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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Shadow-Nui

  1. You were playing me in Minesweepers. I was in B/S/T, then you said something and I messed up. Coincidence, I think not.
  2. I should really pay attention to what I'm doing. Sooo, I'm going to blame this on Dorek. =D
  3. I just posted my trade topic in S&T. I srsly thought I was in B/S/T. XP >.>;
  4. Shadow-Nui

    The Day...

    .....that I write more than 400 words in a blog entry, then I will consider this a blog.
  5. Shadow-Nui


    Gresh looks awesome. I want him. =D
  6. Shadow-Nui


    Just something I wanted to say a lonnngg time ago, but didn't have the blog. Member #1: Member #1 in another topic: >.<
  7. Make a blog entry so I can look at your blog.
  8. The SNBA, or the Shadow-Nui Blog Approvals. There are gonna be three levels of them, sort of like a rank thingie. Each time I see the blog more interesting and awesome, I give you the next one. There the normal approval, then the Silver, then the Gold. Just something I thought this would be kind of neat.
  9. Shadow-Nui


    XP I guess the Sush/Flush/Hush thing got someone confuzzled. But still, to confuse me with Dorek?
  10. Shadow-Nui


    Shadow's back. In name form. Now this can't happen no more: ;_;
  11. Hello hello hello.

  12. Shadow-Nui


    XP I think it was the whole Shush Flush thing. But still how could you confuse me with Dorekfailsauce?
  13. You confused me with Dorek. ;_;


  14. Shadow-Nui


    Hmmm, One of Jinzo's options will be my new name after I go back to Shadow-Nui.
  15. Shadow-Nui


    At exactly 10:16 PM tonight I shall once more become the sexy Shadow-Nui.
  16. Shadow-Nui


    I'm a loser. For more info go to Dorekdoesnotknowthatheistheloserandnotme.com
  17. Shush. I need to go back to S-N. Shush just keeps backfiring me.
  18. Cleaning is fail. And so is Dorek.
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