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Grandmaster Lehvorak

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Everything posted by Grandmaster Lehvorak

  1. Ehhhh!?!?! Crush on Tomoya...ummm I don't know what you are talking about.... the rumors about us in the park is a lie...

  2. Now, I have a question for you, how did you hear about Clannad?

  3. Just borrowed it from a friend. I might buy it for myself later when I get the money... or I just need to stop buying other things... :P

  4. Wonder why is that? :P Makes me also wonder how you will answer that question. :D

  5. The reason of not reading the manga is... the manga completely changes the whole story from the game and anime combine. It's like a story that doesn't match at all (mainly butchers everything). That was my experience from reading it, but I find "Tomoyo After: It's a Wonderful Life" manga very interesting.

  6. It seems like I'm the only one that keeps your comments busy on your profile page. :P

  7. Also, to obtain light orbs... you must complete a character scenario. Also one of those light orbs will disappear but will reappear in the After Story. That's how easy I can explain it. :P

    If you can't get the game, another way to easily see Clannad without playing long hours on the game is watch the anime. It was quite good too. Just do not read the manga!

  8. To play a visual novel, it is basically like a "create your own story" game where you can choose what you can do in the game. It is similar to a muliple choice question on a test or somewhere along that line. Those kind of games are mainly all text and images (mainly anime-like images) where you have to read a lot in the game and have time limits when deciding on what to do.

  9. Clannad is like any other visual novel games, but you have to collect light orbs along the way in the game. Also, you have to choose a story arc in the game. Example: Kyou's story arc. Her story arc has some depressing stuff in it especially choosing one of the Fujibayashi twins, but almost all the arcs have some sad parts.

  10. Well... I took a Clannad quiz and it said I'm Kyou. Plus Tsundere type characters are always fun. :D

    Yeah, the Japanese took the Disney art and improve upon it, thus making manga-art. So basically the Americans started it lol

  11. Clannad has interesting plot scenes and can be very depressing at times, but it sometimes does reflect reality. Let's not forget the funny scenes too. :P I enjoy it personally, but I am unsure if you finished the series itself because I do not want to spoil any endings here. :P

    Also, Japanese started manga-art because of Disney. They liked the Disney art so much, they decided to tak

  12. I see, can't wait for that :D

  13. Oooo, I wanna see these comics :D

  14. Nevermind... you were not confused. :P

  15. Does the "I can't think" of part involves drawing? :P

  16. You must have been confused. Which is why you checked out my profile :P

  17. I see, but I'm curious what are your other interests besides Bionicle... mine is a bit obvious :P

  18. I see, so is there anything else you made? :P

  19. Can you make clones of this Tahu archer or you don't have enough bionicle pieces.

  20. I see, so this tahu archer is a soldier in your military?

  21. I'll make a star appear! TA DA! Now you have 4 stars now! :D

  22. I see, nothing productive like making MOCs, drawings, or stories? :P

  23. Maybe. :P What have you been up to?

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