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Grandmaster Lehvorak

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Status Updates posted by Grandmaster Lehvorak

  1. :D Christmas is around the corner!
  2. :P That was funny, and thanks for the comment :D!
  3. :-P Kameron sounds like camerones which means shrimp in Spanish. That is just a little tidbit you'll learn for the day.

  4. ...Fine... I love Tomoya, but Ryou loves Tomoya too, and I don't want her to get hurt...

  5. "Don't be sorry. I don't have any regrets. If I hadn't met you, my life would've had no meaning. I'm glad that you and I became friends."

    1. I love pie

      I love pie

      I'm glad to be you friend.

      Friendship is what keeps the world together.

  6. *Alena's castle defenses zaps mistking* See what I mean by too much security! Look what happen to that guy. He turned to dust!!! O.O

  7. *bombards Feline city* hehehehe *snickers like alena* :P

  8. *builds a safe-guard wall around Alena* There you go now you have your own castle to protect yourself along with FIREWORKS!!! YEAH!

  9. *builds defense perimeters around Alena's castle and summoned Vahki soldiers and Skakdi wariors to protect the castle* BEHOLD YOUR OWN ARMY... let us not forget... *bring in cat warriors* CATZ!

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