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Master Zeidak

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Status Updates posted by Master Zeidak

  1. She is Tohru Honda from fruits basket.

  2. Since "What duid Vezon Do?" is closed,How do I add on more parts?

  3. Slice's Aklan's Pie army.

  4. so creeepy i freaked out and im really 11

  5. sorry for trouble

  6. State Alchemist Edward Elric to the rescue!

  7. thank u guy who made me feel better

  8. The member called Necrons is now my sister.

  9. Use's Death Note on you!.

  10. very sorry but its true. im soooooooooooooooo sorry.please forgive me.

  11. Wait,I was in your PBZP letter T. How come Turakii is letter T in the PBZP too?!

  12. welcome to bzpower. we are all nice here

  13. well co me to bzpower

  14. When is valentines day again?

  15. Where did you get your name?

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