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Status Updates posted by Terminus

  1. School's out for a second day due to Sandy; fortunately, nowhere around me got hit too hard.

  2. REALLY need to revise my About Me page... Never have any time, though... -_-

  3. Anyone want an easy win in Dead or Alive 5 on PS3? PM me. =P

  4. Had to restore my 8GB 4th Gen iPod Touch to update to iOS 6... Hopefully, this will at least clear out the 2GB being used by data that isn't there...

  5. Just preordered Dead or Alive 5 on PS3, getting it the 25th-26th. I'll be ready to take anyone who wants to challenge me.

  6. The Lat Story Completion Status: Chapter 25/40, Zael Lv. 32

  7. It's good to FINALLY use a computer again, haven't really been able to since I've been away so much.

  8. Got Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend and The Last Story today! Both are great so far, if anyone wants a match in CSE (PS3), PM me.

  9. Linkin Park and Incubus were AWESOME last night!

  10. So excited, going to see Linkin Park live in a little under 24 hours!

  11. Just preordered The Last Story on Amazon with overnight shipping, so excited! Been waiting for this since I first heard about it, and I'm so glad it's finally coming to America!

  12. I'm bored. I'm hungry. My fix? Bake some awesome sugar cookies. Specificlly a nine-nich cookie, and a bunch of tiny ones.

  13. New Kingdom Hearts in 3 Days! YESZ!

  14. YES! A Certain Magical Index Gets released October 30 on DVD! It's going to be released in two parts, though, and and both of them have kinda bad boxart... Oh well, at least it's FINALLY coming to NA!

  15. Finally got started on my new computer, works great so far!

  16. Recently stated playing the Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine FTP-MMO. If anyone else plays Imagine, let me know.

  17. I have a blog now! (^.^)

  18. Bad News: Final Fantasy Versus XIII has apparently been cancelled. Good News: Kingdom Hearts 3.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Terminus


      I'm sorta surprised, but not too much. What really bugs me is that it looked like an awesome game. But when it comes down to it, I want Kingdom Hearts 3 more, which people have been excited for since before anyone knew of Versus' existence, and Versus is basically Kindom Hearts without Disney characters.

    3. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      Exactly. =P Now the only question is if KH3 will come out before the PS4, whenever that'll happen... Or if it'll be multiplat(Doubtful).

    4. Terminus


      If it uses resources from Versus, it's likely it could come out on PS3. If it comes out on PS4, though, I'd want it to use the Luminous engine, and I'd like it to took as good as the Luminous E3 demo.

  19. The Steins;Gate English dub cast list has been confirmed, it's coming out on Blu-Ray and DVD soon! SO EXCITED!

  20. Got Game & Watch Gallery 2 on my 3DS. That's my childhood right there.

  21. Just got my new disc drive for my Wii! Now It'll be fixed for only $30 instead of $80!

  22. Well, today is 5 years on BZP!

  23. I've half-fixed the Wii. The disc drive reads discs, but it won't accept/eject them (have to do that manually). I'm getting a new drive in a couple of days, in the mean time, I'll be playing Xenoblade.

  24. Yay... Just blew a fuse with my GBA charger after I tried to fix it... The fuse is back to normal, but I'll need to buy a new charger...

  25. FINALLY getting my Wii's disk drive replaced, I'll finally be able to play Xenoblde after having it sit on a shelf for two months after being played for a little over an hour. :/

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