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Year 16


About Phyoohrii

  • Birthday 07/09/1991

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  1. You gettin' pumped for the TinTin movie coming out?

    1. Phyoohrii


      Sorta, in the sense that I'm worried that they won't do justice to the books. Heard plenty of good things about it, and it looks pretty good right now, but yeah, there's just a little bit of me that's anxious about it. But yeah, can't wait to see it. :D

    2. xon


      I suppose, but the fact that Spielburg is directing it, and Jackson is producing it... along with Williams doing music... it should be good.

    3. Phyoohrii


      Yeah, you would think they'd try to do an excellent job, and I'm sure they will. What I've heard a couple of times though is that some have been disappointed with how the eyes look in the film. The more realistic look of them is almost LESS expressive than the simple dot or circle eyes in the books. I can see what they mean, but I'm reserving judgement.

      Yeah, this is just something that I've wanted to happen for a long time, but always been trepidatious about the tra...

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