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Grandmaster Lehvorak

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Everything posted by Grandmaster Lehvorak

  1. That's true, but sometimes people can lie. :P

  2. Well it says on your profile, plus I like them too. :P

  3. Just keep quiet about it for now. :P

  4. So you only like Bionicle because of the sets?

  5. I see, so you don't care about the story? :P

  6. Now that's no fun... Well... if you apply now, I don't know if you'll get all the comics because this is the last year. lol maybe just only one.

  7. I see, do you get Bionicle comics from Lego Magazine or do you not have that?

  8. Well hopefully it doesn't ruin your Christmas. So what do you want for Christmas? :P

  9. So are you going to have a snowy Christmas?

  10. You sure you don't know me? :P

  11. Hi! :D So you are the one that made that Skrall army. :P

  12. Interesting... I wonder what it would be? So what are your hobbies? :P

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