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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by V-N

  1. V-N

    The Final Voting

    Those things... I GOT DEFEATED BY THOSE THINGS?! Congrats to the finalists. Hmm, but i'll vote for... Jaka Wakorjeez.
  2. NOOOO! How could you?! You torturer! The hardest contest in my life! *Starts sobbing* After a while, complex starts to become a habit... I don't even think it's in my system to be able to create creations wihtout anything complex anymore... Oh well. I'll try to do this. *Starts thinking about creating a Toa bunny slayer*
  3. V-N

    Mini Moc Brawl!

    I'm toast. Extra crispy and with butter, being eaten up by the Great Slappy Fly, Monkey and the Gargali. Poll 1: Ratali Poll 2: The Poisonpede WHY ME!? EDIT: I believe it was a tie between the Ratali and the Oparai.
  4. V-N

    Mini Moc Contest Voting

    To bad. I really liked you entry... EDIT: Wait, was it a tie bewteen the Ratali and Oparai?
  5. V-N


    Alright, this'll be interesting. And, to answer you guys's question, the essay is becuase if there are sveral really good entries, and LEGO wants to choose one. But which, they all look quite similar. How do they choose? Whoever wrote the best essay would win. Hopefully the winner would post instructions on BZpower if they are a member. If not, hopefully it'll be easy to make by looking at it.
  6. V-N

    Mini Moc Contest Voting

    Some good entries. Are we aloud to vote for ourselves? Now, let's see... Poll 1: Ratali Poll 2: The Great Slappy Fly Poll 3: Monkey Poll 4: Gulliver, The Ruma Bat Poll 5: Kyrakky Crab Poll 6: Spike Bug Good luck to all.
  7. V-N


    BD? You still here? What's taking?
  8. V-N


    Ouch. Well, hopefully it'll be up soon.
  9. V-N

    Back From Nc

    Sweet! The serials will keep in touch in the Matoran universe, while the books in a different one! That's great, because i really like some of these characters. Everything else, okay.
  10. V-N

    The Mini Moc Contest!

    Wow. Entrys suddenly started popping up everywhere...
  11. V-N

    The Mini Moc Contest!

    Sweet! I barley got any collectables, so i hope i get this!
  12. If you ask me, I think spinning blades are less effective than Keetongu's thingy. I also want to point out that blades usually aren't used for blocking. What of Nokama and her tools in Web of Shadows? But this was well put toghether. Never thought of his mask looking nija like. *Goes of to check the pics*
  13. V-N

    The Mini Moc Contest!

    Man! And i thought mine was good! Good job on that, though
  14. V-N

    The Mini Moc Contest!

    Here is my entry, Ratali! Entry Pic: Clicky Entry Topic: Not yet created. Here Approximate lenght: Barley shorter than 5 In, if you count the tail Approximate Hight: Barley shorter than 4 In.
  15. V-N

    The Mini Moc Contest!

    Hehe, mine is both cute and can still fill in the "Bad" part!
  16. V-N

    The Mini Moc Contest!

    Interesting. Since i can't wait for the next BBContest, i'll enter! Little rahi is one of my specialties!
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