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Pleurodeles Waltl

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Everything posted by Pleurodeles Waltl

  1. The camera actually hid a few lines on the Kualsi, and you can see the podge texture, but I'm still quite pleased overall. Now I just need to figure out how to get it to stay on my head!
  2. I'm having PEBKAC (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair) difficulties with the image I wanted to put up.Sooo anyway I found a can of red spray paint IN THE RIGHT COLOR in the garage and the Kualsi is finally finished! You may eventually see a pic, if not just go here: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/147/9/c/mask_sword_cube_by_lacertusmaximus-d51bc2t.jpg
  3. Yes! That's exactly the one I'm using. I wasn't able to print on Friday, but I should be able to use the large printer on Tuesday if you could send those slices along, and 4 feet would indeed work.Also I have a surprise in say, half an hour?
  4. _Finally_ got around to getting some podge for my Kualsi, it's drying as I type. Michael's had all the wrong spraypaint colors in matte, but the right shade of red they only had in gloss, so it won't be painted until I get some matte red from somewhere else...
  5. Ha forums are back! My neighbor the CAD teacher can't work with the standard file type, is there any chance you could upload some files as Illustrator, DXF, or some other type of CAD file?
  6. Haha so it did! Didn't notice that. What's your recommendation for finishing it up? It won't be as serious as your Avokhii but I'm looking to touch up a few edges and then spray paint....
  7. Whoa no no sorry. Not 3D printer, laser printer. Put in the design (he's working on converting the files so I can skip the cutting on masks), add simple paper or cardboard, and a little laser slices through it, creating the desired shape in flat. Then you stack the slices into a full shape. I would have a sword made of several layers of cardboard, which would be lightweight and fairly strong. Not using a maker-bot or 3D printer, that would be ridiculous.Also, I finally finished my Kualsi. I love it. Going to get some moderator Podge and spray paint, though I'm debating on the color. Leaning toward red...
  8. Would you be able to get a model for Tahu's Fire Sword? My neighbor is my high school CAD teacher and I _might_ be able to use his laser printer and make a full-sized sword. Just an idea.
  9. Would You mind posting a clarification, either written or with images, on the mouth piece for the Kualsi? I'm having a little difficulty figuring it out. Awesome masks, btw! I've currently only done the Kakama and the Simple Hau as practice and am now moving on to some other masks. I'm working on the Kualsi but can't quite finish it.
  10. Please come back to MLWTB. Please!




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