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Status Updates posted by Heat

  1. Who are you and why are you on my friend list?

  2. *An energy wave slashes between the two* What do you know... You should never have announced that in Endless Fued. *Holds Zangetsu in both hands*

    Ichigo Kurosaki is in the house!

    What the?

  3. Itll take this guy a LONG time if he EVER wants to get out of the New Members group.....

  4. Heat

    Hey, I voted for your TBRPG!

  5. One of the first members.....

  6. This is weird, isnt it?

  7. In a good way. And heres why I came here. Blade is possessed. Hes an even bigger threat now.

  8. Heat

    Why is there a blank member on your friend list?

  9. Well, it seems that with the help of Toa Ynot, we are reducing Makuta levels.

  10. He was last seen yesterday.....

  11. What is Secret Arbiter talking about?

  12. Well, what do you know? I've discovered the SBoC meeting in your profile. Not much of a secret, is it?

  13. What am I doing on your friend list??

  14. Please don't spam this profile up.....

  15. 6 posts and got banned. How unexpected.....

  16. This account is for emergencies.

  17. Hasn't been active for 5 years. He should return within the next 995 years...

  18. I've seen your avatar before...I think Maru Nui-Fire Incarnate has it...

  19. I'm in the first BZP member's profile.....wow....

  20. All this is gonna get you banned.

  21. Why are you following me around?


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