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Status Updates posted by Terminus

  1. The Walpurgis Night theme in Madoka Magica Online is just so much better than it's theme in both the anime and PSP game.

  2. I'll be taking requests for 3DS Friend Code/Profile Banners probably starting around June 10.

  3. I'd almost call Persona 4 Arena broken, but Instant Kills can be blocked pretty easily.

  4. So, this week's Devil Survivor 2 shows just how extremely different the anime is from the game. Kinda glad that they didn't stick strictly to the game.

  5. I'm at that point where I'm extremely overleveled in Persona 4, but I just keep grinding for money since I have one more Social Link to finish, and don't want to waste the days I can't do it. And, I'm saving up money so I can start off my New Game + with crazy powerful personas.

  6. I am really hoping that the new Sailor Moon anime comes out this year. I was looking forward to watching it over the summer, but I guess that isn't gonna happen...

  7. Persona 4 is the best RPG I've ever played, simply because it's so hilarious. Also, I've decided to preorder the UK version of Persona 4 Arena so I can get that awesome vinyl soundtrack.

  8. Well, finished Devil Survivor 2 last night, just in time to start Soul Hackers tomorrow! Anyways, the Anguished One had a pretty good route, and I wasn't expecting what happened after the Final Boss. Gonna most likely go the Daichi route next.

  9. I love how some of Devil Survivor 2's endgame demons are hilariously game-breakingly powerful.

  10. Been playing a lot of Devil Survivor 2 to prepare for the anime adaptation, I know I'm safe for a while since I'm at the end of Day 4 and the first 5 or so episodes only cover up to Day 2. Really excited to finally see it tomorrow!

  11. I love April fools day. I can text my friends random stuff, and they believe it, since they are sooo far out of the loop.

  12. Yeah, so I finally got into the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn beta! Unfortunately, it won't finish downloading for another five or so hours..

  13. Why is it that whenever I'm typing a paper for school, I find I have at least ten tabs open on my browser, and maybe, possibly, one might be important to the report?

  14. Whoops, accidentally let Jungo die in Devil Survivor 2. Well, I'll figure out how to save him in my next run...

  15. So, today was an interesting day to hear about this year's anime releases. Not only will there be a second season of Freezing (which I plan on watching), there will also be a magical girl spinoff of the Fate series.

  16. Just saw the final episode of Robotics;Notes. While the show wasn't as well paced as Steins;Gate, it still had a fantastic ending. I'm not expecting next week's Vividred Operation finale to be anywhere close (the whole series was kinda underwhelming), but I'm definitely really exctited for Devil Survivor 2 and Gargantia on the Verdant Planet.

  17. Currently practicing for my senior play, The Man Wo Came To Dinner, for my performance tonight!

  18. If someone figured out the studying techniques for the Main Character in Persona 4, they'd be loved by students everywhere.

  19. My copy of X:15: an Ambage anthology arrived in the mail today! Quite excited to read it, I've read a bit of the Ambage stuff here, and it's pretty good.

  20. Just completed Liberation Maiden, really fun, but really short, too...

  21. The protagonist in Persona 4 is a total boss.

  22. Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix confirmed for NA release this fall! It'll be a wonderful way to start off college...

  23. Just had a giant lunch, now I'm dreading the three birthday cakes waiting for me (I got one from my friends, one from work, and one from my family)... Pretty sure I'll be stuffed for the rest of the day... >.

  24. So, I'll be 18 tomorrow, quite excited! Planning on using the Dunkin' Donuts gift cards and coupons I got for my birthday!

  25. The PlayStation 4 event was AWESOME! Really excited for inFamous: Second Son, big fan of the series.

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