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Lime Paradox

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Status Updates posted by Lime Paradox

  1. I believe the phrase is "incurable obsession". :P

  2. *sigh* Yes, but obnoxious fads are not awesome, and I'd much rather get profile views the old-fashioned way. :P

  3. So... If we were to actually do this... What kit should we use?

  4. Is that one of those bootleg, animated Nynrahbles in your avatar?

  5. hey mr tiuyra do yuo now why dlaiki was band??/?

    srsly im confuusd :wacko:

  6. i 1t 2 hweai 1s!111!! i wuz leik 6 yrs odl bak den!11 so hte laygo massage boards aprov'd mey postz lol!!11

  7. no iz spelth gorlkyy

  8. TMU:CW links to Steak Boy Buys a Plunger. o_0

  9. Yes it is.

    Though I reffer to her as "Zam" or "the weasel" now. :P

    Isn't that right, weasel?

    Weasel: Meow!

  10. Duct tape doesn't even work on ducts.

    ...It works quite well on ducks, though.

  11. Now I have half a mind to change my name to Grandma Dokuma. :P

  12. You would find them where I live. I got them two hours away, in the TRU next to Ontario Mills.

  13. im ritin an epic

    chaptetr 1: waht did u jsut sayt blayid!!??//!1!1

  14. yuh know im fliberth flaex but so meh comiteyz calld that now but so itz axe flibber flaikz but u cinb stial ask mee thignz

  15. Sorry, I meant you wouldn't find them where I live. T'was a typo.

  16. The 20-foot-tall neon sign duct-taped to the pizza.

  17. buht i thott u waer gurky?/////??///? o i c ur gralacki now???//??

  18. so i herd u lik mudkipz

    i lik mudkipz 2

    wid meh tung

    becuz htey taist gud so i lik em

    i lik mudkipz

  19. Happy birthday. Odd to say that without an exclaimation mark!


  20. i watn to burn tem al no wait i want to freez thm all no wyit i watn to bern dem ahl no weit

  21. i uzed to hayt mehslef 2

    but den i tryd to jupm of a bildine so dey tuk me 2 hte sikiatrizt

    adn the sickyatrisht sed i caznt hait mehsulf aneemor

    so i sed ur a meny mr phycyakrist

  22. so yetserdaey i open'd an e male it was cald "tish ish not sapm tish ish a relijon" so i open'd it and it was leik "u hav a viruz noaw lul" so i was leik kool iz it aidz or west nial or somthin and theay wuz leik "no itz cofniker lol"

  23. lital ddog r choowy

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