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Lime Paradox

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Status Updates posted by Lime Paradox

  1. hey dun reed meh epk i alrdy tauld u gaiz i am not your etmnetrtainment go watch yuor foot if im that amuuzing

  2. hey iz gurky whar u go???///???/

  3. hey mr tiuyra do yuo now why dlaiki was band??/?

    srsly im confuusd :wacko:

  4. Hey, I did that Strakk review I promised.

    But just one month after said promise. :P

  5. Hey, I found another six-clawed ferret! But it's not Swartt, it's some clone of you. I didn't know Redwall had cloning...

    Oh, and there's another otter.

  6. Hey, you've got your old name back again. It reminds me of times long past...

    Which is odd, because that's sorta what your last name was. Was it like a prequel or something?

  7. hlding fuud hostj ar ilegul in evry planit eksept texus!11!!1! every1 noez htat!1111one!1

  8. Hmmm, we're both steely visionaries now.

  9. How do you know that?

  10. hten go jumhp of a clif!11!!

    Or just ignore it.

  11. i 1t 2 hweai 1s!111!! i wuz leik 6 yrs odl bak den!11 so hte laygo massage boards aprov'd mey postz lol!!11

  12. i aet a sub 1s

    u no hte samwichz


  14. I ate a cot once! :D

  15. i ayt pie 1s! i aslo et ur BaSe

  16. I believe the phrase is "incurable obsession". :P

  17. I can't remember, but I'm pretty sure it was Toaraga.

  18. I caught a look-and-leaver! :P

  19. I don't know; it's something he's going around yelling in everyone's comments.

  20. I don't know. I think I'll let the topic die and start it again later; I want to get back to my comedies and perhaps start an MAS.

  21. I go by Meowitz. At least, I think so...

  22. i got maad at baran flaekz 1s

  23. I had no good luck. :P

    Lying Target cretins...

  24. i hd salid w/ metul geerz in itb 1z it aslo hdad rnch dresin

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