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Master Zeidak

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Status Updates posted by Master Zeidak

  1. Why can't I post in you blog?

  2. Why do you follow me?

  3. why would i want to be a critic. thats silly

  4. Winry is beating up Edward with a chair!

  5. Winry is beating up Edward! RUN!

  6. Winry thinks we're all Edward and is gonna hit his head with a WRENCH!

  7. Wise Whenua has been hacked!

  8. Yes she is my sister.

  9. You ask tons of questions.

  10. you inspired my comedy. thanks

  11. You live in TURKEY!? I did a report on Turkey! WOW!

  12. You might need to change my name for TMU.

  13. You won the makuta building contest!

  14. Your baaaaack!

  15. Your banner is too big.

  16. your comedy rules!!!!!

  17. your good at mocing

  18. Your name is very familiar......

  19. Your redo of horde leader is cool.

  20. Your the same age as me but I'm older.

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