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Blog Entries posted by Trijhak

  1. Trijhak
    What does the Skull Scorpio's stinger tail actually do? Does it inject venom? Does it snap you in half? Does it grab you and throw you 30 feet into the air? Does it warp reality? Does it just want a friend?
  2. Trijhak
    As we have come to the conclusion that the Skulls do not in fact have adrenaline modes, I'll make some up myself:
    Skull Warrior's adrenaline mode is riding its bow like a surfboard
    Skull Slicer's adrenaline mode is putting a 6-stud length axle between its arms to allow it to soar majestically like a Potoo to enable it to chase after Lewa
    Skull Scorpio turns its stinger into two separate wings, becoming a Skull Hornet instead of a scorpion and thus terrifying us all
    Skull Basher remains the same except for the bashing function being applied to the legs, allowing it to mock Pohatu with a kick function and remind him of his old days as a G1 Mata/Nuva
    Skull Grinder does nothing and consumes the mask of creation but because it's a skeleton it falls right through the nonexistent digestive system of Skull Grinder (SKELETONS DON'T HAVE ORGANS (BOTH THE BODY KIND AND THE MUSICAL KIND))
    Ekimu's hammer turns into a unicycle, foreshadowing the Clown Invasion of Okoto in 2016.
    As a bonus, this happened in G1. Can someone remind me when this happened? I sure don't remember it.
  3. Trijhak
    We should ask LEGO to make the entirety of BONKLE 2016 clown themed. We can already change the name to 'HONKLE', fitting the clown theme. No, wait. THE ENTIRETY OF 2016.
    Along with this, we can bring back Hero Factory as 'Clown Factory'.
    Then we can extend Legends of Chima as 'Legends of Clowns'.
    Ninjago can become 'Clowngo', the masters of Clownjitzu.
    Roboriders can come back as 'Roboclowns' too, and Slizers... Slizers will simply become 'Clowns'.
    Galidor can come back unchanged. Already clownish as it is.
    Knight's Kingdom will come back for a third time or so, but as Clown's Kingdom.
    All minifigures will be that of clowns. All themes will be clownified. BZPower must become ClownZonePower to survive.
  4. Trijhak
    Here is some absolutely stupid speculation about this year's first wave of sets.
    First off, let's start with the Melum speculation.
    Melum's name is Melum.
    This is similar to 'Malum', which I think means bad in latin?
    Additionally, Melum shares the letters 'M', 'E', and 'U' with Metus, a character from 2009.
    Metus was a traitor.
    As as result of the above, we can guess that Melum is a bad guy and a traitor, thus explaining why Melum has no trap like the other creatures. Melum is a traitor!

    Now, Umarak speculation!
    Umarak is not hunting the creatures. He didn't place the traps, they're just part of Okoto's wonderful wildlife.
    Umarak is hunting for the Mask of Control. To prevent the Toa from getting it.
    Umarak is also hunting the Toa.
    Umarak knows of Kulta and the other Skull Skeletons.
    In a past blog entry, I've said that I like to think that Kulta, Basher, and Slicer used to be Toa, but have masks that prevent them from dying. Umarak attempted to hunt them in the past, only to fail because they cannot die.
    Umarak has been around longer than the Toa, but arrived after Ekimu and Makuta's confrontation. Umarak has no allegiance to either, and just seeks the Mask of Control because it would allow him to control anything that wasn't Umarak.

    There, stupid speculation over.
  5. Trijhak
    1. What is absolutely "Magnificent!" according to Mata Nui?
    2. Is Krekka Blue or Red?
    3. What were Thulox' and Morak's role in the 2007 story?
    4. How did Onua save Lewa from Skull Spiders in the animations?
    5. When Vezon appeared in 'The Kingdom' alternate universe, who did he kill?
    6. When did Brutaka stop being a character and more of a tool?
    7. How many Makuta died in 2008, including the ones that survived and later died in 2010?
    8. What explosive fruits grow on Mata Nui, Bara Magna, and Okoto?
    9. The Lord of Skull Spiders carries out the bidding of which entities?
    10. How did Makuta Teridax die in the serials after surviving a moon to the head?
    11. How many incarnations of Tahu are there, including all the canister versions of Tahu, the 2017 titan form, and all the ones ever bought?
    12. At what time of day did Vakama discover the supposedly true Toa Metru were actually the Rahaga?
    13. No matter how much he might want to, Vakama can't just change - because that's what friends do! How did Whenua change?
    14. Keetongu is the wielder of which legendary weapon?
    15. The Kanohi Ignika, Mast of Life, has a mind of its own - how did it free itself from Mata Nui's spirit in the serials?
    16. Which Protector has the biggest guns?
    17. Which of the Rahkshi is Makuta's favourite son?
    18. Visorak are known not only as the Stealers of Life, but also the Stealers of...?
    19. Vakama forged the Mask of Time. Who forged it on Okoto?
    20. What is absolutely spectacular?
    21. Who is the Toa of Space?
    22. Before he was a Toa, Takanuva was which Protector?
    23. The Mask of Ultimate Power is able sever which connections?
    24. When the Protectors summoned the Toa Mata after 1000 years, how long did it take for thousands of Piraka to spread across and destroy the sandy desert of Mahri-Nui, much to the annoyance of Turaga Dume?
    25. When Skull Slicer fought the slizer Flare in the mountains of Xia, what spectacular thing stopped them?
  6. Trijhak
    Considering the absolutely wonderfully creative name that is 'Matoro', we should be glad we didn't get any characters named as following:

    Toao the Toa
    Turago the Turaga
    Agoro the Agori
    Protecto the Protector of [Element]
    Maskmakero the Mask-Maker

    I've found an extremely rare super-advanced leak of the 2017 BIONICLE Summer Wave, containing nothing but their names:

    Beast Beast (a beast...with a twist: it's... A BEAST)
    Scary Beast (a beast... that FRIGHTENS YOU)
    Skull Beast (a beast... that's a SKELETON)
    Bionicle Beast (a beast... USING BONKLE PIECES)
    Makuta the Skull-Beast (Makuta... but as a SKELETON BEAST)
    Umarakultakuta the Abomination of Ultimate Power (Makuta, Umurak, and Kulta... but UNITED, a poignant set, Umarak represents Unity, Kulta represents Duty, Makuta represents Destiny)
    Ekimu the Deity-Emperor (in all trans blue, no gold aside from a gold/trans-blue blended Mask of Creation)

    You know, I'm surprised by Kopaka and Melum. Moreso Kopaka than Melum. Kopaka doesn't look as bad as person if you can look past the rather awkward golden pieces. Quite posable, too. Moreso than his previous incarnation, and possibly more faithful to his 2001 incarnation at the same time by the sole virtue of not being as bulky while wielding a sword. Sword's a bit big though, and the gun's a bit odd - I think that other hand is better served holding the bottom of the sword. Melum adds more armour to Kopaka's shoulders, and more gold, so the gold doesn't look completely out of place with Melum. Though, on Melum alone, Melum's probably one of the more underwhelming creatures IMO. It uses the same function build as Ikir, pretty much, but it doesn't quite work as well IMO. It isn't as satisfying as Terak's feature. Speaking of Terak, I think Terak is one of the easiest creatures to attach and take off their respective Toa, simply because you use Terak's function to raise or lower the claws onto Onua's shoulders. Also making them easier to position than with Melum. Now, I know that Melum, functionally and build-wise isn't an exact clone of Terak, but visually Melum still looks very similar. Melum basically has the visuals of Terak with the function of Ikir.
    Kulta, Umarak, and the LOSS should team up. Why throw your armies of Skull Spiders, Skeleton Skeletons, and Shadow Traps/Beasts just at arbitrary points? Instead of waiting, team up and throw all three at the Toa at the same time. The Shadow Traps to stop the Toa in their tracks, preventing them from their duty, the Skull Spiders to shatter their unity, and the Skull Skeletons to prevent them from reaching their destiny.
    Actually, I see it now: BIONICLE Stars, G2 Edition.

    Skull Skeleton (Kulta, but Protector-sized)
    The Hunter (Umurak, but Protector-sized)
    The Lord (LoSS, but Protector-sized
    The Antagonist (Makuta)
    The Mask-Maker (Ekimu)
    Tahu (Because Tahu is the most important, every other Toa is unimportant)
    Un-revealed Character From 2017

    I wasn't kidding when I said several things.
    See, several Things.
    I know most people probably don't feel this way, but I feel that 2016 Kopaka and Lewa are better representations of their characters than their 2015 versions. Tahu to an extent, too. That 2015 Mask of FIre, in retrospect, wasn't really very good compared to the others. Very odd-looking in a way I can't put my finger on right now, partly because it's not within arm's reach right now.
    I wonder what the Toa think of Ekimu suddenly growing about two point five times his current size, and why he didn't do that before when it could have proved advantageous to him. If you had the chance to grow like ten feet tall and gold and blue and sparkly, wouldn't you take that chance always? You never know when people whose name begins with 'M' and ends with 'A' and have 'akut' in the middle might try to backstab you or try and do something that must never be done.
    Does anyone else have trouble getting Umarak to unite with the creatures? His shadow-trap shoulders generally get in the way of the wings of the creatures with wings and with all creatures, their upper two non-head ball joints, especially if exposed.
    Hydraxon is a lazy name. We already have Land-Axonn, why do we have Hydra-Axonn as well? What next, Air-Axonn? Along with their counterparts Thugaka and Ruffianaka, of course. Can't forget Minilos and Justenoughilos as well.
    Gadunka gadunka. Gadunka. I wonder if, at the creation of BIONICLE, everybody knew that about seven years down the line, they'd be making a set/character-thing that was basically a giant mouth. Gadunka wouldnm't be terribly out-of-place in G2, really. Apart from the old building system of course, but CCBS would actually probably lend itself to Gadunka more than the old one did.
    I am about to commit blasphemy and say that, much to the shock of many, that trans-yellow is an ugly colour and I fully understand why the set designers don't use it in favour of trans-neon green. It's such a different shade of yellow to the regular yellow, and it doesn't really carry the 'yellowness' to it very well, either, whereas it's much clearer what colours the more commonly used transparent colours are.
    That's all. Oh. I hope that, since we're getting a trans-blue Mask of Creation, we get a trans-purple Mask of Control next year. Now, that actually is all.
  7. Trijhak
    Seeing how quickly the Shadow Matoran won, I think I may have made them too powerful, or at least gave them too many people. 5 people were Shadow-aligned in a 20-player game, and four of them didn't know the fifth, but the fifth knew them. Should've probably reduced the Shadow Matoran's numbers from four to three, and make the Shadow Turaga's death scenario less over-the-top or have more conditions associated with it.
    I am really glad it did not devolve into a trainwreck. I feared that would happen, and it didn't. Thank goodness.
    Briefly considered merging the day and night rounds ala some previous games, but decided against it - would cause problems considering the twist of the game, which was a major part of Legends.
    Initially considered giving ordinary Toa the ability to kill other players, but decided not to. Now? I'm not so sure that was the right idea.
    Surprised at how quickly the game progressed. Feared it'd take a little too long, but it didn't.
    It was much easier to keep track of things than it was in FFFO. Then again, not every person has a role and there aren't five different factions. FFFO had a spreadsheet.
    Was a bit annoying counting the lynch votes and the Toa votes and then realising I'd confused some of the votes together, then having to recount. Originally decided not to give vote counts due to the Shadow Turaga, then gave vote counts that didn't take into account the ST's extra vote.
    The Village did not even lynch or investigate a single Shadow Matoran, and they did not save a single person.
    I put the 'Shadow Matoran win if majority' win condition in and considered removing it, but then I realised that removing it would mean, that once they are the majority, it'd just be a slow and increasingly boring countdown to the end of the game they've already won.
    I'd think one of the biggest reasons the village failed was the total lack of teamwork and trust. The Shadow Matoran really managed to confuse the brick out of everyone when they opted not to use their extra Shadow Toa kill until a few more people were Toa, and so the blame was put on the innocent FF at first. All except the one person who'd investigated FF and saw that they were innocent. The Shadow Toa had their plan and their designated scapegoats, and the Village had no plan and fell for the fake scapegoats.
    The biggest sign of the village's unwillingness to co-operate with itself: the dual lynching and Toafication of ToaTimeLord. Became a Toa, and lynched, the same day.
    The same round ToaTimeLord became Toa was when the Shadow Turaga made the best use of their abilities. They voted for ToaTimeLord, and ToaTimeLord's total for becoming Toa by the end of the voting round was 6 votes. They then negated ToaTimeLord's own vote, completely hiding the fact that they were the Shadow Turaga and ensuring that one of their own would become a Shadow Toa, as it resulted in a tie and two Toa were made that round. That really couldn't have gone better for them - they get rid of a Toa, and they gain one of their own.
    Ghidora became very close to being lynched on both Day 2 and Day 3, but narrowly survived both times. That was interesting - there was a focused effort to try and get rid of Ghidora, it seemed, but not enough people believed that Ghidora was truly guilty. (Plot twist: Guilty.) Day 4, they seemed to have forgotten about Ghidora and decided to lynch FF instead - probably because the village had been duped into believing FF was a Shadow Toa after the Shadow Toa made their first kill.
    It's amazing how much would have been different with just one more vote each round. That was often the difference between the person with the most votes and the person with the next most votes.

  8. Trijhak
    Remember on the old forums that you could put a short description below a title, instead of tags?
    I kind of miss that, even though I don't start topics much.
    Also, kinda wondering, why some parts of the Star Wars EU excluded from being made non-canon? Was it one of those weird Star Wars things where everything has to be slightly more complicated and if they made the things non-canon we wouldn't know the incredibly important backstory of Background Extra #353256, also known as 'Evi L'badgi'? Surely Disney would have a much easier time just stating only the films are canon? Less obstacles in the future that way. Keeping something canon when everything else has been made non-canon seems like a weird move that'll probably come back and bite them somewhere.
    Also, there are probably people out there wondering why Star Wars skipped IV-VI. Just a thought.
  9. Trijhak
    So, BZPower used to have a Featured Member feature, that would appear on the front page.
    Now, I believe it was a different person every day. In pre-2011 BZP, that was more than possible. Lots of active people, at least a couple of thousand. I think.
    Now, BZPower is much less often. But that doesn't mean it can't be brought back. But, of course, it could do with some refinement. And for something as big as being featured, it should require something. Like a contribution - or five, to BZPower's community, whether by MoC or by story or fan-created game. Of course, members featured should have 0 or greater proto, since those with less proto have obviously not followed the rules, and for Premier Members that gets boosted to equal to or greater than +2 protodermis, as every one of them gets a boost of +2 proto for being premier. I think, unless it's changed.
    So, with that down, why not a Featured Member of the Month? Monthly, so there's a reasonable amount of time, so that it doesn't take up too much time, so that it's not something that's randomly selected every day, but chosen by the BZP staff.
  10. Trijhak
    What name did Turaga Vakama's secret clone give you?
    My apparent new name is 'Why Do I Have Duck Feet I Don't Actually Have Duck Feet That's My Name Why Did Vakama's Secret Clone Give Me This Name'.
  11. Trijhak
    The Hordika Neck is definitely the most useful thing to come out of 2005.
    I should get that transparent orange Mask of Fire. There's no other way to get it that I know of. With a bonus skull spider and poster too!
    Lord of Skull Spiders could be improved so easily if you simply moved the Glatorian necks in the place of the technic beams and then attached the normal CCBS legs to it, placing the original IFB-claw leg-ends on the end of those legs. Not sure about this, but LOSS' function would still work. Boggles the mind why they didn't do something like that, especially considering when it's so simple to improve. Granted, spiders usually have eight legs, but who said LOSS is a spider itself?
    Skull Scorpion and LOSS seem to be in a 'Who can be the worst arachnid-based set?' competition.
    Skull Warrior has an awesome bow and BOWS ARE COOL. Especially oversized ones. Remember, it's not BIONICLE if the weapon isn't madly oversized. (See: Tahu G2's massive swordbladethings, Gali's G2's massive trident, Pohatu G2's frankly massive boomerangs, many G1 weapons)
    Skull Slicey-dicey gets too much flak for being skeleton when it's a skeleton.
    Skull Bashey-gnashey has two axes that look more like axes than Lewa G2's axes.
    Skull Grindey-windey has a nice staff-thingy.
    The summer wave has one thing everyone's been asking for too: a new chest-piece. Even if it's only in transparent colours. Also a new knee/shoulderpad piece. I noticed the old spherical and box-shaped armour attachments had mysteriously disappeared from CCBS, I'm guessing the piston attachment and that new piece are the replacements. You know what we also need? A piece like that 'wide' 6-stud long piece, except a bit a smaller, and also another a bit larger.
    I foresee those new sword pieces getting overused to no end as well. Just imagine it in the place of the Brain Attack Sword, which is also overused, or the G1 Mahri Blade, or the HF Mahri Blade equivalent from Ordeal of Fire.
    Why don't those new bone pieces have technic pin holes in them? There appears to be space, so there's really no reason not to include them.
    That gearbox should be used in every set it possibly can. It's a nice piece, why not include gears now that we can have gears + posability all in one without sacrificing one or the other to the mythical 'Set Designers'?
    I looked at Meltdown recently and I noticed that his yellow is slightly different to the CCBS yellow (was there a change in plastic or something when we moved to CCBS?)
    On the same note, the old non-CCBS pieces seem to not have those three holes in them that the new balljoints do, is there a reason for that?
    On yet again the same note, the transparent green that first appeared in 'Breakout Rocka' did not in fact first appear there, it appeared on Meltdown's 'waste' canisters
    Why can't we get transparent dark blue shells on Gali? Kopaka already uses the transparent light blue shells, right now every element has a transparent colour unique to it (Fire = Orange, Stone = Neon Green, Air = Greeny green, Earth = Purple, Ice = Light Blue, Water = Light Blue)
    I'm so glad we don't get any Inika torsos any more. I recently realised just how useless they were. The most creatively they were used was in Gadunka, and Gadunka was a fairly mediocre set. Who am I kidding? Everyone loves Gadunka, those teeth are amazing. Has good dental hygiene too! So did the Piraka. WHO HAD THE MASK OF DENTISTRY?
    ...Ahkmou. Ekimu. Ekimu. Ahkmou. Ahkimu. Ekmou. Ahkimou. Ahkmou?! THIS IS SHOCKING. I COMMAND EVERYONE TO BE SHOCKED. EKIMU IS AHKMOU GUYS.
  12. Trijhak
    Last week I finally went and got an appointment with a Doctor.
    It went better than I had feared. All things being well, very soon I'll be getting some form of counselling/therapy.
    I should have done it years ago, really. But that's the joke, isn't it. Not wanting help for often severe anxiety because said anxiety is telling you that you're better off with it or that you're faking it.
    I let so many things, so many people pass by because I was too anxious. Sometimes ending up with regret, other times apathy. A lot of things left unsaid, thousands of words typed out only to be deleted. Things that I wanted to say but didn't have the courage to. A few people I wanted to talk to and yet I just stopped.
    Even now, it's still hard to just talk, to articulate my thoughts.
    Still. Enough obnoxious self-pity. There are people I do talk to. I'm taking small steps against anxiety. A lot of people have shown me their support, some of it unexpected. I'm doing so much better than I was at the start of the year.
  13. Trijhak
    I've got a question for those of you more acquainted with physics, and also the lack of them:
    Would wings made out of fire work?
    Are giant antlers on your head practical?
    Where can you find the wild Ikir phoenixes of Okoto? (asking for a friend, I think their name is U. Marak)
    Did the skeletons in the ancient city evolve from the inhabitants of Okoto or did the inhabitants of Okoto evolve from them?
    Where did Tahu get all that gold from?
  14. Trijhak
    I thought I'd do one of these. I think I did one once before, but it's been a year since then so why not do it again.
    Ask me questions, about anything that is legal on BZP, of course, and I will try to answer them as best as I can.
  15. Trijhak
    Terrible Pun Ahead
    If you hate bad puns, do not go further
    Seeing as you got this far even with three warnings, please don't complain.
    You know, Matoro, all Makuta except Miserix, Lhikan, Sidorak, and countless other characters who died that I can't really remember aren't really in the spirit of BIONICLE.

    They're more in the spirit of DIEONICLE.

    Because they all died.


  16. Trijhak
    Why do you believe that it is returning?
    What evidence do you have, if any? Is it something you know? Because I doubt that, given the lack of any information regarding new themes.
    On various other sites, I see people saying they know BIONICLE is returning. I'm sorry to say: no, you don't. That's just something you want to believe. Rumours are nothing more than rumours. We would all like it to return. But there's a thing we all need to do, and that's letting go of the past. BIONICLE had its time. Whether you thought it was good or bad during its earlier or later years is your opinion. I have not forgotten how vicious BZPower could be towards BIONICLE at certain times. I myself would be ambivalent to this rumoured, unlikely return. I would rather LEGO be creative and perhaps start a new constraction theme. One that is not expected to meet the standards of BIONICLE, because it is not and never will be BIONICLE, and that's a good thing.
    We all like believing things. Sometime so much we end up deluding ourselves with false confirmations and high hopes that form only to be crushed... it's time to move on. BIONICLE's been dead for years now.
    So why do people believe it is returning?
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