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Status Updates posted by Heat

  1. *teleports here* Hello. *an anvil hits Rakoua on the head*

  2. Nope, it's Blackout from the live-action Transformers movie. Yes, it's chibified, but hey, better than nothing.

  3. Don't make me go nuclear.

  4. Congratulations. You just broke the laws of physics.

    *Rakoua gets wiped from existence*

    *I suffer the same fate*

  5. Well, so much for me getting first looks at his projects.

  6. *drops an undodgeable bomb on Rakoua*

  7. *sighs*

    And I thought I had deja vu.....

  8. [insert Random Comment Here]

    Hi there!

  9. Heat

    *looks at below comments*


  10. Heat

    I wish that HT would give him the title "Frowned Upon by Hapori Tohu".

  11. Heat

    He'll come back.

    He has to.

  12. Heat

    Why you called me by my original display name in a comment is beyond me.

  13. Heat

    *looks around* Told ya.

  14. Nice story. Oh, and, thanks for mentioning BZPB in the interests part of your profile.

  15. Heat

    You'll wait some time.

  16. Heat

    I give a week before HT brings out the old "Frowned Upon" title out again.....

  17. Heat

    *looks at the page he put in his personal statement* Do NOT click on that: if you did you just wasted several seconds of your life looking at a nonexistent page.

  18. Heat

    *looks at age* Darn you!

  19. Heat

    His avatar is a Hau with two gears on a fire background. Hmm.....

    *puts data in computer*

  20. Heat

    He's probably a Dume loyalist. I thought we got rid of these 4 years ago.

  21. Heat

    Most of these people (including me)never actually did look at his profile, so why the "You shall perish for looking at my profile" stuff?

  22. Heat

    How dare you threaten me inside my own profile? Oh, and, change your name. Unless you want the REAL Hapori Tohu to come and make YOU perish. It's been known to happen.

  23. I have a doppelganger? TO WAR! :D

  24. I'm not approving that spam you left in my comments section. :P

  25. 1. Brain overload. 2. I thought so.

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