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Status Updates posted by Terminus

  1. And of course, I'll be getting all the parts for my super-powerful computer for free. Then I'll finally be able to get back to working with the Unreal DevKit and Blender. Expect a demo of a game. Eventually. Maybe.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      Hmm, very interesting. Is it a graphical interface like the Blender engine, or is it text-based?

      Also, can you make games that aren't in first-person? I only ask because I mostly only know of the major Unreal Engine user; which is whatever FPS uses it, Unreal Tournament?

    3. Terminus


      Can't remember the interface too well, It's been a while since I've used it. I'm 90-something percent sure it's graphical, though. And yes, you can make non-FPS games with it. A well-known exapmle is Skyrim, which runs on Unreal 3.

    4. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      Oh. Well that's cool. =O Didn't know Skyrim ran on the Unreal Engine.

  2. Got a used computer for free, just need to replace the ram, graphics card, and sound card to make it into a pretty good gaming PC.

  3. Finally got caught up on Psych, I'd missed about the last four episodes of Season Six. The finale was fantastic (as usual, and it made up for the slightly-disappointing Yang finale last season), and what happened at the very end was a real shocker, and I'm now Psyched (pun intended) for Season 7.

  4. Nine days 'till summer!

  5. You know when you get a new laptop, how it always has these fancy new features? Well, I HATE having to press FN+F5 to refresh pages instead of just F5 like I could on my old laptop...

  6. Just finished up a stage production of The Phantom of the Opera, it was awesome. Nearly broke my leg in a stage accident, but it was a fantastic performance. And I learned I'm a better and funnier actor than about 90% of my school.

  7. A sequel to The World Ends Wit You seems to be in the works. YESSS!

  8. My Wii is broken. About two hours into Xenoblade. And It'll be about a month till it'll be fixed.

    1. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      That's too bad... =/ What happened, disk read error?

    2. Terminus


      Nope, the disk drive just doesn't work. Can't even put in any other disks, really wanted to finish Zelda...

    3. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      That's odd. =/ That's not good at all, then.

  9. FRIDAY. CAN'T. COME. SOON. ENOUGH. (Xenoblade US Release!!! ^-^)

  10. Eh twr blx uilj yfek, twr flvi yww zrbr huoo yezi.

  11. Really excited for the release of Xenoblade Cronicles next week!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Terminus


      Apparently Super Smash Bros. 3DS preorder boxes have begun appearing.

      Unfortunately, they're in Australia.

    3. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      Yeah, true... But, I've heard they also say 2012 on them, and there's no way that's happening, unless they just cut/paste rush it. =P

    4. Terminus


      Yeah, the 2012 is obviously just a placeholder.

      And throwing money at the screen doesn't seem to make Nintendo work faster.

  13. Just got into the FTP-MMO Rusty Hearts, pretty fun game.

  14. It's my birthday today! Doing... Something interesting today, just don't know what >.

    1. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      Happy birthday, Terminus. =D

  15. Just beat BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Portable... Now time to get Continuum Shift Extend, this time on PS3!

  16. Vacation is finally here! Planning to finish Final Fantasy XIII-2 and BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Portable.

  17. Enjoying Final Fantasy XIII-2 Collector's Edition!

    1. Mef Man

      Mef Man

      Same here! It's great. Also, your sig and profile pic are awesome!


  18. Waiting for my copy of Final Fantasy XIII-2 Collector's Edition to arrive soon, It will be here in less than a week!

  19. Waiting for my copy of Final Fantasy XIII-2 Collector's Edition to arrive soon, It will be here in less than a week!

  20. So glad that BZP is back!

  21. It's from Strike Witches, It's one of my personal favorites.

  22. I dunno... I like Ansem the Wise (Count Dooku did his voice LOL) and Terra the best, probably.

  23. It's just the way he's holding it. I think it's one of the cooler poses in the KH Manga.

  24. Yeah, I became a fan of Bleach earlier this summer. I've watched about the first 1000 episodes. Oddly, I have friends who look/act exactly like the good guys, I think that's why I like it so much.

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