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Lime Paradox

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Everything posted by Lime Paradox

  1. might as well dump some more of these here while i'm on bzp for the first time in months
  2. what a coincidence i too once found this, and had to share
  3. wow these are honestly really nice... i remember BACK IN THE DAY most of the fanmade contributions to rayg 2.5 looked really noticeably off, even i had a lot of trouble making stuff for it that looked remotely decent. i can't really say for sure how PERFECT it is, namely because i don't think i've even looked at the original kit in ages, but this definitely stands out as one of the most impressive attempts to imitate rayg's style with the shading and stuff that i've seen (the colors could probably use a little bit more contrast though)
  4. you... do realize this is a topic that was posted over a year ago for a comic made many years before that, right also honestly it feels kind of weird to even group bzp's brand of sprite comics together with like bob and george style video game stuff, it basically diverged into its own weird subculture in like 2003 or so and has had almost no connection to the larger online sprite comic scene since then
  5. the image here seems to be broken, so i will substitute my own emkay comic
  6. some more Lego Biocicles™ [/size]i drew sort of recently Inappropriate content removed. -B6
  7. What you're looking for is Richard Nixon That is the secret
  8. Just some bonkles that I drew recently
  9. Matoran have numerous elementally-affiliated "races", each with their own culture, and are adapted for life in different environments The idea that they'd all fall into the same human ethnicity is inherently ridiculous and shouldn't even need to be said I think more people should take into consideration where they actually live though and what skin color/traits would make the most sense for that - I've seen a whole lot of art where Onua is the Token Black Toa just because he is literally black, even though the Onu-Matoran live underground and would probably make more sense to be the palest
  10. "instead of school" Really Like even if you somehow honestly believe kids should not think about anything but school, you DO REALIZE that you are talking about a Bionicle forum where people regularly get into heated arguments about children's construction toys right We get it, you don't personally want to hear about important social issues, please come up with a better justification next time
  11. Glad to see more people acknowledging Pridak's codpiece in their MOCs, an essential element of Bionicle fanon as established by the classic art piece "pridaks family" by drago-flame
  12. Superglue two zamor spheres to the chest of your MOC This is the new Nuva shoulder armor Get on it, BBC
  13. IMPORTANT QUESTION: why does Hahli have hair, and why doesn't Jaller I mean this is a pretty standard thing in awkwardly sexualized female bonkles art but it will never not be weird to me Do all these artists just exist in a world where all girls have long hair and all guys are bald or something??
  14. ...Is this supposed to be some sort of innuendo Like I honestly can't tell, please help me out here
  15. You... DO REALIZE that bonkles is a work of fiction, constructed by actual people in the real world we live in where sexism definitely does exist, right Whether all the characters are technically sexless/genderless in-universe or not (why do people only claim this when they're trying to deflect accusations of sexism in the series??) doesn't really matter much to this kind of discussion, because they are still treated as if they do have genders by all official material, and CURIOUSLY ENOUGH most of them happen to be designated as male Another thing that REALLY DOESN'T MATTER here is Lego's intent. Like of course they're trying to sell products and not actively hurt people, they're a business, no one is disputing that - but that doesn't mean what they do won't have consequences. Stuff like this isn't usually INTENTIONALLY MALICIOUS but that doesn't mean it should be ignored, especially when it's as painfully obvious and prevalent as sexism in bonkles
  16. I know most of the people who make those comments; they know it's ironically terrible. They're continuing the joke by insisting it's a masterpiece. It's why I even use the term masterpiece; it's ironic, because it is truly awful. (Yet, on a deeper level, perhaps masterfully so.) As ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE I'm going to have to disagree here, if only in that "ironically terrible" is just a really misleading way to describe it Like... SBaHJ could be said to have been "ironically terrible" at first, seeing as it started out as a direct parody of a specific bad comic series, but it very quickly became its own distinct thing. And BAC never even had that going for it - it started off not as a mockery of actual bad comics, but as a blatant derivative of SBaHJ and developed its own identity from there. BAC's brand of "terrible" has always been a good ways removed from actual realistic terrible, and only distances itself further as we improve our abilities as authors and it becomes wrapped up in its own traditions and injokes If I wanted to just make BAC look bad, it would be A LOT uglier, because the BAC aesthetic actually has a lot of thought put into it to make sure it only looks "bad" in exactly the right ways. If the goal was to imitate the actual bad series that populate BZP's comic forum, I'd be throwing around MS Paint airbrush effects, generic grassbrush and lensflare backgrounds, gratuitous smudge tool, etc. Instead, most of the effects used are stuff like oversaturation, constant sharpening filters, saving the comics as jpegs so low-quality that they actually wouldn't be possible in MS Paint, etc - all of which go toward creating a look very specific to BAC and things like it. Even the spelling and grammar "errors" are distinctly divorced from anything I have ever seen anyone on the internet unintentionally type like. Its visual style and sense of humor work for reasons that, while somewhat alien compared to "traditionally good", also remain mostly disconnected from actual awful things Basically BAC is a DISTINCT STYLE, and kind of an acquired taste I guess, but boiling it down to "ironically terrible" is all kinds of innacurate
  17. The Cthulu-expy was completely Greg AFAIK, but the giant robot was there from the beginning; it was the central story engine of the line, and was in fact what pulled it from the depths of the Boneheads of VooDoo Island. idk I'd prefer a story set on future Spherus Magna in a way that doesn't require catching up on nine years of story to understand, but I guess if they pull it off right a reboot could work. Yeah there are actually plenty of natural ways a well-written and planned-out story could go from "six heroes awaken on an island" to "giant robots and a Cthulu expy" even in a relatively short amount of time, so I don't think that really QUITE sums up what was wrong with the trainwreck bonkles became But actually that does bring me to a potential issue I have with the reboot idea - the giant robot twist doesn't really work anymore. Like, it MIGHT still manage to surprise the new fans if they pull it off much earlier this time rather than taking eight entire years, but ultimately the spoilers will still be all over the internet, so the moment there's any sort of foreshadowing, the fans who are seriously into the story are going to know exactly what's up. For some sort of adaptation of the existing story or something this wouldn't be a huge issue, but for a reboot attempting to keep people interested and sell toys for years to come, dancing around the central mystery of the story when the answers are already out there wouldn't exactly work in its favor So that means any sort of reboot starting back on the island of Mata Nui with six Toa and stuff would have to start taking things in a wildly different direction pretty early on and reveal completely new truths behind the BIG MYSTERIES. Which... might not be what some people want I guess, but as long as it's actually planned out thoroughly beforehand and not written Gregstyle, I think it could actually be really interesting
  18. I'm going to have to agree with this bit solely because when bonesiii's topic was referred to as "truth" I assumed it was some sort of subtle SICK BURN regarding his "truthseeking" stuff so the actual explanation is kind of confusing and disappointing =(
  19. Sorry pal but according to BIG OFFICIAL RULES this is the only 100% real leak that's allowed to be discussed on BZP
  20. Better suggestion: Bionicle Brain
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