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Status Updates posted by dramatic.chipmunk

  1. (Now to be different from ELoM and Vuata...)

    How goes it, welcome to BZP! Have a great time!

  2. Actually, I don't know. I just have some things to take of here in my reality, and I can't be on BZP much due to that. Thanks for the, concern(?) though.

  3. Alright, I'll try watching those. Thanks.

  4. And I just figured out what's wrong. You are posting in topics where posts don't count. Try posting in General Disscusion or BBC.

  5. Apparently, I'm listed as one of your friends. If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask, k?

  6. Are yous ure? Try PMing me and then I'll see what happens. If nothing, try to post some more.

  7. Awesome new av, personal pic, sig! Scrubs FTW!


  8. BLARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  9. But it wasn't until he wore the cup that he took said pill.


  10. Cool personal pic.

  11. Could you do that? I mean, if you don't mind.

  12. Dude! Total congrats on the staff job! If anyone deserves it it's you.

  13. Even so, try and contain yourself. No one wants a problem.

  14. Ha! I can't believe I overlooked that excellent drawing! To bad the topic's probably dead.

  15. Happy b-day, Spink!

  16. Happy birthday, Pumpkin King.

  17. Heh heh, name change. I almost freaked when I saw you with the different name in my friends list.

  18. Hello once again, too.

  19. Hello there too. Weird how I was gone for like, four days. I expected to gone longer. Go figure?

  20. Hello to you as well.


  21. Hello, Sam You Are! Just have to say, nice MOC and awesome screen name.


  22. Hello! Welcome to BZPower, I hope you like it here. Well, obviously, you would, other wise you wouldn't be here. So..yeah.


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