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Blog Entries posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. GreenBioGuy
    Well everyone, I am pleased to announce that the two duelists for our BZP MoCist duels have been chosen! And those duelists are...

    Draco Cyanopterus 
    Unfortunately, I don't have the challenge thought up yet (and I want it to be very well thought of and sortof complex). Thus, you will have to wait until later this morning or early afternoon (CST).
    Congratulations on being chosen, and I look forward to your MoCs! Until then...
  2. GreenBioGuy
    Yes: I have pictures now!
    Ok, stats:
    Total Orders: 3
    Total Lots: 80
    Total Parts Count: 407
    Total Cost (including shipping): $60.80
    Now, pics! (Brickshelf)
    The White parts:


    The Dark Red parts:

    Sorry for the poor lighting in this last one... :S
    Oh, and don't forget that I have this guy to pull parts from too!
    Now, I'd love to know what you think! How did I do in what I chose, and the quantities thereof? How about the price (for those of you experienced in these matters)?
    Now to work on my first mecha/fusion attempt! Yay!
  3. GreenBioGuy
    I received my first parts order today!
    The new trans-blue bohrok eyes looks swell on Certavus, as do his other new white accents.
    The other parts are nifty too, and I hope to put them to good use on my Robot.
    Seeing as I don't have the time at the moment, I can't upload pics, but I plan on it later in the week.
    Heh, they shipped like Saturday...
  4. GreenBioGuy
    Got a quick question for ya.
    I'm planning on ordering some parts from (the you-know-which site), and the only shops from which a certain piece can be attained are located in the Netherlands. Considering that the deadline for the contest is a little over two weeks away, do you think that the pieces would have enough time to arrive on time? I know that it differs with each seller, but what has been your experience in the past? (for those of you who have ordered from this site)
    Thanks in advance!
  5. GreenBioGuy
    I'm considering on purchasing individual parts from online stores (as opposed to sets). I'm wanting to expand my inventory a bit in terms of functional pieces and some flair pieces. Specifically, I would love to know what the best pieces for fusion building are. I know of pieces like the brick/socket and the brick/ball pieces, etc. Got any other suggestions? Of course I'll get some extra connector 1x3 +O+ and some of those 1x2 ++ pieces. I'm always needing more of those. XD I've also got my eyes set on some green dragon wings too. (Think big green dragon people! B) )
    Also, where is the best place to purchase LEGO/BIONICLE pieces for the best prices and quality?
    Thanks for your time!
  6. GreenBioGuy
    I must say, GBG is pleased.
    For those of you who don't know, I had a piano recital (you might if you read Sunneh's blog, and even then: thoroughly). Also, for those of you who don't know, I've been playing piano for 7-8 years now, so... yeah.
    Anyways, the recital went quite well, considering the fact that in practicing right before I messed up right at the beginning majorly and in some other spots over the course of my playing it through 3 or so times. DX During the recital itself, however, I only messed up once, and even then you couldn't really tell very well; I just kept on truckin' and covered it up.
    The piece was "Invention 8" by Bach. Let me tell you, if you ever want a type of piece which will mess with your mind and make your hands do things that is contrary to the norm, then choose an invention. Just to give you a feel for how crazy it was, the piece would play a line in the right hand, and then in the next measure the left hand will repeat what the right hand did, while the right hand starts a whole new melody, and they will repeat each other like that. It took a while to get used to, but hey, I had it all memorized in the end for the recital (just two pages though, and it was fast). I could just feel the prayers coming down! The Lord was good to me.
    I also got asked by a parent of one of the other kids if I give lessons! Due to the fact that my piano teacher (the main one of like, 20 of the kids there, is getting married (yay!) in about two months, and she and her husband will be moving away. ) I'm unclear if I will continue with lessons, we will have to see what my schedule will be like. I do want to continue playing for sure, but lessons, I dunno... All that to explain why the mom was asking about if I give lessons. I may or may not, we shall see...
    Anyways, just thought I would say that! (first real-life blog entry in like... ever!)
  7. GreenBioGuy
    Ok guys, summer is now upon us, and normally, I would have thought that this would bring a whole bunch of free time. However, it is actually quite busy, and I am wanting to have a good amount of free time to do some of my other hobbies. Thus, BZPower is going to get lowered down on my totem pole of importance. Am I quitting? Leaving?
    No. I am simply informing you guys that I will not be super active around here (not that I ever have been...). Sure, I shall jump in when BBC Contests are up and going, I will keep up with blogs and comment in them from time to time, and I shall post in topics that I think are worth it (like really good MoC topics by my friends, as well as news topics). As to my blog, I shall really only post entries on important subjects (and not random stuff). As to my post count, I am just going to let that grow with time. I am beginning to tell myself that rank and stars and stuff don't really matter that much. Just be a good member and have fun.
    Now, just to let you know, I am planning on entering Bone's blog contest, S&T contest #4, as well as BBCC #50 (when it gets here).
    I guess that I am moving beyond the summers that are full of free time and fun, and moving towards the summers that contain work. That's life I suppose. For me, BZPower will come and go for me in spurts. Sometimes, I shall be really into it, and at other times nothing is really going on, like right now, I shall not be as active. I guess that I am in a low spot, and I shall most likely swing back up in the future. I really enjoy BZPower, but in my personal life, I am beginning to tell myself that there are more important things to do.
    I am just letting you guys know all of this so that... I really don't know why. I just am. It's my blog anyway.
  8. GreenBioGuy
    I have made an interesting observation. I was just posting in the Forums but after doing so my post count stayed right at 964, the number it was before. Why is this? Could it be because of the recent wipe of info around here? BZPower isn't picking up a surplus of new posts, so it's not raising my number? Not that I really care about post count, I am just curious.

    Figured it out.

  9. GreenBioGuy
    What is this Project Fusion I speak of, you ask? Well, as a few of you know, at the end of last summer I made a large parts order and planned on using it on a humanoid robot, my inspiration being DV's Transtech Shockwave. My goal in building this MoC has been to expand my building experience into the fusion world (I think I may have overdone it on the lower legs though :/ ), and build a sweet robot fellow at the same time. Thus, the personally dubbed "Project Fusion" (for lack of a better name).
    Color scheme is white with dark red as a secondary color. Prior to the break I had the "foot" (which is actually a wheel) and a lower leg finished. Over the break I built a completely custom torso which I am extremely happy with. I have a good idea for a head, and I now have a preliminary arm done. In addition, I've mostly completed the leg design (it needs tweaking though). I'm sorry, but I don't have WIP pictures taken and I don't plan on it anytime soon. My break is over now, and I am going to let my LEGO building rest for a week or so; I get a better boost of creativity afterwords, it seems, if I rest for a bit.
    Personally, I think he's looking quite good, but I'll leave you guys to pass judgment when I finish him.
    Also, I need a good name for him. Got any ideas?
    In real life (lol) I had a wonderful break; it was both restful and productive. I finished reading Ted Dekker's Lost Books series (awesome author btw; I would highly recommend his Circle Trilogy), and I finished Metroid Prime 3 (which I loved). My non-profit met it's goal of 24k for three wells in Sudan, so I had a great break overall!
  10. GreenBioGuy
    I've turned around and now several people have gotten promotions around here in like... the weekend! O_o Velox is an OBZPC, and Bfahome is a Blog Assistant! Heh, and they each only have 1 year spinnies... Are there any other promotions I need to be aware of?
    At times I get to wishing that I had that sort of recognition (and I just might if I spent more time and energy around here), but the truth is, I have higher priorities. You know, stuff that will actually last me and make a difference in my adult life when the time comes. Heh, I can't get a degree in MoCing or even blogging, now can I? I want to invest my life in what lasts, and my teen years are the big springboard into the rest of life; thus, I need to spend them wisely.
    This is all not to say that all time spent on BZPower or MoCing BIONICLE is wasted time. I can grow in writing and social interaction, and I have learned some lessons around here, so it is a positive experience. In talking with a Union University professor last year, she said that building with LEGO period is a great way to increase your problem solving skills. She is an Engineering professor, which is what I am interested in going onto when I get to college. So... yeah.
    I know that this summer I will have alot more time on my hands, but at the same time, there are other things I'm gonna have to be doing with that time. Grrr, I fluctuate with my BIONICLE/BZP interest so much. It's rather annoying. XD I really enjoy hanging out here, but I've just gotta keep perspective. Not to mention I have other video game stuff with my sis. Now don't get me wrong, I am certainly planning on still spending time around here, I'm just gonna have to keep it regulated (especially up until school is out). Heh, I'm sure I'll have more time than I'm thinking this summer, but all the same...
    Arg. I always feel so silly "explaining" these things to you all, but that's what a blog is about, right? *humph* like any of you care... (there are about three of you or so that I believe might be interested in this info though, but for the rest of you, just ignore me) *ducks under desk*
  11. GreenBioGuy
    I don't have much time to give my thoughts, but I can summarize. The movie was EPIC and AWESOME to say the least, especially regarding the whole Pandora world. I absolutely loved all of the fictional creatures and I found myself ogling at the various glowing plants, strange lizards which fly by spinning their wings in a rapid canopy above them, awesome six legged horses, and floating mountains among other things.
    The story over-all was solid, even though you knew what was going to happen pretty much from the get-go. I love stories of the under dogs beating up on the big bad guys with the advanced weapons and technology. The characters were cool, and I really liked it how the band of half a dozen or so "went rogue" so to speak and rebelled against the military to help out the Na'vi. My favorite was the female helicopter pilot (forgot her name) who went into battle at the end in war paint like the Na'vi and even painted her ship to match! Speaking of the finale, it was climactic and epic; I liked it how there was a combination of large scale battle but also one-on-one there at the very end.
    So, yeah. Awesome movie; I definitely wouldn't mind seeing it again. Of course, it definitely had it's downsides (language being the main one), but there were positive things about it too (aside from the epic factor). I was hesitant to see it the first time, but I must say, I loved it!
  12. GreenBioGuy
    You read correctly: I'm not entering.
    It was a very tough decision, but I had to make it in the end. Simply put, I just wasted an entire school day trying to finish it up (I'm homeschooling, so I'm flexible). Ok, not the whole day, but most of it. The whole time, I just felt like I was hitting my head against a brick wall. I couldn't figure anything good out for the arms with the pieces I had left. I can't tell you how aggravating that felt. Just making no progress at all really...
    Considering the deadline is tomorrow, I just decided (with my parents help) to just drop it.
    Ultimately, in the grand scheme of things, this contest is not all that important. I don't want it to deprive me of sleep and my school work of quality (which is what it was starting to do). Canon story as a prize? Nice, but it won't improve me as a person. Neither will prototypes, for that matter...
    So... yeah. I can't wait to see how everyone else's turns out though!
    Oh, and don't try to convince me otherwise; I've made up my mind. Tomorrow is way too busy anyhow.
    Also, I am planning on finishing up the MoC in the future (but probably the summer). I might be able to get a WIP pic up over the weekend though. Heh, this is exactly what happened with Skotraxx.
  13. GreenBioGuy
    Well guys, I have been having problems with majhost.com lately. The pictures would not show up in the forums and/or blogs. The funny thing about it though, is that there were a few that would. I myself have a Mac laptop. I tried it downstairs on our family Mac, and it still didn't work there. Then I tried it on the older family PC, and for somereason, it worked perfectly fine. Thus, I can safely conclude that it has something to do with Macs, or rather Maj's incompatability with them. Just thought I would let you guys know.
    I am about to write up the blog contest entry now...
  14. GreenBioGuy
    So, my dad and I went to see Star Trek today; and I've gotta say: I enjoyed it quite a bit!
    I don't have alot of time here, but I will say that if you like complicated plots, futuristic spaceships and blast fights, as well as blackholes and time warps, you'll love this movie! The story was pretty neat, and the action was superb. There were quite a few intense on-the-edge-of-your-seat moments (even though I wasn't on the edge of my seat, lol)
    I won't even try to explain the plot line to you; it would take up a bit of space (lol)
    The only part I didn't like was one adult-themed scene near the beginning, but I just slipped my ball cap down over my face and it was fine.
    Besides that one scene, the whole movie was spectacular, and if it hadn't been for a slightly crummy speaker in the theater it would have been a near perfect movie experience. Ah well.
    I would probably give it a 8 out of 10 rating. Definitely worth watching again!
    Oh, and I haven't seen any of the original movies, so I didn't have them to compare it too...

  15. GreenBioGuy
    I'm considering either placing a parts order or buying some new sets for summer MoCing soon.
    First off, I know that I'm gonna want to finish off my (un-entered) BBCC #53 entry, so I'm gonna need some good black pieces and a bit of lime too. I know that some of the Batman sets would be swell for the system side of things there. As to lime, I can just order that seperately (unless there are some good sets which contain it).
    Secondly, I would like to branch out (as you guys have suggested) and do something with no black or green in it what-so-ever.
    I would love to do something in either purple or teal (does that count as green?). Also tan would be nice...
    - purple/white
    - purple/something else...
    - teal/purple
    - teal/white
    - teal/tan (odd yes, original? I think so)
    - teal/something else...
    - purple/tan (same deal)
    - tan/brown
    - some sort of red/yellow/orange theme (think fire)
    I would definitely have to get a bunch of new purple pieces, seeing as the only one I own is my shadow kraata. However, that shouldn't be too hard considering that CzaR got a ton of purple pieces for just 14 bucks.
    I also want to branch out an do something other than a humanoid. Suggestions?
    I really want to stretch myself out this summer MoCing wise.
    I was thinking of doing Slizer re-vamps (no, I don't own any, but I could get them) Of course, that would mean black, which wouldn't be too bad, but on the downside I would be forced to finish my robot first (he's like tieing up all of my good black pieces)
    In terms of cost, I will only have 50 - 80 bucks (not bad though). I've just got some other things I'm gonna want to invest in, so... yeah.
    Also, for those of you who saw the WIP, do you think that I should ditch my old torso design and start afresh?
    Thanks in advance for your input!
  16. GreenBioGuy
    Seriously. Don't believe me? Head over to Apple's website and check it out. The new iPhone G3 is twice as fast as its predecessor, is thinner, and on top of that, the price has been cut in half. This new edition is starting at 8 Gigabytes for $200 bucks. Wowee. Don't forget that the iPhone is a full iPod (music and movie playing gadget), a web browser (it can do e-mail too, and has full wireless technology), and (of course) it's a phone. Sweetness. I would really like to get one eventually, but we shall have to see.
  17. GreenBioGuy
    Ok peoples, due to the fact that our Duelists are tied for the Champion status, I have decided to do a mini tie-breaker challenge.

    Duelists, your mini challenge is this:
    You must build a MoC that uses no more than 20 pieces. You can build whatever you like, just don't go over that limit. Pegs/bushings/axles do not count into the number limit.
    You now have until Sunday evening to send in your MoC, but the sooner the better. The actual voting shall last for one day (Monday).
    So, get MoCin'! I smell chibiness...
    Sorry, DV just brought to my attention that the last vote in the third round was invalid, due to it's being submitted too late. I apologize.
  18. GreenBioGuy
    Well, hello everyone! It's been two weeks now since I last blogged, and I can't let my blog pass into the second page of my favorites list now can I?
    So anyways, my last blog post was written just before I left to go on my youth group's mission trip and I thought I would blog about how that went. If you want to skip down to the section where I talk about what's been going on since then (I talk about the Wii and Brawl there), or down to where I talk about Bionicle/BZPower, then feel free to do so. I've marked them.
    The Mission Trip:
    The trip began at 9:00 on Monday morning where we met at our church. Unlike many mission trips where you leave and go somewhere far overseas, we were on a mission to the downtown of our city. We would be working with RIFA, which stands for Regional Inter-Faith Association, and they are the main outreach organization in Jackson I believe. Proceeding to the headquarters, we met with Shawn who is one of the coordinators for repairs outreach. Our job would be to re-paint the outside of an elderly lady's house, which was about 100 years old and was in good need of repair. So basically, the whole week was comprised of scrapping of old pain, applying a coat of primer, letting that dry, and then applying one coat of paint. I know that sounds simple and easy, but it wasn't; the whole process took us the whole week, and there were 15-20 of us on the trip. Oh, and not to mention that the heat index hovered around 100+ degrees (the worst day was Tuesday, when the heat index hit 115 degrees)
    Interestingly, I was on a ladder most of the time due to my being one of the oldest in the group. This is funny due to the fact that my family has for a long while been allergic to ladders. You look confused. Yes, well that's because it's an inside joke! Hahahahaha...ha.....ha... oh whatever. My dad fell off of a ladder several years ago (I was present) and was in the hospital for a good while. Ever since then my mom has been overly protective of my dad and ladders. He's only been on one once since then (it was actually last weekend). Thus, it has become a pretty big joke in our family that we are all allergic to extension ladders. Oh, and btw, I'm not actually scared of them in the slightest; I made sure that it was set up properly (Which was something we failed to do when my dad fell. He was at too large of an angle with the ground on a slightly sloped gritty driveway which = bad setup) No, I didn't fall!
    Oh, and one of our leaders was involved in a minor car wreck the first day on our way from RIFA to the elderly lady's house. Due to that small delay we didn't start working until 1ish or something. Yay for adventures!
    And thus we worked from 9:00 AM to about 4:00 everyday (Mon. to Thurs.) What did we do in the evening do you ask? Well, we all took showers (that was an adventure in-and-of-itself; we were all sharing two showers in the house of a lady from church, and one day the girls took so long that the guys had to take a shower in the mop closet of all places!), we had a devotional time, and then... we played games! My favorite thing that we did was we had a dodge-ball tournament all week long, and although my team didn't win it was still alot of fun! The best part (and the worst part) were the girls vs. guys matches. You see, there were 10-12 girls, and only four guys. The worst part is this: when you catch the ball not only the person who threw it is out, but your whole team gets back into play. Thus, we would whittle the girl's team down to one or two individual and then they would inevitably catch it, bringing all of the girls in who had been sitting on the sideline for a while. This happened innumerable times the first night, and the guys got extremely drained of energy (the girls had time to recharge) Sadly to say (and to our shame) the girls beat us three times in a row. Sad day. And then they beat us again the next night! Well, we were determined to arise victorious, so we ended up going all-out the last night and we creamed them five times in a row! Hehe. I don't know if it was due to our finally adopting a strategy or because our adrenaline was going crazy (or both) but we licked 'em good. Oh yes, we did! (no offense ladies)
    We also played other games such as Sardines in a Can, Mafia, and Underground Church, which were all great fun! Still, the dodge-ball was the best.
    By the end of the week (as could be expected) we were absolutely worn out. It didn't help that we went to bed at 11:30 and we got up at 7:30. Ah well. I loved it anyways, and I think that it was a great learning/growing time for all of us. The week went wonderfully, and I highly enjoyed being able to be a servant to others. Interestingly, we made faster progress than Shawn was expecting, and we were able to do the lady's porch as well!
    Since then:
    Now back to "normal" life, I have been catching up on rest (which I believe I attained today), playing the Wii with my sis, doing yardwork from when I was gone (the yard was a jungle) and I'm in the process of moving from rest mode to productivity-in-the-summer mode. Today I made up a schedule for myself; next week I am going to start on several projects. I have some catch-up school work to do, I am going to start preparation for the next season in Dollar for a Drink (my non-profit organization which is raising money for wells in Sudan) and I am going to start working in earnest on a trilogy of mine which has been floating around in my head for years now. In addition to these things, there are numerous other small things to do which needed to be accounted for as well. Thus, I made a schedule for myself today which is going to fairly flexible but will at least give me some structure to my week, something which has been lacking since our return from D.C. I am a creature of habit and I just can't go throughout a day without some sort of plan effectively.
    At any rate, Brawl has been sweet. My sister and I unlocked all of the characters Tuesday I think, which was just two weeks after we got it (and I was gone for four days in the middle of that). The reason for getting them so quickly is all thanks to the Subspace Emissary; which, in my opinion, is an excellent adventure mode. My current top three favorite characters are: Lucario, Lucas, and Sonic. If I'm going for the kill, I'll pick Lucario due to his excellent air attacks (down A to be exact) and the fact that his attack strength attains a super boost when he reaches 167%. I'm just now starting to like Lucas alot; I still need to master his barrage of long range attacks, but both his up and down A smashes are devastating. Although he's not my best, I enjoy playing as Sonic just for the fun of it; He's so fast and light. The only problem is that all of his moves are so similar; he takes a bit of time to get used to. Meta Knight is pretty neat too, I love his recovery and speed attacks.
    Today I unlocked Spear Pillar, Hanenbow, and Mario Bros. My three favorite levels would have to be: Frigate Orpheon (of course that may just be due to the music), Spear Pillar, and Final Destination. The Pirate Ship is pretty neat too.
    What's my overall take on the game? It's superb as far as "upgrades" go. Sure, it's the same game as the first Smash Bros. at heart, but the producers did an excellent job of expanding it and taking Melee to a whole new level. I love the game, and the addition of new characters, the smash ball, and many new features make for a truly addictive and fantastic game!
    Is there anyone else out there who's a Brawl fan? If so, we may have to exchange codes and play! (Providing I semi-know you of course)
    Now, on to the last (yes, I mean it) topic I wanted to blog about, and it'll be brief.
    First of all, I debating whether I should renew my Brickmaster subscription. Let me ask this right up front though: can you get Bionicle comics with the regular magazine? If so, then I probably won't subscribe... I just don't think it's worth it anymore.
    Secondly, I realize that I missed most of the voting, but I'm pleased with how BBCC #54 turned out! I'm not surprised at all at how the Semis went (and I just had to get stuck with Roa!) Ah well. I can't wait to see the prizes, and I can't wait (ok, perhaps I can) until the next contest. It's probably just as well that it's not until August. I wonder what the theme will be though.... Also, apologize if I came across as copying Arpy; I truly wasn't. That's just what popped out of my head! I will grant Dandezille for the inspiration of the treads though.
    And finally, I am planning on placing a larger-ish order from the you-know-which site soon. I really need to expand my collection of small (half-width) liftarms and other small bits. Building in micro-scale (and on a larger scale with my incomplete robot) has really showed me that I need more of those, and not just in black either. I hope to get to work on my latest idea for a white/purple mech/robot thing.
    So anyways, that's what's been going on in my life. If you read the whole thing, then I congratulate you!
    My how the fingers can run...
  19. GreenBioGuy
    Well, I meant to blog about this last night, but forgot (it was late anyway).
    My family and I went to see Pixar's UP last evening with some friends of ours. The movie was extremely unique, creative, fun, and I really enjoyed it quite a bit! Definitely worth going to see and even owning if you enjoy good quality plots and animated comedies that are family friendly. There were very few characters, but I never found myself getting bored with them. They were all so different, but Pixar did an amazing job making them all work together for the story.
    The whole plot was far fetched, true, but with animated films you've just got to suspend logic for a while. The only truly weird part was when the doggies flew the planes... it was funny though.
    I think one of the greatest strengths of the movie is that it can appeal to a very wide range of ages. Not only does it cater to the kiddos, but it was something that the adults could truly enjoy as well. Very well done.
    Not to mention that the animation and 3D was Amazing. I was expecting the 3D would be through those little blue/red glasses, and would thus distort the colors. But nope. The glasses affected the color none what-so-ever (they were clear, I still have yet to figure out how they worked), and the 3D effect worked perfectly. I'm excited that this is becoming the new standard for animated movies.
    So, what's my take on this movie? In case you haven't guessed, I'd give it a 5/5 star rating. If you like this sort of movie, I'd highly recommend it!
    Also yay Toy Story 3!
  20. GreenBioGuy
    Now in case you are wondering what a WAD pic is, it stands for "Work Almost Done", as opposed to a WIP: "Work In Progress". Anyway, here it is:

    This is my first 100% custom torso, and I've gotta say, I like it lots!
    It still needs a few tweaks, but it's pretty much done. Oh, and I need a name too... got any suggestions?
  21. GreenBioGuy
    Great sunspots! The forums have returned! I was beginning to think the beast that is the forums had died... But I guess the all powerful staffies came along and revived it! Thanks guys!
    Now, in my time away I have had a birthday. My 17th in fact. As a result, I got a bunch of money, and as a result of that I placed my largest parts order (or combination of orders) yet: $50+, 400+ pieces. I've received one of them, but the other two are still in the process of shipping. I made sure to buy plenty of system (at least half of it I think) DV, I'm wanting to seriously delve into fusion building. I'm pumped! Speaking of pumping, I got an airsoft gun and the accompanying paraphernalia too!
    *Edit*: I forgot to mention that I also got Super Mario Galaxy for my b-day too! It's a pretty sweet game (the super awesomeness factor really comes from the creativity of the levels themselves). Sadly though, I felt that it played too quickly; My sister and I had beaten the final Bowser just after one week! Of course, it helped that she was doing co-op, so that might have had something to do with it... Regardless, We have 106/120 stars at the moment, and I highly recommend the game (providing you are a Mario fan of course!)
    I can't say how active I will be (not very much I am sure) but I'll still hang around; it's good to have the forums/blogs back online! I'll be sure to post up when I build something... not sure how long that will be though.
    Anywhoo, just thought I'd say howdy!
  22. GreenBioGuy
    I have now been sent reply notifications to three topics which I have never laid eyes on, much less subscribed to. Here's the latest one: Something about sharpies
    Why am I randomly being subscribed to topics?
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