amount. My hunting and Arianna's healing put together, plus my relatively decent pay as a reserve soldier in the Guard..."


    "I still don't see why you didn't sign up for guard service. Would still pay more," Arianna said to him, quietly.


    "Less time with you and Jolek isn't worth the extra pay. But yeah, self-employment's great."

  10. IC: (Perkahn and Arianna, Lavapool Inn)

    "And, uh," Perkahn muttered to Dorian, "Sorry about the bike. Technically speaking, if you brought it around, I could, hypothetically, fix it."

  11. IC: (Perkahn and Arianna, Lavapool Inn)

    Talk about subtext, the Toa of Iron thought at Dorian's complaint, and nodded.


    "Give me some Salamander's. Arianna?"


    "Same as him," she gestured at Perkahn and again fixed her gaze at Grochi. "You know, you should try to contact your family. Make amends. This seems like a thing you do regret, after all."


    "I don't know, Arianna," Perkahn scratched his chin, looking serious, "This is some big stuff, they might just draw a sword on him at first sight. This was... when you were a Makuta worshipper, right? Awhile ago."

  12. IC: (Elianne, Onu-Koro)

    Evidently, there was only one way to correctly go around this clash of rhetoric.




    There was only one response to Ashiem's silence after that statement, as well.


    "Noodles with mushrooms are okay, yeah."

  13. IC: (Perkahn and Arianna, Lavapool Inn)

    Perkahn sat silent, frozen in shock slash thought. It was Arianna who spoke first, kindly, consolingly. "Grochi, that's horrible."


    Her husband only spoke half a minute later. "I'm sorry," he said. "If it's going to be any consolation, I'll buy you a milk stout."

  14. IC: (Elianne, Onu-Koro)

    The sweet, sweet smell of freshly cooked noodles overpowered her when she entered the bar. It was like, after three months, spent in Karzahni, Elianne had just reached a very, very physical sort of heaven.


    "Ashiem," she said to her, with a very serious face, "Are you sure you're not a divine spirit in the shape of a potato chip bag sent to deliver me from evil?"

  15. IC: (Perkahn and Arianna, Lavapool Inn)

    Perkahn's wife gave him a glance that said, roughly, "No."


    By now, of course, that was roughly irrelevant, because Perkahn had realized that was someplace that he shouldn't have gone. Quietly, he said, "I'm sorry. You never actually told me what happened with them, didn't think it was... bad."


    It wasn't too difficult for him to understand how retarded that sounded.

  16. IC: (Perkahn and Arianna, Lavapool Inn)

    "Best we change the subject. Grochi, how's your family?"


    It was a halfassed subject, but it was the most Perkahn could manage. "Been in touch with your brothers lately? Or your nephew?"

  17. IC: (Perkahn and Arianna, Lavapool Inn)

    "I would seriously pay to see and eat that."


    His wife nudged Perkahn, apparently tactly choosing to do so in his belly. She was grinning. "Look there, you moron. See how much that has progressed since you came out of the forest. Eating a lot is not something you manage to do without consequences."


    He crossed his arms, giving her an utterly joking glare. "Did you just call me fat?"


    "Well, not fat. A more apt term would be, 'huge'."


    Perkahn sighed slightly, still utterly and completely not-serious, and flashed her a vicious grin completely unlike him. "Well, just like another two of us here, and no, not talking about you or Grochi."


    "Perkahn, shush, we're in public. When we get home, though, we can talk about huge things, a lot." His wife reflected the grin right back. "Right now, though, we're only embarrassing our friend here right now. So yeah, Grochi, we'd love to drop around your place. Anytime."

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