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Lambda VI

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Status Updates posted by Lambda VI

  1. Keepin' it real since 1478.

    1. (Daedalus)


      I was totally thinking the same thing. ;)

  2. That is the name of a song...

  3. He told me he forgot his pass word LOL.

  4. I just got Kirop!

  5. Yeah right like you actually ate your Nuparu inika.

  6. It's our evil laugh.

  7. Stop leaving rude comments on my profile.

  8. Yum.


  9. I like to singa about the moona and the Juna and the Springa, I like to singa.

  10. It's almost been a year since I made that noobish comment.

  11. You told me along tme ago that Angry Nid had too much humor for me to handle.

  12. I think he just got banned

  13. Your from Chile? I have a couple friends that moved to my town from Chile. I always thought you were from Canada though O_o.

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